![]() Author has written 10 stories for Instant Star, Heroes, Vampire Academy, and Harry Potter. F A N D O M S (with ships) The Mortal Instruments--Jace/Clary A B O U T M E: - I am ecstatic to no longer be in the unemployment line! *does a little dance* - I work as a volunteer at our local library and have just become an employee of JCPenney. Scoooore! - I love reading. My favorite author at the moment is Cassandra Clare. Her series called "The Mortal Instruments" has absolutely captivated me. Another series in the supernatural category that I'm addicted to is "Vampire Academy" by Richelle Meed. The first book takes a while to get into (for me it did, at least), but after that, I couldn't put the stuff down. - I think Harry Potter rocks. I seriously adore that series. I read it from the time I was in middle school until the last one came out while I was in college. My favorite book is Prisoner of Azkaban for a number of reasons, a big one being that we finally get more Fred and George. I love the twins. My least favorite movie is Goblet of Fire. That movie pisses me the hell off. I like to pretend it doesn't exist. - I harbor a secret (not-so-secret) love for cheesy, predictable romance novels. I don't know why, either, but I just can't help myself. I love stuff by Nora Roberts. A particular favorite from her is "The Reef." I also love "If Looks Could Chill" by Nina Bruhns. Apparently it's part of a series, but I just started with that one and was fine. Marc Lafeyette was kind of dreamy. Heh. And something about Cajun endearments make me swoon. - I recently discovered I have my first ever fictional crush and it is on Jace Wayland from "The Mortal Instruments" trilogy. He is probably one of my favorite characters out of everything I've ever read hands down. He's such a jackass. Lol. - I love traveling and taking pictures. - I believe that every single person has a little bit of Adrian Monk in them, whether they admit it or not. Everybody has their anal tendencies that can't be helped. That's just how life is. Lol. - I love music. If I could, I would marry it. I try to find new, less well-known bands all the time, so if you know of any Indie-Rock/Alternative groups, recommendations are welcome. - I want to learn how to play guitar. - I can't sing, but I do anyway. - I hate American Idol, but actually do like The X-Factor. - I used to love Twilight until it became an overnight sensation. The movies killed it for me. I pretty much despise it now, yet I still go see the movies. Go figure. - My idol is J.K. Rowling. Her mind is brilliant and I am completely amazed that one imagination was responsible for quite possibly the greatest series ever written. Yeah, that's stretching, but I can't help myself. I definitely admire her. - I like Ryan Reynolds, Jared Padalecki, Jared Leto, Paul Walker, Alex Pettyfer, and Mark Hapka (Days of our Lives--Nathan). - For actresses, I like Sandra Bullock, Julie Andrews, Meryl Streep, Jennifer Anniston, and Maggie Smith. And I think Michelle Rodriguez is badass. I love her in Fast and Furious. - I dislike Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts, Taylor Swift, Kanye West, Jimmy Kimmel, and Connan O'Brian. - I think Mean Girls is quite possibly one of the funniest movies ever, not to mention one of the most quotable. - Cooking and baking are awesome things to do. I can cook and bake some pretty complicated stuff, but I can't make rice. I always burn it. - I like to think I'm sarcastic and witty. - I'm klutzy. - I love getting PMs from people, even if they don't read my stuff. So if you happen to be bored one day, feel free to drop me a message. - And lastly and probably most obviously, I love writing! Duh. Lol. P E T P E E V E S: - I can't stand it when writers mix up "definitely" and "defiantly." They are not the same word, people. - Please don't use the same name in one story unless it serves a purpose for the plot. It can be a tad bit confusing. - Distorting a character's personality to fit the purpose of a fiction. I really have a strong dislike for stories that do this. I try insanely hard not to let my feelings towards a character get in the way and remain as objective as possible. It's a difficult task to manage sometimes, but I believe already created characters should stay as close to the given personality as possible. That's just my take, though. - Using actual celebrities in a story with a famed character. - Unrealistic plot progression. I sometimes have a difficult time with this myself, but I'm trying desperately to work on it. - Excessive fluff/angst (thank you, user 1529 for pointing that one out as well. lol!). - Throwing in too many cliches in one story. Cliches are good if you use them correctly, but they can be overdone. - Little to no description and practically all dialogue. Don't be afraid to set the scene and use descriptives. - Thoughtless summaries. - When the main "alpha" male character is a floundering jackass throughout the story's entirety, then has a miraculous personality change in the closing chapters and wins the girl. Pffft. I'm all for the jackass turned good-guy scenario, but change him over time and not all once, pretty please. - I hate it when authors threaten to hold updates if a certain quota of reviews isn't met. I can see if a story usually gets about fifteen reviews per chapter and then it just suddenly drops unexpectedly. But eh. Reviews are nice, but shouldn't be something to hold a story hostage. - And finally, my number one biggest pet peeve is when a random author's note is stuck right in the middle of a story. Face-palm, please. If you want to explain something about your story, do it before or after your post and not so it interrupts a thought or dialogue. That is highly frustrating and I tend to stop reading if I find one. (Sorry if