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![]() Author has written 3 stories for Pokémon. Heggo people! Stop! Now scroll to the very bottom of the page!! (Not unless you've already read it...) Just do it. XD IMPORTANT!!: I ADDED SOME "UPCOMING STORIES" AND YOU GUYS SHOULD CHECK IT OUT BEFORE VOTING IN THE POLL. Thank you! =D My new obsession is baby pandas. They're so CUTE! -hugs one- X3 Name: Shay Age: uh... -Shrugs- Looks: Maybe I can find a mirror someplace in this house of mine. hehe. Location:Whoops! Lost mah map... hehe. Gender: Female Birthday: January 4th. Current Interest:Fanfiction/ Kamichama Karin/ Rubik's Cube (I almost beat it! xD), Kappa Mikey. Eternal Interests:Contestshipping/ Ikarishipping/ Pokeshipping/ MAPLESTORY! (I will forever miss you guys!!) Fave Colors: Lavender... yeah. Fave animal!: A turtle! I can't forget pandas. X3 They're so cute and small. X3 Fave Characters: ( In no order ) 1. Sora 2. Drew 3. Naruto 4. Neji 5. Kakashi 6. May 7. Gary 8. Ash 9. Shikamaru 10. Kazune (Kamichama Karin) 11. Karin (Kamichama Karin) 12. Gaara 13. Kiba (and Akamaru) 14) Micchi (Kamichama Karin) xD That's enough... I am completely kartoon krazed so most of my favorite quotes are from... CARTOONS! Fave Games: All Harvest Moon Games, Super Monkey Ball, Donkey Kong, Midnight Club DUB Edition 2(Car racing!!), All Hamtaro Games, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (It's AWESOME AND HILARIOUS!!), Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games, Sonic Advanced 2, Sonic Heroes, Some Sonic game for the gamecube (Forgot the name. lol. ), Rock Band, Guitar Hero I/II/III, MAPLESTORY, Super Smash Bros., Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Super Smash Bros. Melee, All Pokemon games EXCEPT Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of time/darkness. (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team was HARD BEYOND HARD CAN GO. I'm NEVER getting those!! NEVER!!) More will be added as soon as I remember them. =D Fave Quotes: Spongebob Squarepants: Sandy: Land on your bottom! It will cushion the impact of the fall! Spongebob: Like this? Patrick: No! Your other bottom! Sandy: Don't you have to be stupid somewhere else? Patrick: Not until four... Spongebob: I knew this guy, who knew this guy, who knew this guy, who knew this guy, who knew this guy, who knew this guy, who knew this guy, who knew this guy, who knew this guy, who knew this guy, who knew this guy, who knew this guy, who knew this guy, who knew this guy, who knew this guy's cousin... Squidward plays his clarinet and his doorbell rings. Doctor: Yes. I'm from the pet hospital down the street. I understand that you have a dying animal on the premesis. ( xD ) Fish says to his girlfriend: This song reminds me of you Radio: Pee-yoo what's that HORRIBLE SMELL? smack (xD) Spongebob: Do you want to see me run to that rock? ... Wanna see me do it again? Patrick's Song: Twinkle, Twinkle, Patrick Star! I made myself a sandwich My mom is making bread It tastes like beans and bacon And smells like it's been dead! Writing stuff is hard So I use a pointy pencil Pointy, pointy, pointy, Pointy, pointy, point! P.U. What's that HORRIBLE SMELL! -drum solo- I have a head It ends with a point Pointy, pointy, pointy Pointy, pointy, point. This song is over Except for this line You win this round Broccoli! News caster fish: What can we do? WHEN will this crime rate end? HOW will we defeat evil? WHY am I asking YOU all these questions? Angel donut: ( high-pitched british accent ) Don't do it Patrick. It's Spongebob's donut. Devil donut: Don't listen to him. He's covered with sprinkles. Spongebob: Everyone knows that the best part of having a secret is secretly telling someone that secret. Thereby adding another secret to their secret collection of secrets... secretly. Announcer: Attention zoo patrons, Clamoo the giant oyster is on an emotional rampage. Please scream and run around in