Intent blue eyes roamed over faded pages methodically, soaking in the information and moving on. The young boy's small hands flipped the pages in a crisp rhythm, pausing occasionally to push uncooperative golden bangs from his field of view. A knock on the small apartment's door caused him to jump and drop his book. Short legs were swung off the lumpy mattress he had previously occupied and carried him swiftly towards the dented wooden door. The boy threw the door open and slammed into the body of the man on the other side.
"Good morning, Naruto-kun. How are you today?"
"I'm great! That book you gave me is really interesting, 'ttebayo!"
"I'm glad you like it, Naruto-kun."
"Yep! So Jiji-sama, why're you here? Usually if I want to see you I have to come to your office."
"I need an excuse?"
"No, but I know you and you don't do much of anything without a reason."
"You got me there. I'm here to give you your monthly allowance and also your Academy application forms."
"Oh, cool! So I finally get to go to the Academy!"
"Almost. You still need to get your application approved."
"I guess that makes sense. Do I have to complete any prerequisites for attending then?"
"No, none of that. They just need to do a background check."
"Background check? Why do they need to do that?"
"Basically they check that you have no malicious intent and that you have been in the village for at least five years or since you were born if you're younger than that."
"So it's to weed out spies?"
"Pretty much."
"Ok, I'll have the forms filled out by tomorrow. What should I do where it says 'parent signature' though? I…"
"I'll sign those."
"Thanks Jiji-sama. Ano, can I have another book to read?"
"Sure Naruto-kun. Anything in particular?"
"I dunno. Something about all the different Hokages or something? I really like reading about all the different Hokages and what they did."
"I've already given you five books about that, Naruto."
"I know, but it's really cool, 'ttebayo! I still don't understand exactly how the Yondaime killed Kyuubi," Sarutobi flinched, "or how the Nidaime invented Edo Tensei, or about the Yondaime's life apart from his achievements, or you and your genin team when your sensei was the Nidaime. There's so many details I can still learn! I don't just want to know about what all the Hokages did, I want to know about who they were, their ideals, all that."
"Why don't I give you this then? These are the journals of all the Hokages, including me. They will give notes on jutsu, personal feelings and thoughts, and a perspective on history that you couldn't get any other way." Sarutobi knew it was risky to give him these, but it was the best he could do for the kid. He summoned four slender books with worn covers and handed them to the boy.
"Wow! Jiji-sama, how'd you get all these? This is awesome!" Naruto flipped open the cover of the fourth book, a dark navy one with golden embroidery, and gently ran his fingertips over the smooth creamy paper. "Just… wow. It's actually in his handwriting, too…" Sarutobi smiled. It was refreshing to see Naruto so excited. But there was one thing he had to know before he handed them over for good.
"Naruto-kun." Naruto's head snapped up at the strict tone. "I need you to tell me honestly, Naruto-kun, why do you want to be Hokage?" Sarutobi questioned. Naruto seemed to go into deep thought and it was a few minutes before he answered.
"When everyone looks at you, they look at you with awe and respect. You protect them and they follow you. They believe in you. The Fourth Hokage gave his life to protect this village, so did the Nidaime and Shodaime. They were strong, brave, selfless, well-respected…they were everything I want to be. You…you're like the grandfather I never had. You're the grandfather to the entire village; you don't just protect them, you inspire them. I…I want to be that person. I guess you could say it's selfish, that all I want is for them to look up to me…but I'm just so sick of being looked down on. I want to be be the person that inspires young academy students, that is respected by everyone in the village, that risks their life to protect the village. I want to prove to them that I can be their hero, not just an invisible kid. I…I want…I want them to love me…" He trailed off, looking down at the ground, tears welling in his eyes. Sarutobi smiled fondly and nodded to himself, placing a comforting hand on Naruto's shoulder. The boy had a long way to go, but his intentions were pure.
"I wish you luck, Naruto-kun. Learn from those before you and always keep your strong heart. I'm sure you will find people who believe in you, in time." Naruto looked up, the tears beginning to run down his cheeks.
"Jiji, you don't know how much that means…I swear I won't let you down. I will be the hero of this village, no matter what. I'll protect everyone in the village, and I'll find the people who believe in me. I'll become their Hokage, the best Hokage ever, 'ttebayo!"
"I'm sure you will, Naruto-kun." Naruto threw his arms around the old Hokage and sobbed. It was a full ten minutes before he pulled away, wiping his eyes on his sleeve.
"Sorry…I didn't mean to start crying…"
"It's alright, Naruto-kun, sometimes even the strongest people need to let out their feelings." Naruto nodded, then tilted his head to the side.
"Even you?"
"Yes, even me, Naruto-kun."
Naruto smiled. "I'm glad it's not just me…"
"Naruto-kun, no matter how it feels, remember this. You are never alone."
"Ok, Jiji-sama."
"I have to go. Here are your forms and I look forward to seeing you at the Academy."
"Thanks. I'm going to do my best!" Sarutobi stood up walked out the door, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
The next day, Naruto was up early and out the door. He wove his way unnoticed through the busy morning streets, a stack of papers clutched to his chest. He darted past the Hokage's secretary, who yelled at him to slow down, and made his way to the office door. He was about to turn the nob when he stopped short. Inside the room he could hear voices, many voices.
"We can't let that demon brat into our Academy!" said the high, screeching voice of a woman Naruto didn't know.
"And why not?" Sarutobi responded calmly.
"He's a danger to the other children! What if that…"
"It's not necessarily him, I just don't trust that he could control…"
"What did I say about not mentioning that?"
"Sorry Hokage-sama. With all due respect, if that boy attends the academy, I will withdraw my son."
"I second that, Hokage-sama," chorused a second woman.
