Author has written 4 stories for Gakuen Alice. o--The fan fiction authoress wannabe is currently on hiatus due to her busy schedule and writer's block.--o : bows apologetically to the people who bothered to read this profile : I might update: tomorrow - next week - next month - next year - next decade who knows? : once again bows apologetically to the people who bothered to read this profile : o--0--o--0--o--o--0--o simplebutspecial ( sim'pl-but-spesh'al) prsn. 1. someone who's obsessed of Natsume Hyuuga and other stubborn Anime shounen 2. someone who wants to be fluent in languages more than she can handle 3. someone who loves tragedy and angst fics 4. someone who has a profile you took the time to look at because you're probably bored 5. someone who's currently stuck with writer's block o--0--o--0--o--o--0--o Lurves.. NATSUME HYUUGA (childish to fall for a fictional character, I know.), PHOTOGRAPHY, clutches, Shoebox, VIOLIN, pasta, Gakuen Alice, CHOCOLATE, manga, Celine, romance, INTERIOR DESIGNING, People are People, earrings, BOOKS, drums, pendants, simple nothings, Italian, pastel colors, guitar, SHOPPING, Anime, tragedy, Greek mythology, clothes, flats, horror movies, piano, FASHION, Nike, magazines, CSI: NY, sour gummy worms, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. XD Music helps a lot too. o--0--o--0--o--o--0--o Currently.. Classes. Haii.. Damn school. XD. It's been a long time since I wrote a fan fiction... Sorry for my laziness... I'll try to make up for it. I'm thinking of writing a multi-chaptered fic with Mikan and Natsume as the main characters (who else?). I'm still thinking of the perfect plot, so I won't be able to fill you in yet. Anyway, for all those people who have read my fics, there's another one coming up. Though I'm not sure when I'll post it, I'll try to write it as soon as I can, so I hope the dear readers won't have to wait too long. But please don't expect me to upload this within the month, since I'm still arrranging the ideas that are streaming in. Gomenasai! Act Your Age is currently under reconstruction, and so will be other of my fan fictions. o--0--o--0--o--o--0--o About Me.. I started writing fanfiction when I watched the anime series Gakuen Alice and well, grew fond of one of the characters there (Natsume!!). I live in the Philippines and can speak Chinese, Tagalog and English. When I have free time, I do sketching, read books (My friends get grounded from watching TV while I get banned from reading too much), play badminton, use the computer, or simply settle down and watch tv. I am an Otaku (one who spends too much time on his/her hobby) on Anime. Also, collecting and editing pictures in my computer is sort of my hobby. I'm obsessive-compulsive and sarcastic, too if that helps. And that's about it. unless you want to know the color of my hair and so. Sorry, I don't think anyone would want me to go on and on about what's my eye color or anything. Hmm.. What else? I'm really into angsty fics, I'm obsessed with vanilla ice cream, and I'm someone who suddenly laughs at something that happened yesterday. Your ordinary fan fiction wannabe writer. Yeah, yeah, I'll shut up now. o--0--o--0--o--o--0--o Requests are open, especially oneshots! Upcoming Fics :(When they'll come, I'm not sure.) Love Me Not (multichaptered,.) Laces and Frills (oneshot) o--0--o--0--o--o--0--o Many thanks: A.S.A.-senpai (inform me when you change your penname again, will you, Mie-chan?) animeloverangels 98animefaerie94 reviewers too! and all the tres fab authors and fanfiction writers who helped and inspired me up to this day. o--0--o--0--o--o--0--o Is anyone even reading this?! o.O air kisses! xoxo~ Oh, and reviews are gladly accepted!! It's the inspiration of every writer. XD. PM me anytime. Criticisms anyone? Kidding. |
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