Author has written 3 stories for Twilight, and Supernatural. A thousand greetings. Thank you for coming to my little corner of this site. If you got here on purpose, you either want to know more about me or see more of my work, so let’s address that first one now. I am a nineteen-year-old college student. My current major obsession lies with the TV show Supernatural, for various reasons. Mostly because I think the characters are both extremely well written and brilliantly acted. Other things I enjoy are, in no particular order, rhyme, or reason, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Numb3rs, Veritas: The Quest, National Treasure (what can I say? Riley is the definition of the adorable nerdy guy), the Back to the Future movies, the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer, Guys and Dolls (the movie, never seen the play), Artemis Fowl, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, 300, Dagorhir, pretty much any action/adventure movie with halfway decent acting, pretty much any comic book superhero movie (I don't care how good or bad - the original comics were so cheesy ANYTHING is a step up), said original comics though I haven't had a chance to read many of them, video games (not first person shooters, though I do make a good human shield during LAN parties), role playing (the "write out characters and stuff" type NOT the D&D type) and generally being a geek. I also have a - rather annoying, so I'm told - tendency to talk a lot, over explain things, and to explain things many times. In case you didn't guess already. As far as my fan fiction ... all of it's humor for some weird reason, even though with original works I tend to shy away from writing humor. I currently have two stories up for Supernatural - the thing I'm into most at the moment - and the girl who betas my stuff is trying to threaten/bribe me for more. So there may end up being more, but don't get your hopes up. By the way, it's been over two years since I posted Antarctic Jolly Ranchers, and every so often, I'm still getting reviews or notifications that I've just been added as a favorite author or it's been added as a favorite story. You all rock!! It's so awesome to know that people are still reading it and liking it. Thank you ever so much. That's about it, I guess. Enjoy my works, visit my favorite authors - they deserve your visits more than I do - and have a good day. |