circles. (xD. Why?) Mr. Krabs: What's that smell? That kind of smelly smell. That smelly smell that smells... smelly. The word smell sounds so weird to me now... Kappa Mikey: Mitsuki: Look! Mikey dropped something! -Gonard picks it up- Gonard: (reads) Happy birthday, to my only son. ... (talks) EHM OH GEE. It's my birthday? rofl. -Mikey enters- Everyone: SURPRISE! Gonard: Ssh! Mikey's coming! Everyone: -glares at him- (After Mikey leaves) Gonard: SURPRISE! Everyone: -glares at him again- Gonard: What? Too early? -Hides again- (Revised)FBI Guy: (Through a megaphone) Mikey Simon, you're under arrest. Gonard: If you get Mikey, you have to get all of us! FBI Guy: Okay then, you're all under arrest. Mikey, Mitsuki, Guano and Lily: -slaps foreheads- Gonard: You're gonna have to come and get us! FBI Guy: Okay, we'll come and get you. M, M, G, L: -slaps foreheads- Gonard: Take the elevator! From my experience it's faster! FBI Guy: Fine, we'll take the elevator. M, M, G, L: -slaps foreheads- (He's SUCH an idiot! XD) (Mikey's lost and everyone looks for him) (THE NEWEST!) Guano: What if Mikey's eaten by a bear? What if he eats the bear? What if the bear's poisonous?! HOW WOULD HE KNOW THAT?! I LOVE it when he panics! XD XD The Fairly Odd Parents: Timmy: (Reads) Dear, Morons. Yes, this letter is from me. Anti-Cosmo. Evil genius. Cosmo: So, who's it from? O.o Timmy: I wanna wish for every 10 year old boy's dream... A ROOM FULL OF SUPER MODELS! They pop up Timmy: Do you guys make cookies? Models: SUPER COOKIES! Timmy: Yay! Cosmo: -sings and dances- You nag it to the left! You nag it to the right! C'mon ev'rybody do the nag tonight! Cosmo: Now she doesn't sound nice at all! Now she's super-cali-kill-arific-extra-death-adotous! ( sp?? ) Cosmo: How do you know about the secret probation hearing? Timmy: (shrugs) It's not a secret anymore. Cosmo: hehe. riiiiiiiiight. (Later) Cosmo: Will you hold me now? Timmy: No. Cosmo: hehe. riiiiiiiiight. Timmy's dad: I'm going to Uranus... which turned out to be a planet. See you when I'm sixty-five! It's a planet! Who knew! (Later) Chet Youbetcha: Timmy's dad is getting ready to go to Uranus. Just a moment. I'm getting confromation that Uranus is in fact a planet. (At the end of the show) Timmy: It's a planet? X3 There are loads of boxes everywhere and they all say: COLD CEREAL. Mom: Guess what you're having for breakfast today, Timmy! Dad: Here's a hint! It's rhymes with 'Mold Mereal'! Timmy looks around the room. Timmy: Lemme guess. Waffles? xD. He's so dumb! lol. (New)Waitress: (To Cosmo) May I take your order? Cosmo: Yes! I'll have the funny fries, the chuckle chips, and the ha-ha hot sauce on the side! Camp Lazlo: Lazlo really has to use the bathroom so he gets in line. Some random guy goes into the bathroom. Lazlo: Hey! No cuts! Skip (or Chip. I don't know.): He wasn't skipping. He was next. Lazlo: I thought Samson was next. Skip/Chip: He is next. He's next in line to get into line. (xD) Clam pretends to be Edward... okay. Clam: Clam here is so short that when it rains, he's the last to know! ( Oooooo ) Avatar: The Last Airbender: Katara: The king is having a party for his pet bear tonight. Aang: Do you mean platypus bear? Katara: Nope. Just bear... Toph: Raccoon bear? Katara: No. Just. Bear... Sokka: Skunk bear? Aang: Gopher Bear? Katara: It just says bear. Everyone:... Toph: This place is weird. ( People who watch this show know that they don't normally have regular animals...) Aang: Good evening, Mr. Sokka Watertribe. Ms. Katara Watertribe. Sir Momo of the Momo Dinesty, your Momoness. xD I loved when he said that! El Tigre: Manny: I was...uhhh... helping the poor! Rudolpho ( his dad ): Oh. Okay. ( He leaves. ) Manny: Whew! Rudolpho: I just CALLED the poor! And you were NOT helping them! Chowder: Old duck-thing lady: Would you care for a free lollipop? Chowder: Would I! Lady: Would you? Chowder: Would I! Lady: Would you? Chowder: Would I! Lady: Would you? Chowder: ... Would I what? Lady: Care for a free lollipop? Chowder: Would I! Lady: Would you? Chowder: Would I! Schnitzel: RADDA RADDA RADDA! ( That's how he talks... no one knows why. ) Chowder:... Yes. I would. Thank-You. Schnitzel: Radda Radda Radda. Chowder: What do you mean "Stop repeating everything you say''? (The second newest quote on this page)Mung Daal: (To Shnitzel) Stronger you are getting. Chowder: (To Mung) Funny you are talking. Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends: Mac: Let's Bloo this! Everybody: ... Coco: COCO! Eduardo: Muy stinko. Wilt: I'm sorry, but that was not okay. Terence: Laaaaame. That's even more stupider than me! Bloo: He's right. Let's Bloo this!? That's really stupid. (Later) Mac: Let's-- Everyone looks at him: ... Mac: DO this. Happy now? Let's do this. Terence: It's still a stupid thing to say. Uncle Pokets: I'm a professional friend extraordinary. I love everyone... Except Gary. (Shows a sad cat.) Uncle Pockets: You know what you did. (The cat cries) Uncle Pockets: Just kidding. (How can he kid about that? And the way he said it made me bust out laughing!) Bloo: Oh, Mac, denial isn't just another state in the union. Mac: It's a river in Egypt. Bloo: Tsk, tsk, tsk. See, only a nerd would know that. Bloo: -sings-I'm going to the ice cherades, I'm going to the ice cherades... Courage the Cowardly Dog: (Did you notice that the name of the show is ironic? (Pretty new)Guy on TV: We interrupt this program to bring you the 'Courage the Cowardly Dog' Show! Starring COURAGE THE COWARDLY DOG! Abandoned as a pup, he was found by Muriel, who lives in the middle of the Nowhere (No- way-a) with her husband Eustace Bangs! (sp?) But creeeepy stuff happens in Nowhere. It's up to COURAGE to save his new home! Eustace: (Turns off TV) Stupid dog! You make me look bad! (Puts on mask) Oogah Boogah Boogah! Courage: AAAH!! Me playing a Big Brain Academy analyzation game: I bet God could get a bazillion bajillion points...and make that a number WAY higher than infinity goes... at the SAME TIME. =D (Kinda new)Me: I have the memory of an elephant... now where did I put my pencil...? (REALLY new) Anonymous: We should all be like crayons. They are all different shapes, sizes, and colors, but they all live peacefully in the SAME BOX. Paralyze4Ever: This looks fancy. xD. You're SO weird, Ryan. xD My fave pairings: MayxDrew (Contestshipping) AshxMisty (Pokeshipping) DawnxPaul (Ikarishipping) LunickxSolana (Rangershipping) JimmyxMarina (Questshipping) I never watched Chronicles because Ash wasn't in it (was he??) but now I see that it was a mistake. I read up in bulbapedia! So cute!! =3 Ash's PikachuxDawn's Buneary (Fluffshipping) I made the name up because I couldn't find the name anywhere. And yes, you may use it. xD ShikimaruxTemari (cute... hehe.) KarinxKazune (AWW!) If you don't know who they are, look them up on Google or Youtube! MiyonxYuuki (aww!) Pairings I SUPERLY dislike: Advanceshipping: AshxMay (No way, people.) Hoennshipping: BrendanxMay (Um... how about what the heck? No disrespect to the shippers. I'm sure that you hoennshippers rock!) Waterflowershipping: DrewxMisty (Who supports this abomination of a shipping!?) All weird ships that can't EVER happen... All ships that mess with the shippings above. (Faves) All gay ships. Sick SICK SICKOS YOU PEOPLE ARE! Hey! Copy and Paste this into your profile if you didn't know that Pokemon used to be called Pocket Monsters. Weird, huh? If you think it's unfair that Drew isn't in ANY pokemon movie, copy and paste this into your profile. Upcoming Stories: What Happened? This is a typical high school story about May and Drew. May Maple is the girl just trying to be normal, but has a problem achieving her goal because she is constantly bickering with her rival, Drew Andrews. Drew has gotten straight A's since fourth grade and May's grades are just satisfactory, giving him even more of a reason to tease her. There's just