Poll: Of my current fics and my upcoming ones, which ones would you like updated/published sooner rather than later? I need to know so I can work on the ones you want to read. Check my profile for summaries. Vote Now!
Author has written 7 stories for Naruto. Name: You can call me Ayame. Age: You'd probably know (at least approximately) if you read my author's notes... otherwise I'm not telling you. Likes: I like books and libraries, school, my beautiful lap-top, Parmesan cheese (I love that stuff), being outside (in the rain too, rain is nice), and my wonderful family Dislikes: I hate yams. Apologies to yam lovers. I also dislike waking up early, meaningless work that teaches me nothing, and people who hate on others for no reason Hobbies: I love to read, write, draw, think, and watch anime/read manga. I also enjoy hiking or swimming (unless I'm tired) and playing board games (especially Scrabble, Go and Catan) Dreams: I may sound like a childish optimist, but I want to make a positive difference in the world. IMPORTANT!!!: Okay, not really that important, just wanted to do that. -First of all: GOMENASAI, GOMENASAI, GOMENASAI!!! I am so so sorry! Please forgive meee!!! I have been gone soooo long, I don't know what to say. Just, please forgive me! I am currently working on my own novel while surviving high school and still updating my fics (plus I tend to be lazy when I'm not inspired. If I get inspired, I work my butt off) So, anywho... I will get new updates out as soon as I can! GOMENASAI, MINNA! -Second: I will be submitting a comic to WEBTOON's upcoming short story contest! The link will be posted both here and in my next update of SA by June 1st. I'd really appreciate if you came and checked it out, and maybe left a like and comment. For those interested, a bit more about me, my writing, my feedback policies, and my stories: I have been writing for around 5 years, but I'm still new to fan fiction. I write a whole lot of original stories, a few of which have the possibility of becoming epic length, and do many ending re-writes and alternate story-lines inside my head, very few of which I actually write. I hope I will actually finish all my stories on this site and not disappoint anyone. I will do my best! ;P Some of the original works I might base fanfics off include: Naruto, All Studio Ghibli works, Inuyasha, Sword Art Online, Ranma 1/2, Fairy Tail, Boku no Hero Academia, Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, and others if ideas cross my mind. I hope you like the stories I write and will find it your heart to tell me what you think, be it good or bad. I'd appreciate it! Everyone can always improve and I have a ways to go, so if you would like to give me feedback, please do! I won't hate you if you tell me something is bad...as long as you tell me why you think so. I might not read it if it just says "Your story and your writing sucks!" Also: I mostly do my own art as well, however if anyone is interested in sketching something based off one of my stories, please show me! I'd love to see it! In other words: lots of reviews and lots of constructive criticism! Favored Pairings: Naruto: Naru/Saku (ALWAYS!!!) Shika/Tema Mina/Kushi Most other pairings I am neutral on. However: SasuSaku I really don't like that pairing. I have looked at arguments for it. I understand why some may like it. I even understand wanting to write fics for it because of the drama ;P But I don't find it makes sense. I won't rant, and I won't tell you you're wrong to like it, just letting you know I don't and won't write ANYTHING SasuSaku (unless they break up during it... maybe... but probably not). Fairy Tail: NaLu (I LOOOOVE them so much!) Jerza or Grayza (either way) GaLe Gruvia Bleach: IchiRuki or IchiHime (I'm not picking sides on this one) RenRuki (if IchiHime) IshiHime (if IchiRuki) BNHA: I'm not really partial to any particular pairings at this point (I haven't read the manga, just watched the anime) Everything Else: I mainly support canon pairings. :D About Kikyou vs. Kagome in Inuyasha: I like both as characters. I think Kikyou and her development are fascinating and I think her and Inuyasha were cute when she was alive. Key word: alive. I see why people think she is "better" than Kagome, but the better character is not always the better fit for a pairing. Kikyou