Author has written 17 stories for Matrix, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, and Phantom of the Opera. Bio Update! Can you believe it! It’s been a year since I did this so I figured I was due again. I hate doing these things. I never know what to write. Okay. Basics I’m 23, female, married. I love my stories with a twist to them, especially ones I can’t see coming. If you manage to surprise me, cookie for you! ADORE: Matrix Twins :D OBSESS OVER: Phantom of the Opera Like: Many, many different movies and books. Also Angel because I love Spike J And Harry Potter is cool. Dislike: Slash. No offence but I just don't. Other stuff: Half way through last year we had a house fire. Much was lost but no one hurt, praise God. However, I did lose the computer and therefore, lost a lot of writing and time online. But I’m back now and getting back into the swing of things. Half way through my TAFE year now and things are getting hectic. Study is stealing important writing time! My muse is giving me hell. But 'Somewhere in the Dark' is slowly progressing and I do have a few other one-shots that need a little clean up and posting. So don't give up on me, I will update, it's just slow. Also, hopefully some of the old works will get updating, re-editing etc. Looking back over them, I'm just not happy with the layout and wording and stuff so yes, that will happen at some point. I don't think I will take any down but it's possible so I do apologise if you liked one or another. Feel free to e-mail me and lobby for your fav to stay. I’ll leave it at that for now. Hope you enjoy reading my stuff. If you do, you know what to do. That's right, Feed the Starving Muse foundation is up and running and you can donate with just a click of the review button! I promise I will most likely reply and bore you with additional ranting! Authors notes straight to your inbox people! How can you resist? BIG NOTICABLE AUTHOR'S NOTE!!! - To all those reading Somewhere in the Dark, there will be a delay with the next chapter which I was hoping to upload this month. Namely that someone stole my computer and thus, the next chapter... ANOTHER BIG NOTICABLE AUTHOR'S NOTE! - So, it's been a while. I've been busy. Namly with the bith of my beautiful bubby boy and the ensuing hecticness of being a new Mama and helping my best friend get married. I'm still writing but have put a lot of effort lately into working on original fictions that I'd like to publish one day so sadly fanfic have taken a little back seat. I haven't forgotten you all. |
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