Author has written 9 stories for Misc. Books, and Tales of Symphonia. RS: Hello everyone. My name is Red Seraphim. Lloyd: Like we couldn't tell from your pen name. RS pulls out tomato and throws it at Lloyd. Lloyd: AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! RS: Anyway, I am a boy of 4000 but the maturity level of a six-year old. Lloyd: Obviously. RS walks up to Lloyd and hugs him really, really hard. Lloyd: Get off! RS releases Lloyd. RS: The best way to get someone to stop annoying you is to hug them, unless they are hug-lovers. Then I have no advice. Lloyd: You are so weird. RS: ANYWAY! Although I don't know much about any serious topic, I feel very strongly about criticizing someone else about their religion, race, etc. Lloyd: Wow. I had no idea you could be that serious. RS: Yes. Anyway, there is a voice in my head that lives in a camera. Isn't that interesting? Lloyd edges away from RS. Anyway, it's become too much trouble to do dialog and Lloyd left, so I think I'll tell you a bit more about me. 2. I am obsessed with games. 3. I don't like to make people angry. They might not talk to me. V-V. 4. I kinda don't really keep writing stories unless people review them. Sad. ANYWAY!! I think I support Lloydx... actually, I have no idea. X someone. I also actually support MidnaxLink. They actually went on an adventure together, not like Zelda who APPARENTLY can use magic, has a gazillion guards, apparently has a boat-load of wisdom, and has a fricking SWORD to FIGHT WITH, and STILL GET KIDNAPPED ALLLLLLLLLLL THE TIME!! GET A SECURITY SYSTEM LADY! (Please don't kill me, Zelda fans. I like Zelda too, but I just really think that Midna is better for Link than Zelda.) If you listen to NPR and love 'This American Life' or 'A Prairie Home Companion', put this into your profile and add your name to the list! armageddon-incarnate, Red Seraphim (I recommend listening. Awesome programs.) If you have ever felt the undenilable urge to slam your head into something, whether it is another person or not, copy this into your profile I resist the ugre to use other people. Sometimes. _ If you are bored and like to write stuff, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you have added the names Kratos, Zelos, Genis, Presea, Martel, Yuan, Raine, Mithos, ect. to your word dictionary because you were getting sick of seeing that stupid red squiggly line all over the place while writing fanfiction, copy and paste this into your profile. Who said that any of these guys weren't in the fricking dictionary! At least Kratos! His name's either Greek or Latin for the word power! Come on, people! If you've ever mentioned a 'shota-con' relationship, and you didn't exactly think that you're one to judge this sort of thing, copy and paste this in your profile. Maybe I should take a side on something... If you ever wonder if you should stop thinking about all of your favorite anime and game characters, just for a couple of minutes, so they would stop sneezing all the time, then copy and paste this in your profile. This is a serious problem, I swear. If you've ever asked a really stupid, obvious question, copy and paste this one your profile. Everytime I open my big, fat mouth, people...V_V... If you instinctivly start to tap the Master's drum song when you're bored, and you know you've been taken over by the ArchAngel Corperation, copy and paste this in your profile and add your name to the list. Red Seraphim I'm serious. It's sort of scary. 0.0 If you've ever wondered if you've had magical powers or something like that, copy and paste this in you're profile. There. Is. Something. Wrong. With. Me. If YOU get a kick out of explosions, copy and paste this to your profile. This is probably only applied to action movies and magical attacks. Otherwise, meh. If you think your dad is freaking awesome, copy and paste this to your profile. He's an awesome racer...he beats me all the time in Mario Kart: Double Dash. In fact, he beats everybody in that game..._. If you just HAVE to make a little comment after every one of these things in your profile, then copy and paste this to your profile, then add your name to the list, then go and get physriatric help. Red Seraphim Insanity is not a good thing...or is it? If you like to pre-prepare some stories before you post them, copy and paste this in your profile. I haven't even started one yet...but I have till Christmas! (He probably won't finish it till January) If you think that you might have one too many of these in your profile, but you'll probably never stop adding them, copy and paste this in your profile, then seriously, YOU NEED TO GO AND GET HELP! NOW!! I'm not sure that help really helps...maybe I'm just to far gone. (Guess who's going to be going into a straightjacket soon) If you have ever had a spontaneous muscle spasm, and you fear you're losing control of your body, copy and paste this in your profile. I don't actually think that I'm losing control of my body. (Has a muscle spasm). Damn it... QUOTES! "Whales belong in orchestras too!" - RS "Durf-durf-durf!" - Somebody I know "Shut up, Head-on!"