Yeah, I admit, I kind of lied. Okay, I completely lied in the summary. Sorry =[ The story isn't MAINLY zackxcody, but there will be a little later on just to make this fair. I put it under the category I know most of you searched for because otherwise this would be up for a few days then lost in the entourage of fics in the Suite Life category, so this was the only way to keep this at the top of the list. In reality, this will mostly be OCxCody, and not truly be M for awhile. But once again, it is so that people will find it.

Okay, here's the deal. I usually make fun of fan-fictions. You know all those flamers? Yeah, I'm usually one of them. I'm one of those guys who look for Rated M fics of his favorite childhood memories and reads them as his innocence is crushed to pieces. I hate the act of reading, but I love a good story. It's always been a problem. I always make fun of books and writings. Always. The best compliment I've given a book since 5th grade was "It wasn't half bad. It wasn't half good either, but it wasn't total hell." My friends don't know I have this account. I have one to write bad fan-fics as supposedly posted by some tween girl. I like writing though, but I'm horribly shy about it, since I slam everyone else's works. So this is my first actual fic that I'm writing from myself in seriousness. If you want to flame me, go ahead. I honestly encourage you. I know how much fun it is. I love reading them too. Basically all I'm trying to say is a) don't tell my friends b) actually have some discretion if it sucks c) flame if you like and d) just enjoy it as a story, not a book. If you don't like it, don't read the whole thing. Okay I lied. I worked (somewhat) hard on this, damnit. Read the whole thing =D

I don't own anything. Well I mean I own some things I bought with my allowance, but generally nothing mentioned in the story. I wrote the story though =]


He blinked a few times. Everything was fuzzy.

He blinked a couple more times. Okay, this officially wasn't working.

Note to self. Kyler thought. Blinking does nothing.

His vision eventually restored, and Kyler sat up. His light brown hair tossed in his eyes. He liked it that length, but hated it in his eyes. Just a kind of paradox he enjoyed. He looked to his left. His bed was right up against the window, and some streams of light managed to make their way through the shades in his window. To his right was the rest of his room, which was actually a nice size, seeing as it was a hotel bedroom. His Stepdad was on the board of Hospitalities, so living in the Tipton was an obvious choice when his Stepdad got his pick.

He took a mental survey of the room.



Favorite pictures with friends printed À la Facebook…


Clothes layering his floor in an endless whirlpool of dirty laundry…


Oscillating ceiling fan shaped like airplane propellers that have been there since he was 5….


Snoring half brother in the bunk above…


The danky smell of dirty laundry that lingered in the room…


Giant "16" Balloons floating on the opposite side of the room from his birthday a few weeks ago…


Everything seemed in place. He lay back, hitting his comfy mattress with a small bounce. Saturdays were officially the best day of the week. He closed his eyes and curled back up under his blankets.

Whoever invented Saturdays deserves a Nobel Peace Prize. He thought. Maybe they can name a new award after the guy who invented Saturdays. Like, the Mr. Saturday Award. No, that's lame. Besides, his name probably wasn't Saturday. Who names their kids "Saturday?" Parents who hate their kids. That's who. Maybe his name was just Satur. Maybe he added the "day" to make it, like officially a day. Wait, who's to say it's not a girl. Sexist bastard. Mrs. Satur. Oh God, I would hate to have to be Mr. Satur. Can you imagine going to parties? "Hi, I'm Kyler Satur. This is my wife Peggy Satur." He didn't get the name "Peggy" from anywhere in particular. He shrugged, his eyes still closed. It just sounded right. Yes, I work with Satur Industries. You've never heard of us? Well we run a multi-gigajillion dollar corporation downtown. What do we do? We invent days. Our motto down at Satur Industries is…. He frowned in his half-sleep state. He couldn't, for his life, think of a good slogan. Actually we don't have a slogan. We're too cool for a slogan. Yeah, that would awesome. He frowned. Wait, what am I talking about? No it wouldn't… who wants to work at a place that makes days?? Dumb McBoringstein would. Silly Dumb McBoringstein. Trix are for kids… He slowly started drifting closer and closer to sleep. His thoughts began to trail, not really having any order or sense to them. It was Saturday. He didn't care what time it was. Saturdays were for laying back and sleeping. No argument. His brain was still going though. Who is Clark Gable anyways? Wasn't he on The Office or something…is the channel it's called MBC or NBC? I can never remember it sounds the same when you say them. I remember when I used to think "LMNO" was letter. They just roll right through it during the alphabet song an-


Kyler's eyes burst open, as his half-brother, Colton, swung down and landed on his stomach. Being only a few months younger than Kyler, he was quite heavy, especially for the half-asleep. Kyler groaned from the sharp pain that landed on his stomach.

"Sorry, dude." Colton chuckled. He did this every week. He had his mom's hair and nose, but his Stepdad's eyes and smile. He had a great smile. Kyler had no problem admitting it. 3 years of braces through Middle School had done Colton wonders, and after growing his bleached blonde hair out, his "female" friend count nearly doubled. Kyler didn't pay nearly as much attention to the rules, resulting in a somewhat less than perfect smile. Whiter than Colton's though. He always had that over his half-brother.

"Was that on purpose this time?" Kyler groaned, rolling over.

"No, actually it wasn't. I swear."

Figuring he might as well get up, Kyler rolled out of bed and wandered his tired butt to the bathroom.


OKAY FLAME AWAY!! But no really, you'll see a connection to Suite Life eventually. By eventually, I mean soon. I don't mean, like, I'll run into the Tipton for two seconds then you'll never hear from it again. Be patient young grasshopper. It will come in due time. I promise :D So PLEASE REVIEW!! LIKE I MEAN IT!! If you don't I'll just kind of stop writing.