![]() Author has written 4 stories for Bleach. Hi. You may call me Gady. No that's not my real name. I dare you to guess my real one. Go on, guess. ABOUT ME: I am a high school student somewhere in Southern California, and I love it here. We have two season a year Hot and Warm, sometimes we get Kinda-Cold. It's lovely. I really like reading, writing, drawing, music, and singing (although I am not good. Seriously, not the modest 'I'm not good') I also like watching Bleach AMVs/ Parodys. If you have a good one recommend it to me! I think that's enough for my about me. THESE ARE A FEW OF MY FARORITE THINGS: The Twilight Series, The Gemma Doyle Trilogy, Harry Potter, Fruit Baskets, Death Note, Vampire Knight, Zombie Powder, AND I AM IN LOVE WITH BLEACH!! AND YOU ME WRITINGS: 11-02-09: UPDATE!: Okay i know it has been a while and i want to let you know...I'm not dead. And that i plan to continue writing... i logged on to my FanFic e-mail and i read the latest review... it touched me deeply and i thought to myself... 'i must continue to write my fanfiction!' so i will restart the work on my next chapter. i know it sucks and so do i. I understand if you're angry at me for not updating just life has been...well lively..ha. Well i hope to make the next chapter extra long and full of Bleachyness so look forward to that... and now to address the BCS12DC (BLEACH CHRISTMAS SPECIAL: 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS) goodness what a long title... i want to keep on doing it so expect that too! I hope you read my Fanictions! thank you for all you support i need it! ~Gady REALIZATION:This is my first baby, that's right I consider my ffics as my children. Deal with it! I really like this one. It has that bitter-sweet kinda dark tone to it. I get to really put my soul into it... And I'm almost done too! I hope to be done by the new year. And it's IchiRuki, of course. BLEACH HALLOWEEN SPECIAL:This ones a comedy. It was WAY fun to write this! I was cracking up half the time coming up with the ideas and typing it. It's a little thing I did in celebration of Halloween, even though i finished it at the end of Nov. coughs I'm so sorry about that! BLEACH CHRISTMAS SPECIAL: 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS: this was gonna be something like Bleach Halloween special but i kinda got really behind on it so I'm think about taking it off and re-posting it next year. and have it go according to plainHiatus till next Christmas sorry :( Ummmm...I'm in high school and ya...what am i supposed to say on theses things any way? Oh well... BLEACH IS AWESOME!! I can't wait till Fade to Black : Syanora Rukia; I Call Your Name comes out. I know it won't be subbed till like ... Aug. or Sep... But I am hopping to find it RAW before hand, which i doubt will happen. sighs Oh well... If you didn't guess by now I am an IchiRuki fan, I also support IshiOri, and IchiRukiHimeTatsuki is all right too (check out Sehanort on youtube) I Hope you Read and Review! Bleach Be With You. -Gady Favorite Quotes: "Only stupid people call other people. Who called them stupid."-Karin "That's right, nothing else can change my world."- Zangetsu "Those who are hardest to love are the ones who need it the most." I dont remember. "Don't Think Or Judge Just Listen" - Sara Dessen "Time Wasted Having FUN is Not Time WASTED" - Anonyms "You're wrong you know. You are worth it" - Jasper Hale "What are Fred and I, next door neighbors?" - George Weasly "An Eye For An Eye Makes The Whole World Blind" - Gandhi "Be The Change You Want To See In The World" - Gandhi "Who is it that roams my woods so freely? Speak Your Name! Speak!" - Gemma Doyle "No one can take happiness away from you, they can only put obsticales in your path. How you overcome those obsticals determines how happy your life will be." - Improper English "It's alot easier to be lost than found. It's the reason we are allways searching, and rarely discovered- so many locks, not enough keys." -Sara Dessen "My name is Mary Watson Smith. But they call me Somokes, I don't know why..." -Gady Me: Am I too sarcastic? Friend: No. Me: Yeah you're right. Friend: I was being sarcastic. "Ooooo this rock is gooey!" -Friend "You have to go PUFF PUFF!" -Friend |