Author has written 33 stories for Flight 29 Down, Harry Potter, Little Women, Robin Hood BBC, Snow White and the Huntsman, Merlin, Nikita, Musketeers, Star Wars, and Aquaman. I love stories. I love to read them and watch them and hear them; I love to write and dream and imagine them. There are too many books I like that mentioning just a few of my favorites seems unfair, but if someone twists my arm, I say I love The Hobbit, Moominpappa and the Sea, The Secret Garden, Harry Potter and Jane Austen. I was affected deeply when I read Lord of the Rings, Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Anne Frank's diary, Wide Sargasso Sea. I hated The Sorrows of Young Werther and Anna Karenina, coudn't finish Don Quixote. The same is true of tv shows; it's hard to pick just a few. I have been a fan of many tv series, either a short while or still to this day, years after the shows have ended. My first tv love was X-Files, other memorable shows are Supernatural, Buffy, Angel, Merlin, Farscape, Generation Kill, Band of Brothers, True Blood, Game of Thrones... The tv shows led me to fanfiction. I found fanfiction about 16 years ago and it was a revelation: the story could continue out of the screen or the page, go in directions I had wanted it to go in secret or hadn't even begun to imagine. It took several years before I dared to post my own stories here. Like with books, I have many favorites in fanfiction; there are many truly brilliant stories I have read and reread again and again. These stories (either on page or screen or internet) have been my inspiration when writing; an ideal to strive for. I hope I have even half as good stories to tell as my favorites. |