![]() Author has written 4 stories for Twilight. Bonjour! Accueil! Défiler en bas la page pour lire quelques commentaires drôles! Just letting everyone know that I have changed my name! It used to be Vampiregal22, but then I decided that it was boring after like forever so now my name is Electric-Blue-Eyes. Thank you so much to Selene Night Prince, for the idea of the name!! LOVE YA!! Fave Books: Twilight series, Blood and Chocolate, Vampirates, The Princess and the Hound, East, Rangers Apprentice Series, Argeaunue Series by Lynsay Sands. -Je suis fille dans l'école secondaire (I'm a girl in High School) Cheak out Jacklynn's profile she is so totally awesome and i love her and she has really cool stories and yeah. If you're a proud stalker and obsessed love-struck girl of Edward Anthony Masen Cullen, copy this into your profile. If when you have a child, you'd consider naming them Edward or Anthony, copy this into your profile. If whenever you see or hear the name "Edward" you freak out and have a small fit because you love him so much, and then people stare at you, copy and paste this into your profile. AACIBD is Addicted to All Cullen’s Including Bella Disorder AV is Addicted to Vampires You know your addiction to Twilight is getting dangerous when you've added "Volterra" to your computer's dictionary. If you have done just that, copy this into your profile. If at one time you misspelled or forgot how to spell a word less than four letters, copy and paste this onto your profile21 THINGS TO DO TO BE STUPID!!:1.PULL ON A PUSH DOOR BACKWARDS 3.SAY YOUR GOING TO MOW THE CAT AND FEED THE LAWN. 4.SAY RANDOM THINGS. 5.WHEN YOU HEAR YOUR NAME SAY "DUMM DUMM DUMM." 6.GO TO AN ITALIAN RESTAURANT AND ASK FOR SUSHI. 7.TRY TO SPEAK JAPANESE TO A SPANISH PERSON. 8.TRY TO PAY WITH A CREDIT CARD AT MC DONALDS FOR A 1 DOLLAR THING. 9.ASK YOURSELF A QUESTION AND THEN ANSWER IT. AROUND WITH YOUR EYES WIDE OPEN YELLING "IM A TREE STUMP!!" 11.GET MONEY OUT OF AN ATM MACHINE AND YELL "I WON THE LOTTERY!!" 12. ASK FOR DIRECTIONS TO A PLACE YOURE ALREADY AT. 13. TRY TO ORDER PIZZA FROM MC DONALDS 14. GET HIT BY A PARKED CAR. 15. TRY TO WATCH SATURDAY CARTOONS ON A THURSDAY. 16. TRY TO SELL YOUR MONEY. 17. TRY TO PLAY THE ALPHABET ON THE PIANO 18. GET INTO A FIGHT WITH YOURSELF AND LOSE. 19. TRY TO GO SWIMMING WITHOUT GETTING WET. 20. ASK FOR DIET WATER AT A RESTRAINT HOMOPHOBIA IS GAY I am the boy who never finished high school, because I got called a fag everyday OMC-Since Edward is a perfect angel, and God created angels, and Carlisle created Edward, into a vampire, so God is Carlisle. that and every one of us woke up, saw Carlisle, and thought he was God. Parents spend the first part of our lives teaching us to walk and talk, and the rest of it telling us to sit down and shut up I've got ADD and magic markers. Oh the fun I will have It's always the last place you look...of course it is, why the hell would I keep looking after I found it? There is no "I" in team but the is an "I" in PIE and there is an "I" in MEATPIE and MEAT is an anagram of TEAM... There's a ME in AWSOME-but there's also a WE I wrote your name in the sky, but the wind blew it away. I wrote your name in the sand, but the waves splashed it away. I wrote your name in my heart, and it lasted forever. Friends will always be like "well you deserve better" but best friends will be prank calling him saying "you will die in seven days" Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn Everything here is eatable. I'm eatable, but that my children is called cannibalism and is frowned upon in most societies. Oops, I appear to have fallen on your lips. When you get caught looking at him, just remember, he was looking back Labels are for cans. And in case you haven't noticed-I’m not a can. Life isn't passing me by; it's trying to run me over. Having the love of your life say you can still be friends is like having your dog die and your mom saying you can still keep it. I think I could be madly in like with you. I win! You suck! I rule all! A mini-wave in celebration of me! Your mom looks like voldemort (oh burn) Was that an earthquake, or did I just rock your world? My knight in shining amour turned out to be a loser in aluminum foil. I'm the kind of person that walks into a door and apologizes. Therapist...The rapist! Get it?! HAHAHAHA :) Behind every bitch there's a guy that made her that way And God ( CARLISLE) said "Let there be Edward,"...and it was good I used to wonder why God made you, but then I realized even God makes mistakes |
Community: | How Sweet. |
Focus: | Books Twilight |