Notes: This story is a Star Wars Fanfic. It will be based on the idea of Starkiller, The Old Republic Era, and the Clone War Era all being combined loosely. There will be no smut or adult material. Just hopefully some adventure, character development, and if all goes well: Drama. As well as a good number of explosions and galactic mayhem with evil laughter.

Rated T-teen.

Ok, some explanation is probably in order.

1. Knights of The Old Republic Era and Clone Wars Era is only a few years apart.

2. Since Darth Vader technically isn't around, I decided to have Starkiller be apprentice to Darth Nihilus. It will also affect what I have planned for the story more smoothly because of his slightly changed background.

If there any questions, suggestions, or well wishes, please let me know. Also looking for a Beta reader!

Note: Disclaimer: I own nothing. Not even the clothes on my back.

Episode 1 - Staring Over Part 1/3

I never have figured out why Darth Nihilus branded me as Starkiller. I've never killed a star. Is that even sane? Won't it just go into super nova and wipe everything out, including me? Stupid nickname. It is probably just meant to be flashy, because by the Force I can't see an actual purpose in it. If it was meant to have any accuracy, he probably would have titled me Jedi Killer or Light's Bane. I think Light's Bane sounds cooler.

As far as the Jedi Council before me is concerned, it might as well be my name. More than a few of them seem to enjoy staring holes into my head. Especially the bald man… Windu I think.

His jaw is tense, his body is ready for combat at a moment's notice, and so far as I can tell he set his own hair on fire just from thinking too hard. I think he might be crossing into the Jedi version of "pissed". As much as I respect his warrior readiness, he needs to relax. If I wanted to attack I would have by now. I've been here a whole two seconds on my knees. I only need one. Ah, well… Might as well play nice. Darth Sidius is expecting me and assured me we would be able to meet face to face.

The man next to me, Skywalker, I heard, isn't that much better. He is tense, but I think it's from a need to be respectful and at attention rather than Jedi-Pissed.

Jedi-Pissed, I like that word.

"You have done well in bringing in this Sith, Skywalker." The baldy begins.

"Thank you, Master."

"How did you come to subdue him?"

Subdue nothing, I couldn't be bothered putting up a fight. "I… didn't sir." Skywalker admitted with a slight apologetic bow. I must admit that brings my attention up to him. A Jedi without the need for an ego, not bad. Ten points.

Baldy didn't move, but moved his eyes from my captor to me and back again, slowly. ohhh creepy. I'm shaking in my boots. Minus one point. "Explain." He says rigidly. Minus two points.

"He came in as a normal passenger, and turned himself over to inspection. They assumed him to be a Jedi at first, but a blood analysis proved otherwise. He wasn't in any known database. I was asked to have a look, and…" Skywalker glanced down at me. "well, the dark side is easy to feel. Amazingly enough when I confronted him, he… sat there. Much like he is doing now. He has been amazingly cooperative."

Plus another few points for Skywalker. He didn't go into a long drawn out speech on light versus dark.

Windu just blinked. Minus one point for stupidity. Make that two. At last he stood up and said, "This Sith didn't resist at all?" Minus another point. He didn't listen obviously.

"No, sir." Minus one, Skywalker. Don't encourage his stupidity.

Baldy nods and walks over to me. I sit on the floor cross legged watching the whole exchange with barely contained amusement. I can't help myself, they are funny. At last baldy asks, "What are you doing here?" Minus one, does he really think I'll just tell him?

Oh, wait… I'll give baldy his point back. I might as well since I'm being all "cooperative".

I shrug and admit casually, "I came here to your lovely home to meet with Darth Sidius and pay him back for past insults to my former master; then I thought I might cause a riot or two while I'm at it. Being in space for months adrift in a tin can has so few pleasures."

What I say raises eyebrows amongst the Council around me, and some yelling ensues, or what accounts for yelling around here.

"Darth Sidius, here!? Preposterous!"

"You lie!"

"If he was here, we would know it!"

A bunch of points off for each yell, which I think amounts to twenty, plus five for combo points. I feel gracious and let Baldy stay neutral since he is silently glaring at me. Make that minus one, he has to blink some time.

After a moment the council settles down and one takes the rhetorical stand. He has the largest forehead I have ever seen. I can't decide whether its ridiculousness is minus one or its amusement is plus one. He says, "You claim Darth Sidius is here?"

"I don't claim anything. I came here to say hi and kick his ass."

"Then I am afraid you have made a mistake and took a wrong turn. He is not here."

I can't help smiling smugly. "I don't think so."

Before he can continue to have his smarter-than-thou discussion (Minus five, Forehead.), Windu raises his arm to silence him (Plus one, Baldy.) and motions with his head for Skywalker to do something. Is it Jedi-code for 'get me a drink?' I'm thirsty.

Instead, Skywalker grabs me by the arm and he drags me out of the room. I set Skywalker back to 0 points for being a normal Jedi.

As Skywalker drags the prisoner out of the room, Windu resumes his place and the others do so as well. The Force is moving heavily through the room, not unlike a hurricane, due to the heavy conflict of dark and light auras from the Sith's presence. This conflict is readily noticed by the others and they are left in silence until they can feel more settled.

At last the tension thins and someone says, "His heart was not lying."

Another replies, "Yes, but the heart is easily held by ignorance. He believes Darth Sidius is here is all that means. Whether it is so is another."

"Yes, but how can we know for certain? There are many places to hide."

"What do you suggest?" Windu asks.

The first one considers his words and says, "We let the boy on his hunt, let him lead us to Sidius."

