Ice Cold Vanilla
When the small waxed paper carton was placed on the table before Abarai Renji, the Vice Captain stared at the frost covered object in puzzlement. He poked at it with an index finger. "What is this thing?" He asked the blonde haired ex-captain seated across the table from him.
"That, Abarai-kun, is called ice cream." Kisuke said with a small mischievous smile as he adjusted the green striped hat that sat perched on his head. Picking up a spoon , he handed it to the younger Shinigami. "It's a treat unique to the living world. Try it."
Renji gave Kisuke a suspicious look. He wouldn't put it past the ex-captain to slip something into his food. Taking the risk in any case, the red head scooped up a small spoonful and brought it to his mouth. The moment it touched his tongue he yelped in surprise and dropped the spoon, the spoonful of the frozen white substance slipped down the collar of his kimono. He didn't expect it to be that cold.
Kisuke chuckled and moved around the table to Renji's side, a playful glint in his grey eyes. "Let me help you with that." He murmured, slipping the fabric off the muscular man's shoulders. Renji was not prepared for what happened next. Like a cat, the ex-captain lapped up the sweet sticky mess, causing the younger man to shiver as his tongue ran over a dusky nipple Renji KNEW had not be covered in ice cream. Kisuke raised his head to meet the Vice Captain's eyes. "Want a taste?" The man nearly purred. Renji opened his mouth to reply but was cut off as the older man crushed his lips against his and slid his tongue into the moist cavern. Kisuke tasted faintly of vanilla. The Vice Captain realized as he gave up fighting that he would never be able to forget that taste.
This was inspired by a phone conversation with Tasogare Asa. I was complaining that I ran out of ice cream (which is a main source of insparation for me) and she sugested I write something to do with Kisuke, Renji, and ice cream. So I did. This is for you Tasa! Thanks for the insparation!
I dont know why this pairing isn't very popular. Renji stays at Urahara's shop when he's in the living world for crying out loud! Well please review. It's always appreciated.