Author has written 5 stories for Yami no Matsuei, Harry Potter, and X-Men: The Movie. Well, most of you probably think I died half of the time. Sorry 'bout that. Important: For those of you who read Black Sheep, I'm sorry, but it is most likely not going to be completed. I have been fighting with writing it for a while now, and to be honest I have no real clue as to where I want to bring the story. At the very least, it is going to be put on hiatus, and possibly written on if inspiration hits me. I apologise once again, because I promised this wouldn't happen. HP and the dangerous attraction will is now Complete! Hurraay! Well, guess that's all. Oh, and Staring Death in the Eye is completed! yay! (Well, this is probably not what the profile is really for, but eh, who cares? Not like anyone actually reads them anyway.) Oh! I'm looking for betas for basically all my stories, so if you like them and want to make me a better writer (I seriously feel as if someone who could point out if I'm being repetitive with vocabulary, write things in a way that is hard to understand or screw up the grammar would be a great help for me.) I do know that this is not quite the place to ask as there is a beta readers page, but sorry, there are just too many of them, and I have horrible troubles when it comes to going through page after page. In addition I would actually rather have a person who likes my story, instead of someone who just reads it because it's their "job". Anyway, thanks for reading! |