Author has written 1 story for Dragon Ball Z. Hey there, the name's Bryan, I'm 27 years old, and believe it or not any writing skill I have I obtained through years of roleplaying online. Yes. I'm serious. I'm that frightening. Why Vegeta/Bulma fanfics do you ask? Well, it's unusual enough that I'm male and writing/reading these fanfictions like a rabid fangirl, but I'm also gay, and to be honest, I cannot fully explain how I got wrapped up in all of this, but hey, I love it. That's what counts, right? I'm not a very good artists, and I can't say that I'm that great a writer, though others have attempted to argue with me. I see some of the other writers on here and feel like a school child learning grammar. Some of the writers are like a walking thesaurus. Anyway, I hope you enjoy what I write at any rate. |