- RS No, not really."- Kalas "I didn't know you had friends outside the village besides me."- Lloyd "Blame your fate."- Kratos Aurion "Now, I shall blow you up with my eyes!"- armageddon-incarnate "Joanne?"- Mark Cohen (RENT) "Ms. Trenchbul. Studly but beautiful."- D&D conversation "Now, I kill you! And now, I shut up. Not really."- RS "Grass tastes nasty."- RS "..."- Link "Stop analyzing the door, idiot!"- Another person I know "Look around. You've got plenty of customers."- Roger (RENT) "The Bouquet residence, the lady of the house speaking."- Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced Bouquet "accent on the second syllable.") "Wow, Lloyd. Isn't this usually the other way around?"- Genis (Genius) Sage "That's a really cute baby."- Barrack Obama "And live from New York, it's Saturday Night!"- Hilary Clinton (yes, I'm serious) "Sorry, I'm on my hamburger phone. (shakes)"- Juno "They that can give up their liberty in exchange for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty, nor safety."- Benjamin Franklin "Treason is a charge invented by winners as an excuse for hanging the losers." Benjamin Franklin (1776) "Oh, I've got better things to do than listen to you quote yourself." John Adams (1776) "No, that was a new one." Benjamin Franklin (1776) "He didn't fall?! Inconceivable!" Vizzine (Princess Bride) "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."- Indigo Montoya (Princess Bride) "Don't worry, I won't let it get to my head!" Fezzik (Princess Bride) "Waste not, want not. Waste some...want lot." - armageddon-incarnate "Well, you know. "I know." "You know!" I know!" "She know!" - Grandma Shefranski and Grandma Senile "Oh my god, this is supposed to be like a comic strip?!" - Red Seraphim, playing Wind Waker "All actions are retaliated by opposing and equal reactions...sometimes greater." - Red Seraphim "Rotfl...what the on the floor laughing? GOOD GOD, WHY DO WE HAVE THESE HORENDOUS ABRIVIATIONS?!- Red Seraphim "Colonel O'Neill what the hell are you doing?!" - General Hammond "In the middle of my back-swing?!" - Colonel O'Neill "LATRC. Looking Around The Room Confused." - Red Serapim "15 pages of Rambling are worth in comparison one paragraph of good sense." - Red Seraphim "A man who has committed a mistake and doesn't correct it is committing another mistake." - Confucius "Human beings are pulled forward toward and by nature to seek pleasure, whereas they flee from and reject pain." - Epicurus "Men's natures are alike; it is their habits that carry them far apart." - Confucius "Want to know the best bit? This hand; is a fightin' hand!" - Doctor Who, Tenth Doctor "Am I ginger?" - Doctor Who, Tenth Doctor "Rude and not ginger." - Doctor Who, Tenth Doctor "And how am I going to react when I see this? A great, big, threating Button!" - Doctor Who, Tenth Doctor "So if I see a great, big, threating, button that under no circumstances should be pressed, I just want to do this! Presses great, big, threating Button" - Doctor Who, Tenth Doctor "You cut my hand off. And now I know what sort of man I am. I'm lucky. Because I'm still within 15 hours of my regeneration, which means I still have enough cellular energy to do this. Regenerates hand" - Doctor Who, Tenth Doctor "I like bananas. Bananas are good." - Doctor Who, Ninth Doctor "It's a gas mask." "Why are you wearing a gas mask?" Because of the gas." - Doctor Who, The Master "But the trees are blocking the light, Strange." Henry Woodhope, Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell "So are you, Henry, but I have yet to take an ax to you." Jonathan Strange, Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell "Mkay." - Vinculus1 "Aruu. - Aruu... - Aruu! - ARUU!" - Red Seraphim (if you actually care what the heck this means, then you can ask) If you listen to Micheal Feldman, post this in your profile and add your name to the list. Red Seraphim |
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