![]() Author has written 13 stories for Power Rangers. Well i noticed that a few people hit up my profile and well ...there was nothing on it. So i've decided to grace you all with a small glimpse into the life of me...uhh you're reading it. My name is Blue November and i'm a Scorpio, i like long walks on the beach and enjoy decorative sheep shearing. i'm currently training hairless cats to infiltrate strategic military installations in order to get free cable. So far i have stayed in the PR:SPD fandom but i think i'm getting ready to expand my horizons...now i just need to figure out in which direction to look... i hope you all enjoy my mindless ramblings masquerading as stories. if not please let me know and i'll stop, i've got this great idea for pygmy sheep i've been dieing to try! 6/10/09 - wow ...it's been awhile. - So i know i haven't written anything in awhile...ive let some stories fall into the abyss that is writers block...and for that i'm sorry. but like i said last time i'm still lurking and reading and...AND i even have some stories bouncing around my head, i just need to find the time to sit down and actually write them out. Until then keep reading and reviewing and know that i appreciate it all! ;) 5/30/08 - over a year since my last post- and you guys are still reviewing my stories! That is beyond awesomeness! anywho just thought i'd drop a line and let you know that i have indeed NOT dropped off the face of the planet life just tends to get in the way. i still have stories planned and as you have seen (i'm sure) have even posted one! I have been actively lurking however and i gotta tell ya there has been some great stuff coming out! Everyone here continues to rock but i gotta say there are some people who are almost in need of milk carton if you know what i mean... come out come out wherever you are! 4/15/07- And the winner is... Thankyou more times than i could say to everyone who voted for me in the What A Character Awards! Thanks to all of you my story Green Sheep took home Best Short Story and second place in the best PRSPD story! Why do you love me so? especially when i take so long to update my other story Shifting Hearts (which took home some second place awards as well!) I'll try my hardest to make it up to you i swear! Untill then thanks for keeping it buttery! 1/27/06- Make me blush! More nominations! you guys! I'm really not that cool but i'm glad that you think i am :) Anyway. This new nomination comes courtesy of Destiny45's brand new Season of Love Awards check out the link to the site and either nominate or vote for your favorite PR romance story http:///planet/season_of_love_award/index.htmlor Turns out my story For love or Butter has been nominated for best PRSPD romance. which is funny cuz i almost didn't add that little bit with Z and Bridge but now i'm glad i did. So more plates of extra buttery (double fingerwiggle) toast to whomever nominated me! baaaaaaaaaaaaaa! keeping in buttery (finger wiggle!) -Blue November- "It's time to throw off these chains and addle our brains with madness" -BNL- "sometimes i feel like weeping, awakened when i'm sleeping, perfecting how to put a game face on " -Blue October- |