died. She may wander as a soul, but she isn't flesh and blood. She's also the malicious part of Kikyou's soul. The rest is now Kagome's. And she is trying to drag Inuyasha into hell for the majority of the anime. I can see why he has trouble letting go because he did love her, but Kagome is the better fit. And no, I don't hate Kikyou. Nor do I hate Kagome. I am being purely objective. Pairings I dislike/won't write: SasuSaku (Naruto) Minato and Kushina paired with anyone other than each other (Naruto) InuKik (Inuyasha) Any SAO pairing besides KiritoxAsuna (SAO) Any Ranma pairing besides RanmaxAkane (I like Ukyo, but I like Akane better with Ranma) (Ranma 1/2) NaLi (Fairy Tail) IchiHime (I don't mind the pairing but I won't write for it) (Bleach) About Requests: I don't normally take story requests since I have my own ideas, but feel free to suggest something. If I really like it I might do it, if it's not too long. My other stories already have that problem. ;) Current Stories: A World Without Hate: -Discontinued and being rewritten. Go to "A World Without Hate REWRITTEN" Protector: -In progress. More chapters coming soon! (Hopefully!) Hero: -Complete one-shot. Relics: -Complete one-shot. (More chapters if there are enough requests) Namikaze-Uzumaki Naruto - Sage's Apprentice -Currently has five chapters posted. (Tentatively) Upcoming Stories: Sacrifices of a Hokage (Naruto) {NaruSaku} : -Currently almost one chapter long. It will probably take a while, but it'll be there eventually. Summary: My take on all the “Naruto is the Rokudaime” fanfics. Before Naruto leaves with Jiraiya, Tsunade promotes him to Chuunin and declares that he is to be Hokage when he returns. Because of this, Jiraiya takes Naruto’s training seriously and he returns to Konoha much stronger and more mature. But Naruto’s trials are not over. Red Petal Rising (Naruto) : -Currently fragmented scenes and ideas with nothing cohesive. Don't expect anything. Summary: Ayame Koyuzuki, Konoha no Akai Hanabira. Ayame is a civilian girl who just wants to help people. She meets a young Naruto and sees the suffering people in her beloved village go through, she sees the kindness some of them give. She then gets sucked into the ninja world, swearing she will protect her village and every individual in it, and fight so that they can live in peace. OC Self-Insert If She Believes (BNHA) : -Currently almost a chapter, but I forgot my chapter ending, so most likely a long wait for this one. (Unless, of course, that wonderful creature called inspiration comes back to me after running away for so long... then maybe... but I can't get my hopes up :/) Summary: Izuku’s mother thinks a little bit more about how to console her son, leading to drastic changes to his and everyone’s lives. Having been training since he was five, Izuku is much more prepared than before. And all it took was for someone to believe in him. Memory of That Love (Fairy Tail) {NaLu} : -Currently one chapter long. It's estimated to be 10-12 chapters total. (I'm not sure...) I could post it... but I'm not confident in it yet and so... Summary: Natsu is dead. And now Lucy is leaving, too. She says she's leaving to train, will be back in a year. That she'll be stronger. When she returns, she isn't the same. And who is the mysterious, faceless man who haunts her dreams after she is made an S-class wizard in this year's S-class trials? Why is he so familiar? Lucy is stronger, but at a price. And when it comes to light that Natsu may not be dead... Anti-Bullying Message The girl you just called fat? She is overdosing on diet pills. The girl you just called ugly? She spends hours putting makeup on hoping people will like her. The boy you just tripped? He is abused enough at home. See that man with the ugly scars? He fought for his country. That guy you just made fun of for crying? His mother is dying. Put this on your profile if you're against bullying. If you can read this message, you are blessed because over two billion people in the world cannot read at all: I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas toghuht slpeling was ipmorantt! tahts so cool! If you could read that put it in your profile! And now! Enough meaningless chatter and on to what you're really here for: the stories! |
KingBlue10 (7) | riverofmemories (42) | Yojimbra (138) |