The Odd Yaoi Fic.

Note: This is a stupid attempt of writting a yaoi fic, featuring an odd, but cute Megaman X couple.

If you had read Death to Mr. Jiggles and saw the Dark and Celtic scenes...

(I suggest you go read it. Go, go!)

This fic takes those acts a little bit futher. All the characters in this fic are from MMX6 and owed by Capcom.

Perhaps it's my own sick attempt of why Dynamo was in X6 in the first place, even though he wasn't a character who had no purpose in the storyline than he did in X5. Did anyone else wonder that too?


I'm bored.

I may had fucked every reploid...

Wait, let me repharse that.

I may had fucked every attractive reploid that had crossed my path. Sigh, I can tell you all the wonderful tales of how I lure some sweet innocent reploid with my charming good looks or blackmail my little precious prey to give me few moments of pleasure, or let everyone in on your dirty little secrets.

I love me so much that it's scary at times.


Not everyone had fallen for my charm...or I couldn't find anything that I could hold against him.

A pretty violet suited reploid with matching eyes has quickly outwitted himself from my traps to snare him in. He made himself the victor of my little games and let me become the foolish one in them.

I think I found a way to cure my boredom.

I'll pay him a visit and will get those violet eyes in bed with yours truely if it's the last thing I do!

That what made this game so much fun.


Zero and X were sitting at the table as they noticed the silver blue haired reploid passing them by. Both were amazed that the black suited reploid didn't tended to stop to give his two annoying cents at the two hunters.

"Is it just me or did I see what I just saw right now with my own two eyes???" Zero asked as he cocked his head in the direction where the black bot had trailed off, "Or am I just seeing things???"

"You're not Zero," X replied, "he passed us like we weren't even there. I wonder why..."

But before the blue hunter could finish his sentance, his "friend" jumped on top of the table and making such a spectacle that caused the other reploids that were around to turn to face the crazed blonde red marverick hunter.


"Zero!!!!" X stammered as he stood up and tried to calm down his overly excited friend, "You're making it such a big deal!!! Maybe it was just a fluke that he ignored us."

"Are you kidding X?!!! This is a miricle!!! He's finally out of our hair once and for all!!!"

"And you're making everyone thinking you've gone marverick."

"X, we should so something to commemorate our freedom from his dirty little games!!!"

"Like what?"

"I don't know, how about some wild passionate sex?!!"

Silence. Every reploid was now staring at both of them. Some were shocked of what the red hunter had slipped from his tongue, who didn't seemed to notice it.

"I don't know him," X muttered as he tried to shoo away the reploids from his hyperactive friend, "I don't know him..."


Disrepectful bitch.

I know I shouldn't call her those words. Or any lady, reploid or human, for that matter.

I should be the one cursing myself to not inform her earlier. For it I had, perharps I wouldn't be drowning myself right now even more deeper in my works. I guess I am a poor lover. The woman who had rescued my own being from the depths of my "hatred" had now left me in the same situation that lead me created the "hatred" in the first place.


Science may have the possible answers for anything, but when it comes to love...Science becomes the villiage idiot. There are no possible solutions or equations that could solve the riddle of love. Or maybe the answer is right in front of my face, yet I was using the advanced methods of solving it raither than common logic.

How did such primative lifeforms known as humans dealt with this? Reploids were programed with emotional simulations, which should be accurate as human emotions. What's the importance of them?
It makes us dif....

"Gate-kun!!!" a voice cried out.


He turned his chair around while hearing his name being called from hehind, only to turn back his chair when the person who called his name was "him".

The bounty hunter smirked. He wasn't going to let violet eyes get away from his this time. Oh no...

A set of arms feel upon the scietist's shoulders as the hunter was about to catch his prey once more. The scientist, on the other hand, clearly ignored the black bot's advances on him. He didn't have time to play one of those games again.

"Hey..." he began as he leaned forward, "so how is my violet eyes doing today?"

Silence. He raised his arm, placing a few fingers on the keyboard to get violet eyes' attention.

Oh, he did get his "attention" accidently deleting what the scientist was working on. Hours of work and research down the drain by a single button. Normally, he would just redo it once again.

Yet, not this time.

The scientist turned to face the bounty hunter, giving the silver blue haired reploid a death glare.


It didn't take five minutes to get Dynamo running out of the headquarters' laboratories as fast as he can. The bounty hunter was famed of running away from his battles and this was a battle he had to run away from....

Unless he wanted to feel the wrath of a seriously pissed off reploid scientist drapped in golden battle armour. Of course, it wasn't that bad. The bounty hunter never saw this suit before on him. It looked quite lovely on the scietist.

Although, it may be the last suit he'll ever see again if that scientist gets a hold on him.

Run Dynamo Run!!!

The two reploids continued their chase, sending other reploids that got in their way flying all over the place.

No matter that rank you were, rookie or general, if you got in Gate's way, you went flying. Some reploids ran away from him in fear that he went marverick. He even looked like a golden devil who was ready to send someone to the depths of Hell with him...

And Dynamo was the lucky canditate.

It should be expected for Gate to go marverick. He was the one who created the "Nightmare" and started the crisis anyways. Now the remaining reploids and humans are living with the aftermath of such a horrid event.


The chase ended as the bounty hunter had lead his prey into one of the warehouses. The golden suited reploid entered the building as he search for that wretched silver blue hair reploid!! The prey has become the hunter...

"All you can do is run," Gate said while walking around, "keep running, once I find're dead. Or something more painful than death."

Or so he thought. The bounty hunter jumped on him, covering his face in a chlorophyl soaked hankercheif. He had tried to fight back, struggling to get the hankercheif off his face, but the hunter wasn't willing to let his prey win.

Then effects of the substance kicked in and his own body collasped and slightly shutting down.

A smirk was right across the hunter's face while he was holding onto the scientist, whom litterally fell for one of the oldest tricks in the book. Who would thought a humble scientist had the most attractive armour?

He wasn't going to let this catch go. His prey had excited the bounty hunter without using any words whatsoever. If this reploid was so determined to beat the living shit out of him, then I wonder how he was when he peformed in...

His smirk turned into a lewd smile.

"Mine," Dynamo replied.

Well, I may alreadly fucked every reploid....especially my violet eyes.


Meh, this will be a short yaoi fic. I'll let you take a wild guess on what going happen next. If you don't know, then go read yaoi fics right now!!!

So anyone up for some lemon pie?

-The Clow Hatter