one little twist.Where did everyone else go? CONTESTSHIPPING. Later on: (OC/OC) JASHSHIPPING!! Wahaha!! Total Randomness! My "Story Hall of Fame!" Read these following stories for the following reasons: 1) The author(ess)'s are awesome and need reviews 2) The author(ess) needs some more encouragement to continue their stories 3) They are TOO awesome for ... ANYTHING! Even fanfiction! Stories: True Love is Blind by ShuuxHaruka : This story is just... too good for words. She's really done an awesome job with this fanfic. It's also supah funneh! READ IT OR DIE!! Stormy Nights, Stormy Days by I-Wish-To-See-Your-Smile : OMG. I LOVE this story to the EXTREME!! Read it if you want to continue your existence!! This is an UNBELIEVABLY kawaii contestshippy story!! And you BETTER be nice!! You will punish in a pool of rabid animals if you're not!! =( REVIEW!! (I can't WAIT 'til it's continued!!) The Music Within by JolteonForever : Zhen was REALLY creative with this story. The characters match every little detail! This is a must-read! Do it or your life will NEVER be complete. Love is In the Air by ShuuxHaruka : Awesomeness!! So fluffy and cute!! OMG! It's somewhat emotional and completely um... FABULOUSLY FABULOUS!! That One Special Someone by ShuuxHaruka (again! XD): This story keeps you on the edge of your seat!! You'll be like: OMG NO!! WHY?! AWZ!! It's adorable!! AND it's also a great idea!! Making the Grade by A Rose For Me-A Rose For You : This is the absolute FUNNIEST fanfic I've EVER read in my LIFE. Read this if you want to laugh uncontrollably. Baby Sitting by Rose Garden : I can't even begin to tell you how much I lovey DOVEY this story!! I LOVE babysitting stories and if you do, too, read it!! It's no doubt one of the best!! And just to tell the Rose Garden how much you love her stories, REVIEW!! KEEP IT UP, MAN!! =D Time Doesn't Ease the Pain by JolteonForever : This a well... FANTASTIC fic!! Even though this was one of her first fanfics, she deserves a LOT more than she got! One Good Reason by Wolvefire : I couldn't have written this story any better. Wolvefire is an AMAZING author and can express herself through writing. OMG! SUCH TALENT! The Latest Thing by A Rose For Me-A Rose For You: Remember when I said that Making the Grade was the funniest story I've ever read in my life? Well, this is at the same level. Ths is ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS!! I read the latest chapter a couple of days ago and I'm STILL laughing!! If you're really sad or you just want a good laugh, THIS is just what the doctor ordered!! Guaranteed to make you smile or your money back!! DROP A REVIEW AND SHOW SOME LOVE, MAN! So, You're Back? by PokeQueen : This is really good and she needs help!! Help her please!! She just needs ideas and is a REALLY good friend!!... wait... Um... HER STORY IS AWESOME! READ IT AND REVIEW!! Seven Girls and Drew by Untouchable26 : This is another absolutely HILARIOUS story!! If you don't laugh or at least smile as you read this, you have no sense of humor. I mean I laughed in EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER! I can read this OVER AND OVER AGAIN!! Good job, Untouchable26!! A Twist of the Heart by Rolyn-Ro-Roserade : I just started reading this story and I fell in love with it. I KNOW that you would, too. So many fluffy moments, funny moments and plot twists that will hook you forever!! AWESOME!! Blue Moon Junior High by Ravengal : This story es muy inspirational!! (I speak Spanglish xD) It's awesome and hilarious!! She's really outdone herself, and if you haven't read or have even HEARD of this story, you haven't lived until you have. I have to make a new word to describe it!! Its... AWETASTICAL!! Mommy and Daddy by 30-Nights : OMG. If you are an Ikarishipper, this is a must read. It's hilarious, dramatic, funny, awesome, and cute!! ... And funneh. C= It's an original plot and if you copy, you will die because I will know. READ IT!! Never NeverLand by PokeQueen : This story is amazing! And she needs help! Review if you care (And you should!!) I love what she did so far!! Cute shippings, funny moments, and some mysteriousness that keeps you interested!! TERRIFICNESS! My "Author Hall of Fame!": Some of the many awesome authors ( that probably don't know I exist yet... ) that are celebs in the fanfiction world. Give your mad props to these people: A Rose for Me-A Rose for You (-insert new word here-) I can't explain how awesome you are!! Confessions-of-a-Secret-Love (SUPERLY TALENTED!) I mean it. :D Unfourtunate (O.M.G. Um... FANTASTIC!) Read her stories... NOW! On your mark, get set, GO!! Ravengal (InSpIrAtIoNaL, MaN!) WOAH... Back2Freestyle15 ( NUMBAH ONE!!) SUPAH DUPAH!! Jolteonforever (-claps loudly-) So... so... at a loss for words... be back later. =) ShuuxHaruka (Amazingly Amazing!) What?! Are you kidding?! Someone can be that awesome!? xxDrewxXxMay4ever (WOONESS!!) YAY!! UH-HUH! UH-HUH!! PokeQueen (Unbelievable!) You change your names a lot. xD You're still completely fantastical!! Millz-Bee (:D Smiley Face!!) Wow... just wow... RIDDLE EXTRAORDINAIRE!! blazingeyes (Incredible!) Superly superly duperly! Wolvefire (Awesome!) The best!! Rolyn-Ro-Roserade (Two thumbs up!!) S.I.T.I.H.T.A.T.W. (So Incredible That I Have To Abbreviate The Words.) I-Wish-To-See-Your-Smile (OMG. SPEECHLESS.) S.A.T.I.H.T.T.T.I.A.C (SO AWETASTICAL THAT I HAVE TO TYPE THIS IN ALL CAPS!) YY.x-Loves-Ikarishippy-x.OMG. YOU'RE THE BEST STORY BODY GUARD EVER. YOU ARE NOW A MEMBER OF THE HALL OF FAME! ;D Paralyze4EverI HAD to add you, man. XD I just HAD to. Welcome to da list, buddeh. This list is not complete. It will be added on fowevah =3 ( It's a smiley face people... not a math problem ) I am NOT finished adding onto these lists. Tell me about your story in a PM or something and I will read it. If it's good enough (which it probably is) I'll add you AND the story to the lists WITH YOUR PERMISSION! It's as easy as that! Leave all of the work to me! You know what word sounds really weird? The word dozen. If you say it like a million times, it sounds like some...weird word. xD Hey! Can you say "Toy boat" 3 times fast? What about "Toy Motor?" I dare you. (It's impossible so you're just wasting your time...) Whenever I think, hear, or read the word "Gracias", I think of the movie "Mr. Bean's Holiday" xD I'm pretty sure I have a semi-photographic memory. I can see things in my mind for weeks if I look at it intensely or it's just ...not boring. =3... AND I JUST LOOKED AT THE NASTIEST LOOKING BUG IN THE WORLD! EWWW! I can't stop seeing it! AAAA! Who needs an ipod? (I have one anyway...) If I memorize the words of a song, I can hear the song EXACTLY the way it is on the radio or a CD. The problem is that I can't stop it. I can only change the song or forget about it all together. If you think I'm weird, join the club. =3 If you are apart of deviantart... or like art, please visit or . These people just so happen to be some of the best artists I have EVER KNOWN!... and I'm releated to them! Feel free to fave! I do NOT own pokemon. I probably will never say this again. (Maybe once... hehe.) Get it through your thick skullz! One last thing: (The underlined part is is ONE SENTENCE!!) CONTESTSHIPPING RULEZ! AND PWNS!! AND ROCKS!! AND IS AWESOME!! AND ELIMINATES ALL OTHER SHIPPINGS IN THE WORLD SO THAT THEY'RE THE ONLY ONE LEFT, BUT THEN THEY GET BORED AND LET ALL OF THE OTHER AWESOME SHIPPINGS COME BACK TO A WELCOME PARTY THAT IS DEDICATED TO ALL OF MY FAVE SHIPPINGS THAT ARE LISTED ABOVE AT THE ALMOST-TOP OF THE PAGE, CAUSING ALL OF THE PEOPLE IN THE SHIPPINGS TO BE JOYOUSLY HAPPY BECAUSE NO ONE ELSE IS THERE TO BLOCK THEM FROM/INTERFERE WITH THEIR UNDENIABLE, NONPERISHABLE, UNSTOPPABLE, SUPER CUTE, FLUFFY, ROMANTIC, LOVABLE, HUGABLE, MOLDABLE, UNBEATABLE, ROCK-SOLID, ETERNAL LOVE!(Takes a deep breath.) THAT IS HOW AWESOME CONTESHIPPING IS!! xD |