Author has written 10 stories for Star Wars, My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア, Destiny, and Batman. Hey guys, if you're here you probably made a wrong click when looking for good writers! lol jk. Honestly I'm glad you're here. Writing has always been a dream of mine, and just recently I finished my first fanfiction: The Five Stages. (As of 10/3/18) I wouldn't be here without my faithful beta readers: Mr Hollister, and Elizabeth. These two are the reason I write at all. Well them and Keep on Keeping on Yeah I listen to that on repeat whenever I doubt my writing. As towards my fandoms...There are really too many to go into, so I'll stick with the classics: I grew up with Starwars, and they remained my favorite fandom until the harbinger of doom- I mean dear Ms Kennedy decided that they worked better as social commentary and that they didn't need to make sense.(Yes I accept that the prequels are bad, but at least they weren't vessels for someones political and social opinions.) Thanks to Hollister I became a Transformers fan and that definitely holds the current number one spot now that Starwars is gone. I grew up with Transformers Cybertron, and some of my best memories were watching that show. (Yes it is terrible looking back, but when your a kid everything in that show is amazing.) But I have now gotten into the IDW Comics, and hold hope for bumble bee to be a good movie. Also I am working on a web comic series featuring my TF collection (No idea when that will be done, but links when I do will be here.) Anime...Ok this is a cop out, but I like WAY too much anime to list here. In particular My Hero Academia (Which I have 3 fics in the works on as of 10/3/18), Attack on Titan, Plastic Memories, Anything Gundam related, One Piece, and Overlord. Kung Fu Panda. This wonderful movie, its so so sequels, and ok show got me into As a massive shipper, TiPo is life, and the fandom delivered. I highly recommend anything by Lion Warrior, all of his stuff was a big inspiration to me, namely : /s/11851189/1/Lion-s-Book-of-Oneshots. While not everything is amazing, the worst i have to say about any of his stuff is that its ok. Seriously definitely worth checking out. Zootopia. This is what sealed my fate. I had no interest in this movie when it came out. Didn't get the trailers, movie didn't look that amazing, and it was for little kids so it got passed over. Oh boy, my sister came back from a friends house praising it, there was a really cool episode of film theory about it, but still i tried to avoid the movie. Then it got put on netflix and I had the misfortune of walking into it halfway because my nephews were over. *sigh* We watched it, I put them to bed, then I re watched it from the beginning. The movie is a classic in my opinion, but what was more, my shipper senses were tingling. I strongly felt a lot of tension between Nick and Judy, the apology under the bridge seems like they are about to say something more when she steps on his tail. Then that last scene with them in the cruiser, "You know you love me?" "Do I know that?" *nick looks worried* *Judy smirks* "Yes i do." Yeah there is something going on there. IMO. Regardless, I finished the movie at 10, but wasn't asleep until 1 am due to reading Fanfiction after Fanfiction. (As a side note, there is actually a mystery there. I know for a fact that I read a really good fic, but it disappeared. I have looked for it under countless names but it's gone, as is its author. The story was called: Partners, now and forever. By Nex1ous. Pm me if you know what happened!) so without further ado, I will list my favorite authors and my 1 fav story of theirs: 1:Fox in the hen house. Fox has been a staple in the community, his story Never Argue with a Bunny had me hooked on his work. He is a fan of happy upbeat stories, but if you are in the mood for sad dark work, his Fighting True Savagery is for you. (I didn't link it to be truthful to my rule!) It was a big inspiration of Five Stages. 2:Zanrok Ok Zanrok is what inspired me to take author commentary and make it funny. The personality in all of his work is just amazing. I enjoy Derailment, but cannot link to it as it is rated M, However equally good is his :Old Arrangements. Never thought I would like a story about an arranged marriage as a premise until I read this. 3:Cimar of Turalis WildeHopps. I honestly am not going to say anything other than read his works. It puts anything I will ever do to shame. Always-my-Sly-Bunny-Always-my-Dumb-Fox One-Hundred-Kisses, yeah he gets an exception to the rule as well. 4: ScaraMedn. I was one of the ones unfortunate enough to have not checked him out till I ran out of other authors. Big Mistake. Shadows-Assumptions-and-Lies 5:Bluelighthouse. I originally didn't like Blue's work. I know now how wrong I was. I just couldn't ship Judy and Trisha. However, Trisha and Delta? All the way. His fic based on Firewatch blew me away. I love that game and he did so much justice to both it and Zootopia, Must read! Zootopia-Firewatch Okay I have gone on long enough, but before I go, I have to give attention to my biggest inspiration. An insanely talented woman by the name of Lauren L. Garcia. Or as FF knows her laloga. I came across her one day when I went looking through the star wars ff community. I knew that there had to be some people with as much love for star wars as the zootopia community for zootopia. So I dug and I dug and I dug. Serious talk, why do so many like Luke going back to the past to save Anakin? No hate, just curious. But anyways I came across her story about an OC jedi and OC clone squad and was hooked. Because of my OCD I had to read her stuff in order and at first was disappointed. It looked like another OC/Obi story, and I was already mad at clone wars for giving Obi ANOTHER love interest. But I kept reading, and man was I glad I did. Kalinda Halcyon and Shadow Squadron are so good I wish they had been in the show. Now, yes there are some campy bits early on, but I mean I know I can't complain about that. But back to the story, she had just finished her last fic in the series a while previously, and I was sad that it was unlikely I would see anything else from her. Yet, her profile updated with news of her getting published as a 'real' author! I signed up for all of her early releases, and I did enjoy what I read. If your interested in someone being able to perfectly transition a jedi into a society where mages are locked away for government sanctioned use, where soldiers have immunity to their powers at the cost of a drastically shorter life, check out her Catalyst Moon series. I never got around to reading the second one, but the first was quite enjoyable. Reasons-Why (This is an swtor fic that is how i found her.) What-Remains (This is the beginning of Kali's journeys) Now onto my own writing. I am working towards one day becoming an author myself. I use Fanfiction as not only a measure of my own progress, but to see what I really need to work on. Reviews...I am begging for reviews! Seriously if you have anything, criticism or praise, I want to hear it. I will not be of course responding to pointless criticism ala 'STORY IS TRASH. STP WRTING NWB!' jkjk, but honestly I want to hear and will respond as often as possible. Next, I only submit stories that I will finish! Even if i grow to dislike it later. As such all future work will be done, though I may choose to release it periodically, depends on what you guys prefer! However, All stories must end, and this is the end of mine! Thanks for reading and checking out my recommendations, and I hope I can give yall a ride you can enjoy! Author update the second: Hey guys, I am not dead! Always a plus in my book. Anyways I am going to be continuing my stories fairly soon, it's just Darth Reallife sticking his villainous head in my business that is holding me back atm. |
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