![]() Author has written 15 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer. BINKY is my natural nickname (a virtual kewpie doll if you can figure out my given name). I'm from the Great State of New Jersey, where I've been a legal resident most of my life. I've also lived in New York (Brooklyn), and Rhode Island, where I went to graduate school for English (Victorian and Modern English and American literature)--I spell real good! I've loved and consumed pop culture all my life, but still feel like a rookie at this fan fic thing. I've been writing sporadically since 2006, reading just a little longer than that. As a writer, I'm pretty vanilla and tend to only write canonical pairings. In fact, I've only written one pairing, Tara and Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. As a reader, I'm more adventurous though I generally favor femslash. In fact, I like all kinds of television shows and will willingly follow any genre and consider the most unconventional pairings, including (male) slash. Some of my favorite shows to watch: Off-the-air: Farscape, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Star Trek: TNG, Star Trek: DS9, Star Trek: Voyager, Xena, Homicide, Veronica Mars, While You Were Out, Battlestar Galactica, Breaking Bad, Dexter (up to the fifth season, then... yuck), Parks & Recreation Still going: American Horror Story, Orange Is The New Black, House of Cards, Orphan Black, Law & Order SVU, Game of Thrones, Homeland, Iron Chef America, Shipping Wars, Person of Interest, The Walking Dead, Sense8 In literature, I'm a Harry Potter fan (not so much the movies). My favorite authors are John Varley, Don DeLillo, E.L Doctorow, James Baldwin, and Toni Morrison. Paragon works: John Varley's The Gaea Trilogy, Vince Gilligan's Breaking Bad, the Wachowski Brothers' Bound. I'm pretty tolerant--after all, I'm being entertained for free and gift horses and all that, but I do have a few pet peeves as a fan fic reader. The most annoying thing to me are stories told in present tense, which I believe should be used very, very sparingly. Typos and grammatical mistakes are also a mood killer (if you need help, get a beta if you can!). One other thing--plagiarism is wrong on so many levels. Just don't do it. You'll feel like a d--k if you get caught, as you should. Aside from writing, I also am a hack artist--drawings, illustration, and sculpture. I also collect toys. These pastimes along with my passion for Buffy has led me to customize Buffy action figures and even write a Willow-Tara comic. Unfortunately, my own web page where I kept my graphics files along with the AO stories I can't post here is now defunct. I am looking for a new server/space to host them. I did open a Tumblr account under njbinky2k if you want an occasional sketch or random thought buzzing in my head. Specific to BtVS: Willow is my favorite character. Willow and Tara are my favorite pairing, however, unlike many Tara fans, I like Kennedy, don't fault her for finding Willow hot even in mourning, and fictions that malign Kennedy out-of-hand are a turn-off. Same for Oz-bashing. Spike and Angel I can take or leave, and Faith is my favorite Slayer. :-binky Update 9/13 - Obviously Glamour has been delayed (RL issues, and I still need a friendly server space to post some rather large graphics files). New target to post the graphic short story is late September. Other Sides is in full swing and should run with weekly updates at least through November, possibly through the end of the year. Then, hopefully, back to The Coven in the new year. Thanks for your patience! |