I sounded uber snobby or offended anyone. That certainly wasn't my intention and I apologize if I did either one of those things. These are just some tidbits that really bug me and I wanted a vent session.) O R I G I N A L W O R K S: Both works have been taken down due to suckage. Lol. One of them will undergo a re-write at some point, but I'm not sure about the other. We'll see. I am a member on an LJ community called The Write Away, though and I've posted a few things here and there. I'm currently working on my NaNoWriMo project so that can be posted. There are a lot of excellent writers posting there and it's a friendly community! You have a requirement of two reviews per month, though, which sometimes, they'll combine months if it's been slow. It's pretty laid back and you just have to provide a review you've written and answer a couple of questions to apply. So, go apply! :p W O R K S I N P R O G R E S S: If You Only Knew In Progress (Updated on 1/18/2012) Chapter Progress-- Hello readers! Chapter 14 is, unfortunately, at a 0% completion stage. Stinks, I know, but I will hopefully have a good chunk of time to work on it over the weekend. I will try to keep you all informed of how the chapters are coming along. Just check out the profile page whenever you're curious to know! C O M P L E T E D W O R K S: There and Back Again COMPLETED!! Phew! Thank goodness I have brought this story to a close. I mean don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed writing for Tommy & Jude. But it's really just time to end. I will miss the story, of course, but ending it just feels right. Readers finally get their happy ending for the roller-coaster couple, so yay! If you have any questions about it, please feel free to PM me. Also, here is a banner for TABA. This was made back when this first started and I'm absolutely in love with it. Thanks must go to HopelessRomantic984 for creating this for me! It's truly fabulous and her work is just awesome. Banner for There and Back Again The person I had in mind for Johnny is Taylor Kitsch. He was on . . . I wanna say Varsity Blues? It was either Varsity Blues or Friday Night Lights on NBC. I can't remember. Either way, that is more or less how I pictured him. And Kristen Stewart was pretty close to who I had envisioned for Angie. Not so much in the voice, but eh. Oh well. Lol. Anyway, so there ya have it! You guys have been super awesome!! Thanks :D Crashed COMPLETED!! Can you believe it? After a year of sporadic updates, this has finally, FINALLY reached completion stage! I'm so pumped up and excited. It's just an amazing high to be on after you finish something. At least it is for me, anyway. Lol. When I have time, this will be undergoing some serious revision, especially the beginning. I'm not happy at all with the beginning chapters and it must be fixed! Anyway, this story is FIN. Until next time, VA fans! You guys are fantabulous!! Halo An Instant Star three-shot. It takes place after Tommy leaves in "Date With the Night" and shows Jude going through struggles. She's in a downward spiral and Tommy seems to be the only able to bring her back. It could be borderline "M" rated, but only because of drug issues, which were not handled lightly, I promise. Only You All one-shots in the Instant Star category, with the exception of "The Jail," which belongs to Vampire Academy. "Call Me" is a little more on the angsty side, while "Only You," and "Risk," are basically pure fluff. "The Jail" takes place after Spirit Bound and is how I envisioned a visit between Dimitri/Rose after she gets tossed in a jail cell. It's one of my favorite one-shots, so check it out! D I S C O N T I N U E D W O R K S: Accidentally In Love Permanent Hiatus -- Unfortunately, I have lost my mojo for this story, not to mention the outline. I was going on a folder-clearing spree one day and I think I may have accidentally deleted that particular file and it's now lost. I've searched everywhere for it and I can't find it and for the life of me, I don't remember where I was going with it because I didn't write it down on paper. So, my sincerest apologies to those who have followed the story and wanted to know happened. I may give it another attempt once I finish up other projects, but the possibility is unlikely, to say the least. I thank all of you for the amazing interest that was shown in it and you really do have my regrets. I feel awful about it. I've gotten quite a few PMs regarding this story and I feel truly touched that people were interested enough to take the time and ask me about it outside of reviews. I wish I could find the creativity to pick it up again, but I just don't know if it's possible at this point. I will, however, leave the story up for those who wish to go back and read what is written of it. Thank you again. Hunted Permanent Hiatus -- I will not be returning to the Heroes fandom. I'm concentrating on original works now and as soon as If You Only Knew is completed, I doubt I will return to fanfiction. Sorry to those who read this. I will leave it up because I actually like the stuff I have written for it. Sigh. Reunion DELETED. I must apologize to those who were reading this story. I gave it serious thought, though, and I realized that realistically, I probably wasn't going to finish it. And as I was looking through pervious chapters, I just cringed at the story. The idea has some potential, and I may go back in the future and re-work it to where it isn't so dramatic, but I'm not sure. I just kind of wrote myself into a rut and when I looked back to get inspired, it kind of had the opposite effect. I love Fi/Carey and I'm mad that I just don't have the desire anymore to write for this. I do appreciate all the alerts/favorites and the reviews for it. Thank you for taking the time to read it. |