Author has written 30 stories for Card Captor Sakura, TV X-overs, Sailor Moon, Castlevania, Super Smash Brothers, Yu-Gi-Oh, Mega Man, and Lord of the Rings. News...Tempted to delete "I'm a Coward". I can't seem to take the sh* anymore since I've lost all interest in this worthless story. So let's just make a fic that everyone dies in it...ok? -The Clow Hatter Quotes: -"My Paradise does not include Kathy Lee Gifford!!" Other Quotes: "You better watch out Jake. It looks like hunting season on laywers."-Law and Order. |
Aelaer (34) Arabella Thorne (52) Dr. Nick (7) | Edgar (3) Hamilcar (26) Indigo Tantarian (68) | Lasafara (14) |