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Author has written 9 stories for Supernatural, Misc. Movies, Inception, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Jurassic Park, Transformers, and Walking Dead. Hi Name: Rachael Age: Ha Not telling Favorite movies: All Lord of the Rings, The Mist, Serenity, Aliens, The Terminator, 300, King Arthur, all Rambos,all Resident Evils, Doom, Black Hawk Down,The Dark Knight, Star Trek, Inglourious Basterds, Inception. Favorite TV shows: American Idol, Lost, Supernatural, and The Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, Rome, Sopranos,Heroes, True Blood Favorite Actors/Actresses: Jensen Ackles, Michael Biehn, Lena Headley, Sigourney Weaver, Thomas Jane, Jessica Biel. Garrett Hedlund, Robert Downey Jr.,Chase Crawford, Jame Purfoy, Many Moore, Kate Beckinsale, Hugh Jackman, Nicole Kidman, Matthew Marsden,Slyvester Stallone, Milla Jovovich, Oded Fehr, Chrsitan Bale, Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and many more. Go Cubs Go (even though they suck 85 of the time) but once your a fan, theres no goin back. People, please review as much as you can. There is nothing more frustrating than recieving over 50 hits with no reviews. War on Humanity Photo of Gabby's and Gabe's dad: http:///media/rm3937836288/nm0000458 Photo of Gabriel: http:///xc/1718238.jpg?v=1&c=ViewImages&k=2&d=17A4AD9FDB9CF19390335F8FA9CA92A6FC19446FF5F4D4599930FDCFC4C15FBB Favorite Pairings: Heroes: Adam/Elle Supernatural: Sam/Ruby Batman: Bruce/Oc, Harvey/Rachel Lost: Jack/Kate, Charlie/Claire True Blood: Bill/Sookie Favorite quotes:-"I know who you are. I can see. You're swearing right now that some day you'll destroy me. Remember... far better women than you have sworn to do the same. Go and look for them now"(Atia of the Julii) " Live for nothing or die for something" (Rambo) En-Joo: "I like your sister, Diaz." "You know what you are. What you're made of. War is in your blood. Don't fight it. You didn't kill for your country. You killed for yourself. God's never gonna make that go away. When you're pushed, killing's as easy as breathing."(Rambo) Ripley: Well, somebody's gonna have to go out there. Take a portable terminal, go out there and patch in manually. Ripley: They cut the power. Hudson: Well that's great, that's just fuckin' great, man. Now what the fuck are we supposed to do? We're in some real pretty shit now man... Goat: Be sober; be vigilant because your adversary the Devil walketh about seeking whom he may devour. Duke: after meeting Samantha Please tell me you didn't let a fine piece of ass like that get away from you, Reaper. Sarge: Talking about where the Imp came from Is there anyway this thing came from the outside, on the surface? Corporal Dean Portman: talks to The Kid on the Helicopter while en route to the Ark You know, Kid, it's funny. A couple of days ago I asked Sarge for a little pussy. The next day he brought you onto the team. Ricky Bobby: I'm going fast again! "Leave no man behind" ( Black Hawk Down). "Fuck Thisssssss" (Ewan Mcgregor, Black Hawk Down) "It's what you do right now that makes a difference" ( Brian Van Holt) "You thought we could be decent men at an indecent time." ( Harvey "Two Face" Dent, The Dark Knight) Galadriel: The power of the enemy is growing. Sauron will use his puppet Saruman to destroy the people of Rohan. Isengard has been unleashed. The Eye of Sauron now turns to Gondor, the last free kingdom of men. His war on this country will come swiftly. He senses the Ring is close. The strength of the Ringbearer is failing. In his heart, Frodo begins to understand. The quest will claim his life. You know this. You have foreseen it. It is the risk we all took. In the gathering dark, the will of the Ring grows strong. It works hard now to find its way back into the hands of men. Men, who are so easily seduced by its power. The young captain of Gondor has but to extend his hand, take the Ring for his own and the world will fall. It is close now, so close to achieving its goal. For Sauron will have dominion over all life on this Earth, even unto the ending of the world. The time of the elves is over. Do we leave Middle-Earth to its fate? Do we let them stand alone? I've recently just started up a blog that talks about my stories on this site. If you are looking for some recommendations on some good reads just copy and paste the link below :) http:/// |