![]() Author has written 3 stories for Twilight. My profile icon is a photograph by ghostmilk on deviant art, go check out some of her other photos, becuase she's really very talented. "Just paint the picture of a perfect place My name is Juliette. Like Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, except you add another T & E at the end—for all reference purposes, you can call me Juliet-teh-teh-ah. I'm an upbeat phsycology major who lives in NYC, but writing is my niche. I'm irrational, easily amused, immature, and a pop culture addict. Further evidence of this — including more writing — can be found in the deepest dephs of my computer documents. I'm a slash writer, just to warn you. If I ever do get around to publishing any of my one-shots for Harry Potter, I'm pretty sure they'll all be slash. (HP/DM, RL/SB, SS/RL, ect., ect.) I do not write stories about Bella or Edward, sorry. In all truth, they both make me want to go out and commit murder. I do, however, write stories about Leah, Seth, Jacob, and the rest of the wolf clan. Glee is my new obsession. There are things in it, however, that make me want to vomit. Like the Finn/Rachel romance. No. No. It will not work. I'm Puckleberry all the way, baby. :D Some people drabble. Others write multichaptered novellas. I write pretty fuckin' short one-shots. If it's not completley ridicoulous, I don't know what is. Most of them never get published, but some do. So look out. Crackficcy's are my forte. So, if you need a laugh, come on in. If your looking for that melodramtic teenage angst shit, then what the fuck are you still doing here? Go re-read New Moon or something... A user named jblc77 made a spin-off of my one-shot "Twitter" under the title "Twitter, The Secret Story". Go check it out, it's really good. :D I, penslinger, solemly swear to review every single fanfiction I read, regardless of it's number of reviews, age, or suckitude. |