The following story contains non-graphic incest and slash. If you don't like it, don't read it. I write because I like to, and if others like my stories so be it. Not to be mean, but no one is forcing you to read this, and I really don't care if you think it is "sick" or whatever. All flames will be deleted and ignored. All reviews, good or bad (except stupid flames) will be read and I do love reading them, even if they are constructive criticisms, so tell me what you didn't like too. I do not own these characters. I have no affiliation with the company that produces the show or anyone else. I do not know and am not stating that the actor's are gay, this is a fictional story about fictional characters only! If I don't follow canon, and you don't like that, don't read it. If it's too "fluffy" (it is, btw), don't read it. I made up Heather; she's from my imagination and only a bit player. I despise "Mary Sue's" so I promise she is not me! There will never be a "Mary Sue" in one of my stories, who but me would ever want to read that? Also, I'm mentioning Dylan Patton, a real actor/model/good friend of Cole and Dylan's, as a former hotel guest only. It's just for the story and I'm making the character fictional in the same sense that mentioning Orland Bloom or Jesse McCartney as guests makes them part of a fictional world. I don't know or care if Dylan Patton is gay. If you like this storyplease let me know. If you don't like this story please let me know why (unless it's a flame about slash or incest). I'm thinking of putting some of my "Sky High" slash on here as well.

Zack sat on the couch playing Vampires from the Dark 2. He was angry and taking it out on the bloodsuckers in the game.

"Take that Count Wimpula!" he said, staking another vamp.

The door opened and he looked up as Cody came into their suite. Zack turned off the game and threw the controller on the floor.

"Out with her again?" he yelled at his twin. "I guess you forgot we were supposed to go put the frogs in Moseby's car today, huh?"

Cody dropped his jacket on the couch and plopped down next to Zack.

"Oh, sorry Zack, I did forget. We can do it tomorrow though."

Zack stood up and glared at Cody, "It's always tomorrow with you lately. You never want to do anything anymore! All you do is spend time with Heather!" Zack changed his voice and mocked, "Oh sure Heather, I'll walk you home! Can I carry your books for you?"

Cody felt his face getting hot; he jumped up and started yelling at Zack. Neither boy heard the door open or saw Carey enter the suite.

"What do you care if I spend time with Heather? You're always chasing every girl you see!" Cody screamed.

"Hey, at least I don't put some girl above my brother!" Zack yelled back, shoving Cody.

Cody fell on the couch, "Hey!" he shouted, "Don't shove me! Just because I have a girlfriend and you don't."

"ENOUGH!" Carey screamed from behind them. Both boys jumped, but not even mom yelling could stop this fight.

"Fine!" said Zach, "Go out with your precious girlfriend and forget about me, see if I care!"

"You are such a hypocrite!" Cody pointed his finger at his brother.

Zach lunged for Cody, and ran into his mom as she moved to stop him.

"I said enough! Zackary Martin, you do not shove your brother! Now apologize!" she said.

"I hate him! I don't have a brother!" Zack screamed. He turned and ran into the bedroom, slamming the door behind him.

Carey stared after her son. Not good, she thought, but we can fix this. A muffled sob reminded her that Cody was still in the room. She turned to the couch and saw that he had hidden his face in the cushions. Sitting down next to him, she reached out and touched his trembling shoulder.

"Honey, he didn't mean that," she soothed.

"Y...yes he did. Mom, just please leave me alone!" Cody's muffled voice broke and she could tell he was crying.

"Oh Cody, honey, it's ok." She pulled him to her and rocking him and stroking his hair like she had when he was a baby. "Zack's just upset that you haven't been spending as much time with him since you got a girlfriend. He'll get over it; I'll have a talk with him."

"Heather is not my girlfriend!" Cody sniffed, "She's just a friend of mine from school. I like talking to her because she listens. I don't even like…" He stopped and tried to pull away, he had almost let out his secret! She would hate him as much as Zack did, if she found out!

Carey kept her hold on her youngest, "It's ok honey. I know. It's ok, I promise. I won't tell Zack, it's your secret to tell. I think he would understand though."

"Y…you know? What do you mean you know? How…when…" Cody stammered, wanting to run and hide. She had called him "sensitive" before, did that mean she guessed? His heart was beating wildly in his chest and he almost panicked.

"I've thought for a while you might not like girls honey. I knew when I saw how you acted when that famous kid, what was his name? Dylan Patton, I think, stayed at the hotel a few weeks ago. The way you followed him and Zack around, and got upset when they would go off without you. The way you looked at him when you thought no one was watching. I just figured you would tell me when you were ready. I still love you honey, and I always will. It doesn't matter to me." Carey said, kissing his hair.

"I'm sorry mom, please don't tell Zack! He'll hate me more than ever. I only act like Heather is my girlfriend so he won't think I'm a wimp." Cody's body shook as he hugged her tight, crying into her sweater.

"It's ok honey, really. Being gay is nothing to be ashamed of. And I promise I won't tell Zack. I am going to have a talk with him, but I won't say a thing about that." She held him for a few more minutes while he calmed down. She wanted to take away all his pain, but she knew she could only offer comfort. As soon as the trembling stopped she spoke again, "Now go wash up, OK? It will all work out." She kissed him again, stood up, and walked to the bedroom.

Cody watched her knock and waited until she had gone into the bedroom he shared with Zack before he got up and went to wash his face. Ok, he thought, mom really is cool.