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Author has written 39 stories for Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew!, Sly Cooper, Star Fox, Superboy, Legend of Zelda, Teen Titans, Peter Pan, Captain Marvel/Shazam, Sesame Street, Ultimate Spider-Man, Batman the Animated Series, Ironman, Firestarter, Goosebumps, Pong, Zootopia, Ready Player One, Terminator, X-Men, Lunar Chronicles, Tomb Raider, DC Superheroes, Spider-Man, Last of Us, Green Lantern, Where the Wild Things Are, WALL-E, Muppet Show, Slender, Robin Hood, 1973, Catch Me If You Can, 2002, Paranormal Activity, Final Space, Gorillaz, Elektra, Aquaman, Daredevil, Hitman, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I'm a 16 year old boy. I'm the youngest FanFiction writer ever. |
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