Author has written 4 stories for Demashitaa! Powerpuff Girls Z, Powerpuff Girls, and Naruto. Hi, I'm.. well, what can I say?.. a girl.. from Sweden..? I thought about what I can tell you about myself for a while, but my head is quite empty(as usual :D).. I guess that I don't have much to tell, I don't even know if you want to know anything about me, but I can at least tell you two things, the most regular things you tell people, my name and age. So.. Well, you can call me Moeii and I'm 19. o3o Maybe I can tell you something about myself in Swedish :D Jag kallas för Moeii, är 19 år och bor i Sverige. Mina intressen är att vara med kompisar, titta på tv, sjunga och massa andra saker som jag inte orkar skriva om. =) You didn't understand that, huh? ;) Ooh, three more things popped up in my head. My favorite color is green, my favorite animal is dog and I love comedy movies ;D I know that I'm incredibly slow with updating my fics, but I promise that I will finish all of them(eventually)! School is keeping me busy and I'm too lazy to write when I actually have time *bows head in shame* I'm sorry! I will try to update all of them ASAP! The New Girl - I must admit that I have no idea where I'm going with this fic, and it's really hard for me to come up with something to write, but I will try my best! (This was the first fic I started so I know the first chapters might be very "unproffesionally" written, but I'm too lazy to re-write them) Buttercup Sixteen: Our Little Secret - I know how I want this to end and I think that the end is close, I just have to figure out how to get there. Like Day And Night - I have already figured out how this is going to end and what's going to happen in the middle, I just have to get myself to write it. I've started on chapter two! |