"I will do the same," a third voice, this one a male's, chimed in.
"That sounds appropriate," yet another unknown voice agreed.
"Okay, I think I can safely say that if it is at the Academy, no civilian children will be in attendance until it is gone," the first voice stated confidently.
"I suppose I have no choice then. He will not attend the Academy," the Hokage sighed, resigned.
"Thank you, Hokage-sama. You have all our deepest gratitude."
"I did not do this for you, not when you fall so easily to fear and refuse to question your prejudice. I did this so he will not have to deal with unfair judgement from anyone."
"Hokage-sama! I already said it's not the boy's fault, it's just…"
"No need to argue, the decision has been made. You will get your wish, even if not for the reason you want."
"Hai, Hokage-sama."
Naruto turned and ran; he didn't need to hear anymore to know they were talking about him. The only person he'd ever heard called 'demon brat' and 'that thing' was himself. 'Why did Jiji give in so easily? Why didn't he defend me and tell them I'm not a demon? I'm not, am I? He told me he believed I would be Hokage one day, has he just been trying to get me to trust him? How will I become Hokage when I can't even go to the Academy and be a ninja? I don't understand it…' He ran and ran, his feet moving without his brain, carrying him to the one place he felt truly safe, the head of his hero, the Yondaime. He sat on his idol's stone head, staring out across the village. 'What would you do, Yondaime-sama? I don't know what to do. I thought that Jiji…I thought that Sandaime-sama believed in me…I…I don't have anyone anymore…I can't even go to the Academy…how will I become the greatest Hokage ever? Can I even be a ninja? Please…help me…'
'You need to believe in yourself.'
'Yondaime-sama?' Naruto questioned, surprised by the voice in his head. No one answered. 'I must've imagined it. I wanted to talk to him so bad…'
Naruto lay on his mattress, staring at the chipping ceiling. Thoughts flitted in and out of his head, each confusing him more than the last. It was like how he imagined standing at the eye of a storm would be, watching everything around you shredded. It was still and silent, an abyss that was swallowing him. So many doubts and questions and theories. So many things he didn't understand. And a hand on his shoulder, warm and comforting…he snapped awake and the warmth disappeared. He was staring up at the concerned eyes of the Sandaime.
"Are you okay, Naruto-kun?"
"I'm just fine, Sandaime-sama. Did you need anything?"
"What? That's your title, is it not?"
"What happened to 'Jiji'?"
"I wonder the same thing. What happened to 'Jiji'?"
"What do you mean? I'm still the same person…" He would never admit it outwardly, but Sarutobi was very hurt by his surrogate grandson addressing him formally.
"Are you? I suppose I just didn't see that person then, because the Jiji I know would not betray me."
"Betray you?"
"Yeah, my Jiji would not go behind my back with something as important as that." Sarutobi was beginning to have a sneaking suspicion as to what this was about, but still he asked another question.
"What is this you're talking about? Did something happen?"
"No. Nothing happened at all."
"Are you alright?"
"Oh, so you want me to lose my cool? I was trying to act like a calm and professional person, but you're really pushing it now. You expect me to be alright right now? You expect me to treat you normally? You told me you believed in me, that you believed I would be Hokage! How'm I gonna be Hokage if I can't even be a ninja? How'm I gonna find other people who believe in me if I don't even have a single one! And you still expect me to call you Jiji?"
"Naruto-kun, how do you know about the Academy? I was just coming to tell you."
"You did ask me to come and turn in my Academy application. Did you not wonder at all why I didn't?! Do you pay any real attention to me or is it all a lie?"
"No! You know what, I don't care what you think of me. I'm gonna prove you wrong. I'm not a demon or whatever, I'm Uzumaki Naruto and I'm gonna be a better Hokage then you ever were! And I'm gonna do it without the stupid Academy! I don't need your help or anyone else's! I'll do it alone, just me and my skill. You can even have your stupid journals back. I don't need them anymore!" Sarutobi grimaced at the anger in Naruto's voice. 'Oh dear, I should've put up the sound barriers. I better fix this.'
"I don't want to hear it! I don't care how many excuses you have, I thought you would've stood up for me!"
"I was just going to say you can still keep the journals, even if you're mad at me that doesn't mean you can't still learn from the other Hokages."
"I said I don't want your help!"
"Naruto-kun, I…"
"Save it! I don't want to be tricked by you right now!"
"Naruto-kun, please hear me out!"
"Fine. What are you trying to say?"
"Naruto-kun, I'm sorry. I wanted them to try and accept you, but they are set in their ways. Civilian students make up about 3/4 of the Academy students. It would be bad for the village if we lost that many students because of one student. You want to be Hokage, right? Sometimes a Hokage has to make difficult choices like that. I don't need you to forgive me, but I need you to calm down and not let your anger guide you. Please keep the journals."
"Ok. I understand, but that doesn't mean I forgive you just yet. I'll keep the journals, but I want you to leave. And don't come back. I'll show you all I can do this myself. "
"Naruto-kun, you need to understand that trying to do everything alone will not help you. You may not be allowed to attend the Academy, but I can give you some scrolls to start you off learning and allow you to take the graduation exam in four years."
"Thank you," Naruto replied stiffly, "I'll need everything the Academy teaches and more, though, if you want to make it up to me. And maybe some tutors, too," he finished with a slight chuckle.
"Now you just want to exploit me to get resources."
"Possibly. Maybe I'm still a little mad."
A/N: Kon'nichiwa, minna! From the results of my poll (so far, you can still go and vote!), Protector and Sage's Apprentice are the stories you all most want to read! And so, per requests, here is the first chapter of SA! I'm very excited to be sharing this story with you all, since I really love writing it. I hope you enjoy!