![]() Author has written 8 stories for Kingdom Hearts, Bleach, and Death Note. Basics: Hey there. I'm really not sure how to go about this, but rest assured, I'll try my best. To begin with (and it's always best, I suppose, to start at the beginning), I am female, and my name is Misfit. Just Misfit. You can call me Chel, though, if you want to. If you really want to. And I write love. Any kind of love, any at all, because I want to. I really want to. Love, for me, includes all genders. Yeah, that includes het. Yeah, that includes yaoi. I tend to be kind of odd. Never even, really. Just odd, and a little mad. But never angry. So if you want to send me a message, I'd love to hear from you, just... Be warned. I'm a little mad. Stories: If you send me a review, I'll reply to it. No matter what. It may take me awhile--a long, long while--but I will. If it takes until the next chapter of something, it's because I have this thing I do to encourage myself to write faster. I actually really enjoy replying to people, and hearing what they have back, so if I force myself to not reply to anything until I have the next chapter up, I write more and get stuff up faster. So...patience. I guess it's...a virtue, right? Yeah. And listen...about Solitaire? I think it's crap. I think I need to rewrite it. So I'm going to rewrite it. But for now, until I get Dawn of Dusk up and the rest of Tenth Circle, it's discontinued. I don't think anyone cares anymore, but it never hurts, so; I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. People: M.Infinity is really extra super special awesome. Really. She's epic win. Anything I write in the Bleach category--it's all for her. Every single word. She's an awesome writer and a great listener. Go check her out--no kidding. If you want a taste of someone who really thinks about what she's doing--who wants to change things for the better, look no further. Opal21 is just starting out, but she is passionate about everything she does. She has the heart of a Disney princess and the brain of a genius. She's amazing, and wonderful, and willing to help others even when she really needs to help herself. Go talk to her. Some authors I really enjoy include Dualism, Sarehptar, Tierfal, bahari, and Mikanis. They rock so many socks cotton went out of business. Communities: Currently, I'm neck-deep in the Death Note fandom, waist-deep in the Kingdom Hearts fandom, and trudging through the waters of the Bleach fandom about knee-deep. I was also recently submerged into Axis Powers Hetalia, but I'll wait to see how far I sink into that. I very much enjoy L/Light, the character of B, Matt/Mello, and the delightful triangle Matt/Mello/Near, in Death Note. For Kingdom Hearts, Akuroku is my one true love, Zemyx close behind, the triangle RiSoKai, the character of Namine, and the character of Marluxia. MarNam caught my interest once, as did Namiku. The only two pairings in Bleach that I feel I can successfully write are ShuNao and GinRan. As such, those are the only two I do write. For Hetalia, oh goodness, well, it's good news for those of you who like long lists. First off, my OTP for this fandom is most certainly America/England, or USA/UK. Why so tsundere, UK, or should I say, UKe? Haha~! And why so AWESOME America? After that is Germany/S.Italy, Spain/N.Italy, the character of Perv--I mean, Prussia, Austria/Hungary (so cu~te), the character of Japan, Poland/Lithuania, the character of Denamrk, Turkey/Greece, the character of Switzerland, Korea (who invented awesome)/China, uh uh uh, the character of Canada, oh! And Finland/Sweden. Russia and France scare me. A lot. Seriously, I check my closest for /those two/ every night before I go to bed. You never know when Russia is watching . Or when France is going to strip you. Haha~ you think that was a joke? See, you're laughing! .O I'm not joking. You've been warned, man, you've been WARNED. Thank you for your time, please take a quick glance below at some of my stories. And, as always, Love, Misfit |