"Unacceptable!" Someone responds.

Windu inserts, "As much as I would like to end the war sooner rather than later, and as much as I consider Sidius a far more worthy target than the prisoner, we cannot trust him."

The first one nods, "Then perhaps sending out a few search parties for Dark Side presence."

"It would take a large number of them to cover the entire planet." Windu says neither encouraging the idea nor dismissing it. He leans back and considers it. "Yet, it is not a bad idea. It would allow new jedi-padawan groups to have some adequate training time without being sent into a warzone."

"But can we afford the manpower in times of war?" Someone asks.

"No." The someone else admits, "Then let each master send out as many of his own parties as he sees fit, with a minimum of one. This mission will last a minimum of a week. Is this acceptable?"

The majority raise their hands save two. Both of which move to accept the proposal against their best wishes, since they have no desire to lose much needed leadership on the front.

Windu concludes, "Movement passed. Each master will choose themselves how many to send out in search of Dark Side signatures, with a minimum of one each. The missions will last a week. Now, what to do with the prisoner."

At the idea of what to do with him, everyone goes deathly silent. Windu sighs inside. His warrior instinct says kill him as a prisoner of war, but his Jedi side says not to, the boy didn't resist after all. He is a Jedi first and says, "A number of options include sending him to Markov V or-"

Someone raises his hand and Windu quiets himself. "Master Koj'Ineh." Windu nods to.

Koj'Ineh nods in turn and says, "He turned himself over to Republic authority did he not?"


"Then I believe he falls under Republic authority before our own."

Another Master argues, "We do have the authority to take up Republic cases, and especially ones falling under the Sith category."

"Once, we did." Koj'Ineh returns patiently. "But I am afraid that while we can take up Republic cases, we no longer have the authority to conclude them, not without bringing them into involvement. And a Sith, no less, warrants the attention of the Supreme Chancellor."

Windu nodded in agreement. The Chancellor should at least have a say, since Sith fell under the category of war. As there seemed to be no argument, a transmission was sent. The Chancellor's secretary claimed he was busy, and to hold on a moment.

Chancellor Palpatine appeared in the transmission. "Ah, Masters. I assume things go well?"

As the main speaker of the present Council, Windu stood up and replied, "Yes, but a matter has come up that warrants conclusion. A young Sith was found entering Coruscant. He turned himself over to inspection peacefully, but has come for a personal vendetta."

"My word." Palpatine breathed. "I must say, Master Jedi. I have never heard of a Sith being peaceful!"

"It is not that hard to see. He was probably trying to lie low. Even now he is probably playing along until he can escape. We only caught him because our security has tightened so much since the bombing of Irene."

"Ah, yes. Nasty business. Never seen a Sith carry an explosive inside their lightsaber either. They are so full of surprises." Palpatine shook his head shamefully. "Still, he is caught, and there is no bomb?"

"No bomb has come into discussion."

"Good, good. Well, what part of this am I needed for?"

"Since he is still in custody, I have no desire to keep him around longer than necessary. Our database recognizes him as Starkiller, apprentice to the former Darth Nihilus. His attempted escape is likely. We should decide what to do with him sooner rather than later."

"Certainly." Palpatine agreed. "What do you propose?"

Windu glanced to the other councilors, "A full discussion has not been made yet, but our options include sending him to a prison planet and execution."

"Hmmm." Palpatine mused. "Correct me if I am wrong, Master Jedi, but this Darth… Nithililus-uh-Sith, was capable of consuming entire planets of life only to grow stronger from it?"

Windu nodded.

"Then I can only assume his apprentice might be able to do the same. The fact he hasn't yet here is our only appreciation. If he were to be sent to a prison planet, he could consume the inmates and guards both, and leave in the no-longer-guarded sole transport. Hardly an idea I wish to explore."

Windu winced. That thought hadn't occurred to him. "Then that means execution." He glanced to the other councilors and saw their hesitation at the idea. Sith or not, war or not, execution went against much of what they were.

"Pardon me, Master Jedi. But I feel you are not exploring another option."

Windu returned his attention to the holo-screen. Palpatine continued, "He can be a very valuable resource."

"His 'peace' right now has clear ulterior motives. I doubt this Sith would willingly turn himself over to our control, Chancellor. He will resist and continue his agenda."

"Not if he is brain-washed."

Windu stopped and couldn't help the deep frown that set in. Brain washing was a method used solely on executed prisoners to turn them into soldiers with a fresh start and fresh name. It had never been done on force wielders to his knowledge since… Revan. But that was a case where the force wielder was in a coma near death, he wasn't actively resisting. Starkiller would resist.

Windu didn't want to think of what the odds of failure would be. He wasn't up to using trial and error to research it. "Chancellor, the odds of that working, even with us backing it, is staggeringly low. If it fails, he will die."

"If it fails, it is as good as an execution. If it succeeds, we have a very valuable resource given to us. We are at war, Master Jedi. I have no desire to work with the Sith any more than you, but we must remember that sometimes agents working behind the shadows is necessary. Officially, if you are still hesitant, than I can take the burden from you and rephrase it into an order. I will take full responsibility."

Windu looked to his fellow, silent, Councilors. They were hesitant, but slowly one by one they raised their hands. "Then the matter is settled, thank you, Supreme Chancellor, we shall begin immediately." Palpatine smiled warmly and the transmission ended.

One of the Councilors called to a servant, "Tell Skywalker to return and leave the prisoner here with us. We will take it from here."

Edited by Aeterna Knight: u/4617921/

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