![]() Author has written 2 stories for Suite Life series. "Before you echo Amen in your home or place of worship, think and remember. A child is listening"--MARY GRIFFITH ENFJ 1) Dominant Extroverted Feeling Cant seem to sleep cant seem to care if your wrong or if I'm right. Its not worth it to fight. You never seem to have nothing but spite, for me and everyone. Why are you even with her still. Does she think it a thrill? Are you with him for the bills? I left tonight for there may have been more to spill. Blood? Depravity to think of such things were not me that thought them. Informant I'm not. But indeed I shall say. This may have well been one bad end to this day. Mad hatter I am not for you may think otherwise. I still see your spite through those blood shot eyes. I can no longer deny my feelings and say I never loved you anyway. Forever Will I Understand The Unforgotten. I bid you ado, Still without sleep for a long day should come, oh well I stay true to my choice. Fuck You. I'll Still Have My Voice. ME. “I forget I’m a poet, It’s so true I don’t know it, I am truly blind to my own treasures. Like a balloon to its tether, I could fly, sore through the sky, but if it should wander to high, it would surly die. Though with out life as an object, certainly the balloon would be no more. Pieces in the wind would it be. Its spherical shape amiss. I scream: what is this?! Like all my talents, they all seem brand new with each discovery.”————— After the extended metaphor—the balloon mentioned overhead. I began to realize I totally changed course of where my diction was headed…You never know just how the process will end. I am glad I truly have gifts I would say. Everyone has something, just find it. Television Series: ADVENTURE TIME!!!!! SUITS--BURN NOTICE--SCRUBS_Supernatural, Suite Life, Weeds, Scrubs, Pokemon till it's over.Ect...SOOO MUCH MORE!!!!! This Shit Made Me Cry When I found It...My Sister Had One, And My First Real Niece Or Nephew is Dead...However I still am Pro-Choice, I Respect Freedom... But Abortion In America Isn't Justice... a poem about abortion. Month one Mommy Month Two Mommy Month Three You know what Mommy Month Four Mommy Month Five You went to the doctor today. Month Six I can hear that doctor again. Month Seven Mommy Every Abortion Is Just . . . One more heart that was stopped. If you're against abortion, re-post this and if you almost cryed post this in your profile... A: when you get an abortion, you don't become un-pregnant. you just become the mother to a dead baby. B: or dead cells. A: dead cells that held life. B. all cells once held life. no one gets lynched for exfoliating. ps: (-(-(-.-)-)-) JAPANESE MAFIA ARE WATCHING YOU. |