Author has written 28 stories for Total Drama series, Twilight, Naruto, and Legend of Korra. Life moves on. And I'm still standing where I was yesterday. I don't know why I constantly try to update this thing. But, instead of having an about me that no one even likes, I'm just going to talk about my current stories that probably haven't been updated in God knows how long, but have every intention of completing for the sake of completing it and not looking like a failure! :) Europa: A Twilight fic, Jacob/Leah is the pairing. A story in which Leah left six years ago, comes back because of her mother's ill health to only be shittily reunited with Jacob Black and all the shit that comes with him. ABC, 123, You and Me: A Total Drama fic, Courtney/Trent is the pairing. A simple drabble fic of the ABCs. Nothing but utter fluff cause people don't like to read drabbles with angst. And other stories. :) |