![]() Author has written 14 stories for Batman Begins/Dark Knight, and Sopranos. 4/19/10: Finished with "Business as Usual". 4/9/10: Finished with "Unknown Origin". 3/30/10: Almost done with "Unknown Origin". After that I'll finish up "Business as usual". Also working on a Waylon Jones/Killer Croc fic that will go along with Croc's story from "Unknown Origin". I'll probably cross it over with the Arkham Asylum video game section, as that's where I got my inspiration from. Still obsessed with the Joker since I saw "The Dark Knight". Yeah, it's not going away, kinda like a nasty rash. One thing about me, I'm tenacious. I also fangirl out on "The Sopranos" "Battlestar Galactica" "Caprica" and "Batman: The Animated Series". If you want to chat my Yahoo and AIM names are oc1971jn I've been a huge fan of Heath Ledger for several years, since his amazing part in 'Monster's Ball'. He broke my heart in that movie. I went to see TDK on opening night in his honor. And I ended up loving the whole movie. I loved it, I wanted more, only there would be no more. Not with Heath anyway. I'm also interested in organized crime, contract killers, etc. Hey, am I the only person in the world who thinks Johnny Depp is horribly overrated and not really that hot? His defense of Roman Polanski made it even harder for me to understand his appeal. Ah well, to each her own. Okay, unleash the hounds and fire up the torches Depp fans, haha. A little about me if you care: I am 38 years old. I live in East Tennessee. Favorite Books and Authors: 1984 is my favorite book of all time. John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway, R.A. Salvatore, Elaine Cunningham, Thomas Harris, Jack London, Terry Brooks. I also like non-fiction books, particularly about criminology, forensics and the criminal mind. My favorite bands are Muse, Blue Oyster Cult, Foo Fighters, Tool, Queens of the Stone Age, Jeff Buckley, Pink Floyd, Radiohead, OLD Metallica, Disturbed. My favorite tv show of all time is "The Sopranos". David Chase, James Gandolfini, Tony Sirico and Steve Van Zandt I love you all. To this day I can't listen to "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey without simultaneously smiling and feeling sad. Favorite movies: The Dark Knight, Batman Begins, Goodfellas, Casino, Slumdog Millionaire, Dogville, Candy, Pink Floyd's The Wall, Fight Club, Sid and Nancy, 28 days later, V for Vendetta, Office Space, Snatch, Pan's Labyrinth, Funny Games, Brokeback Mountain, Re-Animator, Ginger Snaps, The Howling, Session 9, The Shining, Hostel 2, The Thing, The Descent, Alien 1 and 2, Se7en. I really love horror movies, from the extremely good to the abysmally bad. |