![]() Author has written 25 stories for Bleach. There isn't quite a lot to tell about me. I'm just a girl that is currently obsessed with Bleach, especially the Renji/Ichigo pairing. I'm an avid yaoi fan, obviously, but I also like het. Not too into yuri, which some might find odd since I am bisexual. o.O;; ATTENTION: I have changed my pen name FROM Belle Keat TO Traci Miller. I no longer care if people know my name, nor am I ashamed to put my name on my work. A similar pen name is being used for my fics that involve main pairings other than RenIchi. Since doesn't allow any two usernames to be the same anymore (and yes, they used to...back when I was younger) I couldn't use this one twice. The other is: http://www.fanfiction.ws/~tamiller I haven't written fanfiction in quite a while, so I might not be that great at it. Some of it will probably be a bit morbid. I usually do only one-shot fanfics, because I still have some (now quite lost) fanfiction from when I was 14 years old that have never been finished and are multi-chapter. I haven't got a lot of patience, unfortunately, for writing multi-chapters, though I do like to read them at times. I'm an avid role player, it's my most favorite thing to do in the entire world. At the moment I'm only into rping the Bleach fandom, but I will do originals as well. Those are always fun. But if you want to rp a fandom thing I only go for Bleach right now. Sorry. ;_; Disliked Pairings: Byakuya/Renji, Urahara/Yoruichi These two pairings just don't do anything for me and I won't role play them or read them unless my role play partner is just desperate. xP For one, I dislike Byakuya. I just don't see what everybody else does, I guess. My girlfriend loves him, especially with Renji, but I...don't. xP And as for Yoruichi, I think she's awesome and cool and all that, but I just don't like the pairing. Dunno why. o.O;; I'm currently looking for someone willing to rp with me with the Bleach fandom, I'd appreciate it if the person were also very interested in the Renji/Ichigo pairing. I do not play seme, I would rather play Ichigo instead of Renji, I tend to add angst, I do tend to rp lemon scenes but they can be kept at a minimum or even be completely absent from the rp if the other is not comfortable. I only rp one-on-one over either AIM, Yahoo or ICQ. I can use MSN but I'd rather not. I do NOT do e-mail role playing if I can help it. I will do AU role plays. Death-without-reincarnation kept the bare minimum please. I am never satisfied when a role play ends with either Renji or Ichigo permanently dying. Sorry! Any genre is fine with a role play as long as the main part is romance. I'm a hopeless romantic at heart. xP Gotta have my two favorite bishies kissing and pawing at each other at the very least. Especially these two, it can lead to such comedy! ATTENTION: I need somebody interested in the following pairings whom are willing to rp. YAOI Pairings: Renji/Ichigo (with me playing uke Ichigo), Ikkaku/Keigo (with me playing uke Keigo), Ichigo/Keigo (again, me playing Keigo) HET Pairing: Renji/Rukia (with me playing Rukia), Ichigo/Tatsuki (with me playing Tatsuki) I am most interested in a person or persons who are willing to role play the het pairings. I doubt that I will find many this way, however, considering that MOST yaoi fans are not also het fans and vice versa. ;_; But, I will try! Instant Messengers: Yahoo: klein_anjer ICQ: I no longer have this messenger. AIM: Korsetsu MSN: milltraci@ (DO NOT e-mail me with this, I WON'T get it.) Please IM me with these if you would like to talk to me about role playing OR my fanfiction. :) You can also e-mail me for any reason, I love to get e-mail since I...hardly ever do. ;_; korsetsu@ is my e-mail address. Feel free to drop a line! I love getting e-mail! Thanks, Traci Miller (formerly Belle Keat) PS: I noticed that in my fic Orange Blossom, the reference link I had did not show up correctly. I'm going to attempt to put it up here on my profile and if it doesn't work, then just feel free to e-mail me and ask for it if you want. It's just simply the website where I found out how to make Orange Blossom mixed drinks. Yes, they are real for those of you who (like me) don't drink alcohol or who don't drink much of it and don't know a lot of the different mixed drinks. :p Here it is: http:///drinks/orange-blossom.aspx |