Disclaimer: I do not own the movie, the characters, etc. etc. This was just something I decided to do instead of writing up papers one night. Yes I realize it's short but I'm deciding if I'll continue. If anyone likes it it'll continue if not, oh well. Writing helps me relieve stress and stop dreaming about things I shouldn't. Enough about my awkward life and on to the story.

Yours Always, Fallen.

I swatted at the tear that had fallen down my cheek. Yes just one tear. Something I learned how to do when I was five. Never allow yourself more than one tear, that had been my motto. Even though this funeral really called for more than one tear shed. But it would never come. I knew that for a fact. The casket was lowered into the ground and people started to disperse. It was amazing to see the turnout. Although who wouldn't come to pay their respects to Evelyn Mercer? She was a saint, for Christ sakes. Whoever had killed her was going to pay in more ways then one. I knew I wasn't the only one who shared that thought. In fact I saw four others who let that thought show on their faces.

The Mercer boys. Gods, it had been too long since I'd seen them all together. There they were, Bobby, Angel, Jeremiah and Jack all together just like it used to be. True, Jerry still lived around here, but I hardly ever saw him. The last time they'd all been together that I knew of was two years ago. That hadn't been for fun and games, but for another funeral. My brother's funeral. I looked back at the boys and realized they really weren't boys anymore. They were grown, much to the surprise of anyone who had crossed them. They all made it to adult hood.

There was Bobby. Still with that slicked back hair that I used to make fun of. Bobby was the most outwardly violent of the brothers. Built like a hockey player with the strength of a bear you had to beware when dealing with Bobby. He was an amazing hockey player. Could have gone pro if he had learned to control his anger. But that was Bobby, act first think later. I cringed when I realized I had acted that way around him.

Next to Bobby was Angel. Now there was a face you could never forget. Dark skin and eyes that would make any girl melt. And they usually did. Angel was second in line for the violent department. His fuse was longer than Bobby's but only slightly. Angel was the playboy of the brothers. Yet from what I could tell from rumors, he still visited Sofi, his girl from back in the day, from time to time.

Jerry was another story. He had grown up compared to the others. He was a family man now. I didn't doubt that he still had a temper but I knew he controlled himself and knew where the line was now. He had married his high school sweetie, Camille, and had two little girls. He didn't dress 'homeboy' style but like a father and business man. But you could still feel the presence around him that could knock you flat on your ass.

Then there was Jack. Tallest out of the brothers he looked more like he should have been from New York than Detroit. He had rock star looks. He was about six foot four and had shaggy blond hair that held a permanent ruffle. He was the youngest Mercer and the only one anyone ever attempted to pick on. Of course if Jack didn't beat the shit out of the bully first his brothers would. Jack may not have been as strong or as violent as his brothers but he could hold his own.

Everyone had gone and it was just us left. Jerry had signaled his wife to head home with the girls. The four brothers walked forward and stood around Evelyn's grave in silence. I knew it was time for me to make my move. I just wanted to turn back and head home but I had given Evelyn my word about this. I walked behind them in silence stopping short about a foot behind them. All of their shoulders were slumped and I could feel the world pressing down on their shoulders. Gods Evelyn why did you pick me to do this?

I took a deep breath and stepped forward moving between Bobby and Jack. The brothers quickly turned to see who dared disturb them. I didn't wait for anyone to say anything. I took the four roses from my hands and gave each brother one.

"From Evelyn." I sighed looking at the blank faces. "She told me to make sure he boys were all here. Make sure they said goodbye the proper way. And above all to remind them that they had to look out for each other the way she always told them to." My voice faltered for a second as I saw all of them looking at the grave with a heartbroken look in their eyes. "And above all to remind you how much she loved you and that she'll always miss you…and…and watch over you."

I saw Jerry's face pale and he placed the rose on top of her grave. "Bye Ma." He hurried off telling the others to meet back at his house.

The three others placed the rose on top of the grave and said their goodbyes. They didn't leave like Jerry did. They waited for each other then turned to me.

Now it was just the four of us. Angel looked over at me looking slightly confused. "How did you know our mother?"

I managed a small smile. "Damn Angel. I don't think I changed that much in two years."

"Lucia? Holy shit." He grabbed me in a one armed hug knocking the wind out of me. He pulled back and looked into my face. "You look good. I mean you looked good last time I saw you but hell…"

I managed a wry smile. "I looked like shit I know. I was a mess. Let's face it you guys didn't stay around long enough to see me when I managed to get things in order."

I saw Angel and Bobby both wince. They only stayed two days after my brother's funeral. Not that I blamed them. They had lives, they couldn't stay around forever. Jack was staring at me guilt all over his face. We both knew he had a good fucking reason for that.

Bobby hugged me next. "Damn little girl, it's not fair this is the way we have to see you. But I can promise we'll be around longer this time." I felt an ache in my chest when he let me go. Damn he reminded me so much of Rob. Then again Bobby and Rob were closer than friends. Rob was the only guy outside of the family Bobby was ever close with. In a way Bobby was the last link to my brother.

Jack stepped forward just looking at me. I think he was waiting for a sign to let me know it was okay to touch me.

Bobby slapped his brother on the back. "Jesus you little fairy. You can give her a goddamn hug."

Jack stepped forward and held me tightly. It was the only time I felt like crying. His mouth was next to my ear and I heard him sigh. "I'm sorry Luce. I'm sorry. I didn't realize what I did." Damnit. His voice could still make me shiver.

I pulled back from him a burning sting in my chest. All I could do was nod. I didn't want to yell at him. Hell I didn't think I could if I tried.

I felt Bobby's hand on my shoulder. "Listen kid, you have somewhere to go for Thanksgiving?"

I shook my head. "No, it's just been me lately." I bit my lip. "I was supposed to spend it with your mom."

Bobby grabbed me with one arm pulling me to his chest and kissed my head. "You're spending it with us. Don't bother trying to argue."

I ran my hands through my hair and stepped back. "I'm still next door so you know where to find me."

I started walking away when I heard Jack call to me. "Luce. Why the roses?"

I turned taking a deep breath. I looked Jack straight in the eyes, something I never thought I'd be able to do again. "She always wanted me to make sure you gave her the proper goodbye. She always said you were her roses. Thorny and tough, but beautiful and delicate." I turned away because I didn't think I could bare the looks they had on their faces.