Age: 16 Gender: Female Favorite Anime/Manga: Naruto, Rurouni Kenshin, Dragon Ball Z, Shin Chan Favorite Video Game: Tales of the Abyss, Tales of Syphonia, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy IX, Sonic Heroes, .Hack, Star Ocean 3 Favorite Movies: Breakfast Club, Roger Rabbit, Nightmare Before Christmas, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Favorite Pairings: Naruto- NarutoxHinata, NarutoxAnko, SakuraxLee, ShikamaruxIno/Temari/Female Naruto Kenshin- YahikoxTsubame, KenshinxKarou Final Fantasy- CloudxYuffie/Tifa, VincientxYuffie/Tifa, YuffiexSephiroth, YuffiexTifa, ZidanexDagger/Freya, SteinerxBeatrix, EikoxVivi Tales- LloydxSheena, KratosxRaine, ZelosxCollete, PreseaxGenis, LukexTear/Anise, NataliaxGuy/Asch Sonic- SonicxAmy/Rouge Star Ocean 3- FaytxNel/Maria, CliffxMirage, PeppitaxAlbel/Roger Breakfast Club- BenderxAllison(I think they just fit together better for some reason...) Hobbies: Drawing, Anime, Reading, Video Games, Music Story Status 1. Izumi Uzumaki Book 1: Beginnings(COMPLETE!) What if Naruto was a female? How far would the story differ if she had a few friends to rely on in the academy? What if, despite all this, she was on the brink, still teetering on the brink off losing it all... (NARUTO) 2. Izumi Uzumaki Book 2: Exam Hell(DEVELOPING!) The Chunin Exams are on! Danger and enemies are around every corner, no one can be trusted, and there is more to some then there seem... (NARUTO) 3.Servants Of The Sound(DEVELOPING!) On the seventh aniversarry of the Kyuubi's defeat, Orochimaru saves Naruto from death, Sakura from a life of rejection, and Hinata from the hate of her family. They abandon Konoha, and become shinobi of Otogakure. Dark Naruto, Hinata, and Sakura fic. (NARUTO) 4. The Kitsune And The Hyuuga(DEVELOPING!) A series of one shot/drabbles involving a pairing of Female Naruto and Neji. (NARUTO) |