![]() Author has written 2 stories for Naruto. Sorry to anyone who likes my stories, I'm to spontaneous to continue something for to long. Name: Light of Shunshin, or LoS Occupation: High School Student, discoverer Favorite anime: On going/Unsure Hobbies: Learning all of Earth's customs Religion: Agnostic Atheist Race: Refaltian: Ulkierian Age: 239 Earth years. Whereabouts: Starbucks, moving from place to place. I write Naruto fanfiction because I think it works well with alterations to the story, it isn't the best anime in the world, but it is one of the easiest to work with. If you enjoy my stories I apologize once again for not finishing, or even trying to finish. Oh well, that's what fanfiction's for. I am attempting to write another, but will not post it until it is done, if it will 'doned'. Thank you all for your patience, or respect to read this all that do. The amount of effort placed in the attempt to forgo the betterment of an individuals course of action is directionally proportional to the reward that the aforementioned individual with achieve thereafter the act of forgoing the betterment, thus in the case of an individual placing few efforts to no efforts in the goal of betterment the betterment shall not be properly achieved even if it appears to be so owing to the equivalence act predetermined by heritage placed upon the conscience allowing the greatest reward to only be earned in the act of seeking no reward at all creating a paradox of the mind to only be unraveled in the understand of the sentimental value of each experience we create and follow. That's right, I said it. I am sad to say that I have stopped reading fanfiction do to the vast amount of horrible writers screaming they're good writers like someone who can't play violin playing it anyway and claiming they're a music genius. Unfortunately unlike false violin geniuses writers on facfiction are not filtered through the media and are allowed to post and post and post all there garbage they call good writing, I myself might included in this if you believe this I apologize and say you're welcome for not posting. Anyway, fanfiction - Naruto fanfiction at least - has become a place for fools to place their thoughts, so I've basically stopped reading. Again, anyway, if you have a good story, I mean really well written, good enough to be a book, or chapters of a published book, if it were original, send me a link - please, I beg you - or perhaps an author with good stories. Note: If I start getting e-mails of horrible stories I'm blocking you, if I get tons of people sending me tons of garbage I'm deleting my account. I'm serious, not gonna take spam. If you've ever thought you're insane you probably aren't, if you know for sure you aren't insane you probably are. I am generally consider part of the human race, have all the papers and stuff, but sometimes return to my home world of Refalt. Refalt isn't unlike earth, just like Refaltians aren't unlike Earthlings, we just have been around several billion years before earth came into existence, if our records are correct (They are), and have had more chance to evolve and understand things that Earthlings have yet to learn. You Earthlings, unless a Refaltian or Gartiuan is reading this, as there are enough out there, have progressed much like we had before we plateaued (We being the Refaltians, not the Gartiuans because we are highly different and dislike each other very much as a species). We, too, entered several periods of crisis caused by our intellectual advances destroying our natural environment. It was near this time we learned to coexist with our environment and still managed to progress, no easy feat. Soon we managed to travel light years and light years until we found an inhabitable plant, and began to live as part of their population. So that's how we got here. Anyway, Refalt is a beautiful planet covered in sparkling red oceans and trees, as they might be called on Earth, of a variety of colors. The mountains can be towering, and the stones have more colors than our trees. The planet, from a distance, has been called the Planet of Colors. I am glad to have been born there, but I have begun to be very attached to Earth, having lived here for a hundred some odd years. I'm not proud to admit it, but several black marks in human history is a result of Gartiuan and Refaltian influence. For several hundred generations, if not thousands, Gartiua and Refalt have hated and spited one another. We caused many wars in history, including both the first and second world war (Hitler was Gartiuan) including the holocaust in the war, (when Refalt came here in masses we disguised as the many of the Jewish population, making Hitler indiscriminately aimed to kill off all of them despite the fact many of us had become various other religions, or none at all like my self) several people in history with over average intelligence were either Refaltian or Gartiuans. Einstein was Refaltian, contrary to popular belief of him being Gartiuan (I'm friends with him). And though many people believe Einstein is dead he isn't, Refaltians live thousands of years. Hitler is dead, he did kill himself, as is Elvis, just saying. That is all for now, folks. |