It was twelve in the afternoon and we were all meeting at Ichigo's loft, or his bachelor pad as he once put it, before the wedding rehearsal. Today we were to have a last fitting, but before we got our outfits Uryuu had to inspect them for any flaws that would need his handy work. And since I was part of the best men I had to wear a suit. Well, a dress that kinda looked like a suit. That matched well with Renji, Chad, and Uryuu's ensemble.

Kyouryuu, Ichigo's bride-to-be had originally wanted me to stand on her side, with the bride's maids, but Ichigo wouldn't hear of it.

"She is my nakama and therefore she stands on my side of the altar" he had argued.

"What she going to do wear a suit?" she was obviously repulsed by the idea as was I.

I had been conveniently just passing through that part of the apartment to hear their not-so-happy-couple like argument, but I was pulled away from the rest of the quarrel by a scolding Renji.

So it was decided that I would get a dress that resembled the suits Ichigo had assigned. (Uryuu made it for me due to the fact that we couldn't find a tailor to make a dress suit on such short notice.)

I waited for Uryuu to say that my outfit was at its perfection then he finally gave it to me.

"Here you are Kuchiki-san." Uryuu grinned as he passed me the perfectly designed dress he made. It was an almost exact copy of the groomsmen's tuxes but it was too pretty to be even considered masculine, plus it was loose-fitting, just the way I liked my clothes. I think that 

Uryuu was very proud of the outcome of the small challenge he was confronted with. And I couldn't love the dress even more than I do.

Once the dress reached my hand I gripped it tight and headed up the stairs.

"Hey! Rukia-san, be careful with that dress I put a lot of time and effort to make it perfect!!" Uryuu yelled in my direction.

I ignored him and went up to Ichigo's room to change in his closet. I started to un-dress and then quickly zipped up my dress that Uryuu gave. I heard a knock on the closet door.

Maybe Uryuu came to check to see if the dress wasn't destroyed.

I jumped out of the closet to find Ichigo checking his reflection in the closet mirror. He was dressed up in his black slacks, with a white button-up collared shirt. He was finished tucking in his shirttails and started to put on his tie, with some difficulty. His matching blazer and grey vest laid across his bed in a manner that his clothes might receive wrinkles. I hoped they did.

"You know you won't be able to use my closet for much longer", he chuckled looking at me though a mirror.

He had his own place now, but Kyouryuu wanted a bigger place to live in. A place that wasn't once dubbed a 'bachelor pad' I assumed. They didn't live together, yet. So I was still allowed to pop into his closet every once in awhile, even though I had a place that me and Nii-sama bought here in Kurakara Town for when I was stationed here. But it was still kinda tradition to spend my nights in his closet whenever I came back to the living world, even though he didn't exactly know that… but I think he figured it out after I jumped out of his closet in the middle of the night screaming about hollow alerts several times throughout the years. But you couldn't blame me for coming back to his cramped little closet. I was always very comfy there. And it's the only place where I could get some excellent sleep, perfect for the fatigue that comes with a gigai and 

traveling to the real world. It was only a matter of time that he moved out though. Once they got back from their honeymoon they would move into a house to live together in.

"You baka! Do you even know how to put on a tie" I said walking up to him. He somehow managed to knot up the silky piece of fabric. I started to untangled the mess he had made, and slapped away his hands when he tried to help. "Your only gonna make it worse", I chided. "What kind of idiot doesn't know how to work a tie?" I asked.

"Ahh, but I only messed up so you could help me," he replied.

I tried not to blush as I mumbled a "yeah right."

"You can't do it cause you suck!"I mocked him while taking his tie and putting it around his neck. The truth was that I had no idea how to tie a tie but I had seen it done many times so it should be hard, right? I successfully managed to tie up the piece of cloth in a pretty fashion. I was proud of myself. I couldn't help but find the shock he wore due to my handy craft insulting, even though I felt the same.

"So you actually can tie a tie." He admitted looking at himself looking in the mirror once more.

"I do it for Nii-sama all the time. It's not that hard you know" I lied to him, Nii-sama never wore human clothes unless he had to come to the human world and use a gigai, which wasn't often.

"Byakyua wears ties?" he asked in confusion. He then scowled in an irritation as he caught my lie.

"Ano…" I didn't know what I could say to save face.

"You lil' liar!" he accused as he put on his vest and jacket.

"Hey you better hurry up and get your ass down there! Kyouryuu is still getting dressed and you need to be there before she is. And see Uryuu, so he can make sure your suit looks fine." I said trying to divert attention away from my stupidity. He followed me out and we walked out together

"Beep, beep" My cell phone blared. I took it out. It was flashing the coordinates of a hollow. We had to go or at least I did.

"I'll go your need more than I am, I'll catch up later." I sighed. What an inconvenient time for a hollow. It seemed like he didn't listen to me, as always, because he was already heading out the window as his body thumped as it hit the ground at my feet.

"No its ok Rukia I won't take more than 5 minutes max. Promise." He stated calmly as he jumped out the window.

"Oi! BAKA!" I yelled out the window, "You can't just ditch YOUR wedding rehearsal!"

"I can and will! Back in 5! Cover for me!" he shouted hurryingly as he flash stepped away.

I cursed under my breath and headed out his room, thinking of excuses on my way down stairs.

A/N: First fic so reviews, comments and criticism is MUCH welcome! BTW this all takes place eight years later after all the Aizen drama. So all is resolved in this world! Nakama means good friend.

