Author has written 12 stories for Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, Phantom of the Opera, Lord of the Rings, Gemma Doyle Trilogy, and Twilight. Right. So. I just realized how this thing's been gathering dust like the plague. So what am I supposed to do exactly? I have no idea. I don't think any of you want to know about me, and as I am neither interesting, adventrous or in a particular mood to divulge my entire life onto this mere profile thing, you have to deal with this. I know, it's ridiculous, boring and not to mention completely pointless, but THERE YOU GO. I AM A BORING PERSON. Hem hem. Right. So. My name...unimportant. Age...unimportant. Interests...obvious. Ambitions...for me to know, you NOT to find out. I guess that covers it. Yes. I'm just another writer, like the, what is it? Fifty million others out there on the web, trying to write something decent, although after much consideration, I'm beginning to wonder if my writing something decent is at all possible. But you never know, miracles happen sometimes, right? Hem hem. Lovely. So. Now we've got me out of the way, let's get something straight, while we're having this little heart-to-heart chat. I do not tolerate Voldie-bashing at any time, I am amused by Bella Swan-bashing at any time, and I thoroughly find that any other type of bashing is useless, boring and a tad overrated. Bottom line, don't bash anything. Bet none of you saw that coming. I'm so good at this surprise thing... wow, I should win an Emmy or whatever it is you win for surprise endings and...stuff. Wow. I could go on into a nice little list of music I like, what inspires me, what celebrities remind me of my favourite characters...but why would I do that? Nobody out there cares about my music, they have their own, and their own taste in celebs, and all that random useless stuff. Really. I like random things. I'd be here all night trying to jot them all down anyways, seeing as my tastes change on the clock, and frankly, I think I've got some writing to finish, and you know, things to do. Like breathing. Living. All that stuff. If you care to know things about me, I'm either frightened, flattered or confused; preferably all three. And as stated previously, my interests are pretty obvious. If I do a songfic about a song, OBVIOUSLY I like it. If I write about a particular fandom, OBVIOUSLY I like that too. Really, people, you don't need a 4.0 average to figure this out. Or maybe you do...wouldn't know...wait...what's a 4.0 anyways?! Oh Lordy, I'm so confused. So I'm just going to keep rambling, about rain and butterflies, and pretty things that depress me and make me happy all at once. I'm also going to ramble about the government, and all that sort of thing. VOILA. I did it. I updated this bloody thing. Can I go eat cookies NOW? With my unhealthy dark lords, vampires, et cetera, et cetera... REALLY. This is becoming mindless. Hem hem. Er...hehe. @_@ Froggy. His name is Freddie. Freddie the Froggie. FREDDIE THE FROGGIE DIES. X_X Muaha. Oops. Sorry Freddie. @_@ BY THE WAY, BEFORE I LEAVE YOU TO YOUR EXISTANCE... Please do review when you read a story. HONESTLY, if we have to excerce ourselves trying to write stuff for YOUR pleasure, could you please just excerce a FIVE WORD REVIEW for OUR pleasure?? IT"S NOT THAT HARD, PEOPLE. YOU TYPE. Clickity clackaty...that sort of thing! Okay. I'm done now. Take Freddie. @_@ |