It Was Me All Along

Chapter 1- Jealousy and Curiosity Hits

"He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not, he… HE LOVES ME!" the fifteen year-old blushed as she smiled happily while leaning on an old Sakura tree. She was plucking cherry blossoms again. And again, out of pure luck, the last petal was he loves me…

"Phew! Good thing no one's here, or else someone might have heard me shouting…" Mikan sighed, everyone was either inside their dorm rooms or gone to Central Town, and Hotaru and Yuu has to go to one of those honor student meetings. Hours ago Narumi-sensei announced that today they had the day off because the teachers would be discussing something. Obviously, all the students cheered "YIPEE!" and "YAY!" So today, she had her time alone outdoors. Most of the students went to Central town; some were sleeping and resting in their rooms. She was kind of sleepy so she decided not to come, and besides, no one was not busy enough to come with her.

Unknown to her, a pair of ruby eyes were watching her, and, you might as well have known, it was Natsume Hyuuga, the boy who was teasing her for five years now was sitting on the Sakura tree branch just on top of where Mikan was sitting. Thinking deeply with an annoyed and somewhat jealous look, Natsume just couldn't stop wondering, who does she like? Is it that Andou? Her sempai? Who? Who? Is it Ruka? Because of lack of concentration, Natsume fall on the branch he was sitting on and fell to the ground.

"NATSUME!" Mikan was surprised, shock at the sudden appearance of the boy,

"I, uh… was resting on top of the trunk when I heard someone shout… and I fell… yeah! That's it!" he said, making a reasonable and a trying-to-stay-cool excuse.

"Oh! Ok!" Mikan said. "Well, I'm sorry, I guess I was the one shouting! Gomenasai!"

Natsume acted cool and as arrogant as he can to tease her favorite girl.

"Who's him? Whose he loves me? Polka dots?" he smirked trying to hide the curiosity in his mind.


Then it hit her, a while ago she practically shouted that she loves someone!

"Oh, umm, you see, I uh…you see…" she blushed uncontrollably.

"Spill it out little girl!" He was getting impatient…

'Um, he's, he's-"

"Mikan! I found you! So this is where you've been all this time!"

"Tsubasa-sempai!" she cheerfully shouted back to his soon to be graduating sempai,

"Sorry Natsume! Tsubasa-sempai's calling me!" she said as she ran to Tsubasa.

"Grrr… that Andou! Why does he have to appear all of a sudden!

"Hey wait a minute! What if he's the one Mikan likes! Oh no!" what will I do!"

"better follow them"

Natsume hid behind bushes while following the two.

Obviously, he was raging with jealousy…