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Joined 05-28-08, id: 1588538, Profile Updated: 12-31-10
Author has written 3 stories for Maximum Ride, and Gossip Girl.

Heya! My name is Hannah! :)

I come from England, Im 18 years old and I enjoy looking up different sites of my fav shows or books.

Some of favourite books are= Anything by James Patterson, Harry Potter, The Inheritance Cycle, The Sookie Stackhouse Novels and many more :)

Most of my favourite TV Shows are= Merlin, Sherlock, Supernatural, Vampire Diaries, Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Castle, Chuck, Glee (At Times) Brothers and Sisters, Dexter & True Blood.

A couple of my favourite films are= X-Men, I robot and many others.

My favourite X-Men pairing is Rogue/Wolverine, none others really unless they're canon such as Jean/Scott.

My favourite Merlin pairing is obviously Merlin/Arthur since Im a huge slash fan watching this show is like ice-cream with gallons of chocolate sauce on top. I also dont mind watching Merlin/Morgana, and since Morganas going down the evil path and Merlin going down the good the door is way open for angry sex, I dont know if its just me that thinks that though. I detest Arthur/Gwen and Merlin/Gwen since everyone knows what happens in the legend Gwen doesnt deserve Arthur, but I can easily stand her with Lancelot which is lucky since in the future we'll have loads of scenes between them.

My favourite Chuck pairing is Chuck/Sarah, however I was recently introduced to Chuck/Casey and since I find it so easy to slash almost anyone I found it easy to ship them so Im loving Chuck/Casey right now but I really will forever love Chuck and Sarah on the actual show.

My favourite pairing in Supernatural is Dean/Castiel because 1 virgin angel + 1 corrupting hunter = 1 hot pairing, also Cas being unable to understand personal space is endering since Dean just lets him invade his and Dean clearly over compensates his masculinity. :P

My main favourite HarryPotter pairings are Harry/Snape and Harry/Draco, but tbh I dont really read much else unless they are the main pairings, sometimes when Im in an angsty mood ill read Harry/Lucius or Harry/Voldemort though.

My favourite True Blood pairing is Eric/Sookie and Hoyt/Jessica, but I hate to get to attached to couples on a show like True Blood since they dont usually stay together, however the chemistry was to strong to deny with these two couples.

My favourite How I Met Your Mother pairing is Barney/Robin, because they have so much in common and they're both AWESOME. Ted and Robin are so over so I dont understand why the show continues to return to them but Lily and Marshall are cute aswell, I just would'nt go out of my way to read fiction dedicated to just them.

My favourite and only ship in the Vampire Diaries is Damon/Elena and how people ship Stefan/Elena ill never know, Stefan=DULL, Elena is worth way more than him!! Also another enigma of mine is how people can possibly ship Damon/Bonnie, I personally hate her, since shes got all cocky and bitchy to Damon, and how people think theres chemistry there ill never know! However if Stefan and Bonnie were a possibility I would totally be on board, they're worth each other!

My favourite and yet again only pairing in The Big Bang Theory is Sheldon/Penny, Penny/Leonard bores me and I dunno Sheldon and Penny just click to me. :)

My favourite pairing in Sherlock is obviously Holmes/Watson, because the show itself pimps they're pairing! xD

My favourite Glee pairing is Puck/Rachel, which is really all I watch the show for but since they've decided to go down the Finn/Rachel route I doubt I'll be watching it very much anymore, just for my fix of Puckleberry when they air it.

My favourite Brothers and Sisters pairing is Kevin/Scotty because the show portrays them really well and shows an accurate view on married life instead of making it all angsty all the time like most shows do, they also have major chemistry!

If you read through all these Im genuinely touched and surprised since I doubted people would bother, but anyway thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy all the fics I have on here and please review bad or good just please be constructive with any criticism, no-one likes to be insulted by their creativity. :)

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The talk reviews
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