Hermione spent the next week accidently taking wrong turns several times, just to be certain that she seemed like a normal first year. Over the week, she determined that Ron was, in fact, angry with her for a reason she did not understand until nearly a week later, when she went up to the owlery to meet with the Slytherins.

And the first thing she heard was an excuse, "Yeah, Marcus couldn't come up. Said he had to go talk to Snape or something. But, I believe he just didn't want to come up here." And so Hermione learned that Adrian did not know when it was necessary to shut up. And, apparently, Terence was not impressed by Adrian's lack of shutting up.

Terence shook his head and sighed before speaking, "So, have you learned anything about Dumbledore?" Terence asked, trying to change the subject.

"No," Hermione said, actually feeling rather guilty for this fact, "I haven't. Not yet, at least. However, there is something I wanted to ask about. There is this boy in my year, Ronald Weasley, who keeps glaring at me. I haven't"-

Adrian promptly cut off Hermione, "Ronald Weasley's no good. He's one of Dumbledore's people. I'd say just ignore him. Eventually he will get tired of viewing you as a threat."

"Okay." Hermione nodded, trying really hard to not be annoyed with Adrian right now. It was obvious that Terence was also trying hard to do the same thing.

"So, is that all?" Terence asked.

"Yeah, there hasn't really been anything happening." Hermione said, this much, luckily, was truthful. Nothing had been happening over the past week. At least, nothing that they should know of.

And with that having been said by her, the two older Slytherin boys left the owlery, leaving Hermione standing in the center of the room. After a few seconds, Hermione walked over towards the windows of the owlery. She was admiring the view for a couple of minutes before someone else entered the owlery.

"Hey, those Slytherins didn't do anything to you, did they?" a voice asked from behind her.

Hermione spun around from the window to face the person who had entered the room. They were wearing Gryffindor robes. "No. Of course not, who are you?"

"Oliver Wood, fifth year. And you are?" he asked.

"Hermione Granger, first year." Hermione half-debated asking about the Leontes thing she had heard a few days earlier, and decided better.

"Hermione, huh? Interesting first name. From Shakespeare's play, 'A Winter's Tale', I presume?" Oliver asked, smiling slightly.

"Yeah. My parents really liked the play." Hermione replied. Well, she wasn't the one to bring up the play, he was. "No one else has been able to tell that."

Oliver smirked, "Marcus Flint has."

Hermione opened her mouth to reply, and then shut it, realizing that she had succeeded in backing herself into a corner. If she feigned ignorance of this fact, she would have to explain it later. However, if she admitted to having had told Marcus this, she might get into trouble with Oliver for telling Marcus of the play.

"Let me guess. You told him about the play. And that's how he knows." Oliver said, still smirking.

Hermione nodded. She was well aware of the fact that her cheeks were bright red now from embarrassment.

Oliver laughed, "I was wondering how long it would take him to figure that one out. Eight years though, that's a decent amount of time."

"Eight years?" Hermione asked, confused now. Weren't Marcus and Oliver only in their fifth year at Hogwarts?

"Yeah, I told that my first name was Leontes eight years ago. I assume he already told you that?" Oliver asked.

"He did, somewhat. He mentioned that name. He didn't mention you in particular." Hermione answered.

"What else did he tell you?" Oliver asked.

"Just some stuff about the Wizarding World and the like." Hermione answered, and then, before fully thinking of the consequences, she added, "He also asked me to spy on Dumbledore for him, Adrian Pucey, and Terence Higgs."

"Asked you to spy on Dumbledore?" Oliver repeated, "Well, seems like he thinks you can do a lot. I suppose he also told you about certain persons of interest."

"They mentioned Dumbledore, the founders of Hogwarts, you, and some guy named Voldemort." Hermione shrugged as if to say I don't know.

"Okay, so they did Dumbledore, the founders, and Voldemort." Oliver stood there for a bit before continuing, "So, am I right to assume that they skipped out on Gideon and Fabian Prewitt, and Fabian's wife, Jean? And the Weasley family? In addition to a few others who will be named later?"

"Yes. I believe you are." Hermione replied.

"I can explain them to you, if you'd like. I'd just have to get ahold of a couple of others beforehand." Oliver said.

"Okay." Hermione agreed uncertainly.

"Alright then, after lunch today, go and wait in the common room. Alicia Spinnet will meet you there, and bring to a place where it's safe to talk." Oliver said, "Up here isn't exactly the safest. You never know who might just walk up here."

"Okay." Hermione said, "I'll remember that."

And so the rest of the morning continued rather slowly for Hermione. She remained in the common room for part of the time, penning a letter to her parents, in order to tell them 'everything' that had happened. Of course, she would leave out the parts about spying and the house rivalries.

Shortly after finishing the letter, Hermione headed down to the Great Hall for lunch. Upon sitting down at the Gryffindor table, Hermione noted that Adrian and Terence were both over at the Slytherin table, yet Marcus was no place in sight. Curious as she was to go over and ask them why he wasn't there, Hermione didn't dare to, in worry that it might make things more difficult for her. Not that being from the future and spying on Dumbledore was difficult enough be themselves, let alone together.

Finished eating, Hermione left the Great Hall and returned to the Gryffindor common room. She only had to wait around 10 minutes for Alicia to turn up, who immediately asked her if she'd already had lunch. Upon hearing Hermione say that yes, she had, Alicia smiled and asked Hermione to follow her.

The two girls walked through the halls of Hogwarts, and eventually Hermione, who thought she knew the school, was confused about where they were and where they were going. Finally, they reached their destination, and Alicia lead Hermione into a room where there were already several other people.