Author has written 31 stories for StarTrek: The Next Generation, Law and Order: CI, OZ, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, X-Files, and StarTrek: Deep Space Nine. Greetings, humanoid life-form. I meant to join this place years ago, but my profound lack of understanding of anything to do with technology (yes, I know, ironic in a Trekkie) kept me from doing so, even when my kindly and far more technophilic friends explained the process to me over and over. Anyway, I probably would have kept on vaguely planning to someday join and never actually joining, but guess what? The X-Files is taking forever to download off , I have no interesting new e-mails, Facebook is silent, and as much as I firmly believe in the beauty and profundity of the human soul, I'm terrified of face-to-face interaction. Are we all set then? Capital! Happy reading, and enjoy your stay in the twisted pit of darkness which, I'm told, is my mind. Really, I can be light-hearted and funny. I swear. 5/1/10: This site has apparently decided that I don't need to have scene breaks, and deleted all of them. All of my centered asterisks, helpfully letting you know that there was a scene change, have vanished and cannot be restored. After multiple efforts, 'xxxxx' seems to be getting through. I have gone through all my stories and fixed this, but if you think you see a scene jump that I might've missed, let me know. Thanks! |