Author has written 30 stories for Lost Boys, Teen Wolf, Harry Potter, and Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人. Hello Everyone! Welcome to my Fanfiction archive! This is where I post all of my stories written about my different fandoms... I hope that you all will enjoy them as much as I did writing them! Please beware of ratings and warnings as I am a writer of all things listed below. About Me: Emmeline Bondurant Twenty Six, Author, USA Brunette, Brown Eyes, Agile, Lazy, Affectionate Kink Lover, Smut Reader, PWP Slut Slash, Het, FemmeSlash Same-Gen, Incest, Time Travel Fandoms that I write for: Harry Potter The Lost Boys Teen Wolf Inuyasha Pairings that I adore: Harry/Anyone Draco/Anyone Sam/Anyone Stiles/Anyone Kagome/Anyone Fair Warning - I'm going to be upfront, because I am a very erratic writer. I can go months without writing and I can speed write over a twenty four hour period. It all depends on my inspiration and writers block combination. So if I start to write something and suddenly stop, don't worry. It will be finished with time. Also be aware that I may write other things while something else sits on the back burner. That's because I had inspiration for something else and needed to get it out of my head so that I could focus on my previous work. All things will be finished. I just hope that you'll be patient. Thanks so much! Update (August 14, 2018) - Hello Everyone! After three years, I am back on the writing train again and I have recently updated Defying Gravity (a Lost Boys story) with a new chapter. I also have several chapters coming soon, as my inspiration is at it's peak at the moment. I hope to have those edited and posted soon. I just wanted to thank everyone who has stuck with Defying Gravity as long as they have and those who still are around to support my writing. Here's to Happy Writing! |
alyssialui (533) blerghy (21) | demetrifever123 (19) Dragon MoonX (63) | Lamia of the Dark (636) |