Title: Perpetual

Pairing: Sterek, Stiles/Derek

Warnings: M/M, mature situations

Enjoy and please leave feedback!


Despite all of his everlasting faithfulness to his friends, Stiles could literally feel himself becoming tired of their games. With one single bite his entire world was turned upside down and he wasn't even the furry. When Scott had come to him with this god awful wound, obviously a bite, on his side it had been natural to dive straight into what he did best; research. At first the information that he had found hadn't been enough to convince Scott, however with the forceful and brute help of one Derek Hale that changed.

If it had been left up to Stiles, he would have ended up blowing a fuse and throwing all of his neatly organized papers of information right in Scott's ungrateful face. Sure, his best friend since third grade was just shoved into the world of Werewolves; but that didn't change the fact that Stiles was taking the brunt of the stress. After meeting Allison, Scott refused to let go of his humanity; to fight against his wolfs nature.

On that note, not even Derek had been able to change his mind despite the warning that ignoring the facts and shunning any kind of training would get both himself and potentially Allison killed. When Scott had looked to Stiles questioning this revelation, all he could do was confirm what Derek was saying. Then without one look back, Scott had fled the scene and the topic hadn't come up since.

The entire happening with the Argents came and went, not without a few lost hairs, quickly followed by an entire alpha pack moving in on Beacon Hills territory. Over the time, their little segregated group of misfits had grown. Derek was still the leader, an alpha due to the uncle issues. There was Scott though he denied it and Allison after her apologies. Jackson and Lydia stayed around, but still kept their distance. Then the ones that the alpha had changed himself; Isaac, Eric, and Boyd.

Not to mention when one of their teachers decided to kill people in human sacrificing rituals; taking his father in the process. That had been the moment that Stiles actually began to question his involvement in all of Scott's business. Cause that was what it was really; all of this that he was running and dealing with was Scott's problem. Stiles wasn't changed into a furry by the deranged uncle. He had been spared due to the issues with his father that night and that was just the root of the entire dilemma.

Maybe that was why Stiles was just throwing himself into the fray right and left, backwards and sideways. He had convinced Scott to come out to search for the body that night. If he had just let Scott be, then none of this would of happened; or rather he would have had one wicked set of claws instead. Guilt ate him up inside, because even though Scott didn't say it Stiles knew that his friend still couldn't put full faith in him anymore.

Scott's rejection of his wolf side had only a fraction to do with Stiles actions. Subconsciously it may have been an effort to apologize. Everything changed though when they found out that Scott was permanently a furry, that there was no cure. He knew that it was finally time for Scott to come to terms with all things that had happened, to move on and let it all go. His friend was more stubborn than he had expected though.

Three months had passed as the alpha pack situation was slowly resolved, without word from Scott about taking control of his own power and to have the will to train himself. Allison had become a big part of his life again after the falling out, even though they remained just friends; something that everyone could see drove Scott straight up the wall.

Events and dilemmas aside, Stiles was beginning to get tired of the constant running that he had took on upon himself. It wasn't his problem if an alpha pack wanted Derek and Scott, or that Allison still wasn't giving in about the dating issue. He honestly couldn't fix everything by himself and for a long time, that was exactly what he had been doing. Putting his own needs aside, including the already shaky relationship with his father.

They had grown further and further apart until John had started to pick up extra shifts at the station just to avoid the awkward atmosphere of their home. Having his only son save him from a woman with a ritual fetish just hadn't been on his life of mile stones that Stiles would go through. It had obliterated their slanted at best relationship and floored it. There was still that familial love there, but whatever poor connection that had stayed after his mothers death was finally gone.

While he still kept everything of major significance from his father, John knew that it was better to leave those questions unanswered. Out of sight, out of mind. If he didn't know that Stiles was running around throwing himself in front of a bullet multiple times a day, then it couldn't hurt him. He would just have to trust that Stiles would back out if things got too bad.

Though his wife was gone, he could see her in Stiles every single day and for that reason, he didn't try to object to this entire charade but once. Stubbornness had lit up in Stiles eyes, flames growing in them. It was quickly seen that no matter what the cost, Stiles would help until he was no longer needed. Now Stiles figured that, that time was coming a lot sooner than anyone expected.

There was a loud shout from in front of him and blinking furiously, Stiles was brought out of his deep train of thought and back to the situation at hand. The entire gang sans Scott and Allison were gathered around Derek's apartment. Stiles had rushed over to Derek's after a single message claiming that something else was happening, that wasn't the alpha pack or the hunters.

Three hikers had been murdered up in the higher mountain trails just outside the city, completely torn apart and almost unrecognizable upon being found. If they were gathered, it was obvious that Derek believed it to be some kind of creature rather than a very twisted human. A shadow fell over Stiles and he jumped out of the way just in time for Jackson and Isaac to go barreling past him.

Claws elongated and fangs snarling, the two must have gotten into it while Stiles was wrapped up in his head. Careful to avoid their path, he sent a stern look to Derek who had yet to try to intervene. The man rose an eyebrow his way and Stiles simply challenged him with a separate your children glare. He was graced with a smirk before Derek literally barked out a command to stop at the two and almost instantly both Jackson and Isaac dragged themselves over.

Jackson found his place back next to Lydia without another word, though you could tell that he was sulking. Just as Isaac began to walk by, Stiles reached out and grabbed his wrist; pulling just hard enough for Isaac to stand next to him. A nice I don't trust either of you as far as I can throw you look was all it took for the boy to keep his mouth shut and stand quietly.

Lydia started a debate with Derek as to what kind of creature they were dealing with and Stiles listened silently as his thoughts began to drift again. He glanced at his watch and found that it was just a few minutes passed midnight and rolled his eyes. It was a shame that he felt like he had skipped eighteen through twenty all together and had gone straight to twenty three at the least. He gave a small sigh, earning a glance from Isaac; what a perfect way to start his birthday he thought sarcastically.