AN: This is a changed version of the original chapter; or rather, a revised version.

Hermione Granger, aged 19 years, yet again stood just outside of King's Cross Station, yet again saying good-bye to her parents, and promising to be good and write to them about everything that is going to happen. Yet again, she was heading off to Hogwarts as a first year. How is this possible, you ask? Magic, as always, is the very answer.

Six months ago, or, rather, in six years six months, Hermione Granger, along with three other ex-Hogwarts students, Terence Higgs, Cho Chang, and Oliver Rivers, had (would be) worked (working) together for several months in the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry of Magic, attempting to discover a form of time travel that would go back several years instead of several days or several hours. They had finally believed that they had figured out a way after several long months of conducting research, but the only thing that remained was to test it.

In the Wizarding World, even in the Department of Mysteries, there are very few ways to test something, especially something like this, and be certain that it worked. Hermione Granger, predicting that if it did work, their timeline would possibly be destroyed, and therefore they might not be conducting the research in the current time, because of possible alterations to the timeline, suggested they figure out what this was going to be used for first, either to change something, or to see if it were simply possible.

When they determined that it was to simply see if it were possible, the four of them made a pact. Based off of their calculations and what they had theorized, if something were to go into the past, the present would no longer exist. The four of them decided that at least one of them would use what they had discovered to go into the past; and possible try and change the present.

In the end, it was decided that Hermione Granger was to be the one who was to go into the past, being that they only had the ability to send one item, or person, in this case, into the past. Hermione was chosen to accomplish this because of her knowledge of events, and past proximity to the events, that had happened in the past. She had even volunteered for this job, knowing that if she were to fail, there would not be a way to get back to the current time. And so, the group had sent Hermione into the past.

Arriving in the past, Hermione realized instantly that she was back in her eleven year old body. Because of this, being in the past was proving to be more difficult than she had originally planned, being that she had not been expecting to be put into her body, but instead become just another person living in the past. It was hard for her to act as an eleven year. It was harder for her to pretend that she didn't know what she knows. But, Hermione was managing to do exactly that. She was not the brightest witch of her age for nothing.

Entering King's Cross after her parents had left, she quickly realized a problem with getting onto Platform 9 ¾. First year muggleborns were not supposed to know how to get onto the Platform. It was expected of them to find someone else, preferably an older student of Hogwarts, or a wizard family, who did know how to get onto the Platform, to tell them how. It was one of the many ways that the teachers started out with getting the younger students acquainted with the elder ones, to promote unity among the students. It rarely ended like this, usually it ended with muggleborn students meeting with other students that were also first year, traditionally half-bloods and blood traitors. Once in a while a muggleborn would meet up with an elder student, usually another muggleborn. Last time, it had ended rather well for her; she had met Neville Longbottom and his grandmother after several minutes of wandering around King's Cross worried that she would miss the train.

This time, however, Hermione did not wish to wander around until she met with them, although she had enjoyed Neville's company on the train ride to school, she wished to get directly onto the Platform, without attracting too much attention. So, pretending to be an innocent eleven year old alone at King's Cross, she began to wander around Platforms 9 and 10, waiting for some students and/or their families to walk by, and started listening in on other's conversations, determining that this would help her find other students.

The first few conversations she listened in on were not much of a help towards her. Most spoke of delayed trains and greetings, along with business and other such things. Finally, she found some people who would hopefully 'help' her.

"Aww… Mark, come on, it'd be fun." A boy passing by her was saying.

Hermione spun around with her cart to watch them. There were several boys and all were of the proper age to attend Hogwarts. She could not identify what house they were of; if they did attend Hogwarts, but she hoped that they were from Gryffindor. Or perhaps Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. As long as they weren't from Slytherin, they may be willing to 'help' her.

"No, Ade, it would not be funny!" another boy snapped back at the first one. This boy must be Mark, she realized, and the other boy Ade, which was most likely short for something. Studying them, she realized that she couldn't place them into any particular house. They all had either black or brown hair, apart from Ade, who was a blonde. She couldn't see their faces, being that they were facing away from her.

"I agree with Mark. It would not do to do that here. We'd be in so much trouble, we'd lose points before the school year even started, and we'd get detentions." The eldest boy said. His voice sounded very familiar, but Hermione couldn't place it. She did realize, of course, that 8 years had passed between this time and the time that she had left.

Deciding that these boys would be okay to ask for information about how to get onto Platform 9 ¾ Hermione interrupted there conversation, all the while praying that they were Gryffindors.

"Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get onto Platform 9 and 3/4? The teacher who came to speak to me neglected to tell me how to find it." Hermione interjected into the elder boys' conversation. Too late, when they turned to face her, she realized who they were, and they weren't Gryffindors, like she had hoped for. Marcus Flint, Adrian Pucey, Terence Higgs, and a few other friends (?) of theirs, all Slytherins, as far as she could tell.

"What do you want with us?" One of the people she couldn't remember ever seeing before snapped. He had short, curly black hair, dark colored eyes, he was somewhat short, yet skinny.

"For you guys to tell me how to get onto the platform." Hermione replied. Oh shit was she screwed now. She realized that she could simply run off, and never speak to them again, but her Gryffindor side refused to let her back down. And, then she would most likely have to face them again at school, which would just make backing down even worse.

"And why should we tell you that?" Dark-haired Marcus Flint sneered. Oh, yeah. They all hated muggleborns in this time. Wasn't that just perfect? She just had to find a group of students that hated muggleborns. Especially ones like her; that stood up to them.

"Because it'd be something nice for you to do for someone else." Hermione answered. She was not going to back down to them, no matter how intimidating they were, or rather, are. They had most likely already marked her as a muggleborn and future Gryffindor by the way she was acting.

"What if I don't want to be nice to others?" Marcus Flint sneered, again. She was going to have to get used to this, she realized. Whilst in the future, this had stopped with the end of the war, back here it had not.

"Being nice to others will get you further in life than being mean." Hermione stated. Did Flint have blue eyes in her past as well? They reminded her of someone else's, and it was actually beginning to distract her, seeing those blue eyes with focus and anger in them.

"You're not going to leave us alone, are you?" The blonde haired Adrian Pucey asked, studying the young girl in front of him curiously. Hermione realized what he must of saw. A small girl with bushy hair and big front teeth, who was small enough that she probably couldn't do any damage to anything at all.

"No, no I'm not." Hermione replied, "Not until you guys tell me how to get onto the platform." She would hurt them if they insulted her, just to prove that she wasn't weak. And that was her Slytherin side speaking.

"Hm… I think I like this one. She's very daring, trying to argue with us. Pity she's a mudblood and a future Gryffindor." Terence Higgs said, smirking. Realizing that this was the boy who had sounded familiar to her, Hermione scowled at him, before deciding that the proper course of action ought to be to hit him, just as her Slytherin side was telling her to do.

And hit him she did. Only problem was, was that being that she was so small, she couldn't possibly hit him with her hands anywhere that would seriously hurt, namely, his face; so she went with the next best thing. She kicked him in the shins, which she had heard could be pretty damn painful. The reaction she got was almost instant. Terence shouted, and the other Slytherin boys jumped back, thinking that they would be next.

"Ow! What'd you do that for?" Terence groaned, trying to keep his balance as he stood on one foot, holding his other leg, which was apparently harder than it seemed.

"You called me a 'mudblood'. Now, I don't know what that means, but I'm going to assume that it was meant as an insult towards me. And I do not take nicely to being insulted. My name is Hermione Jean Granger, and that is what I wish to be called, not things like 'mudblood'. Let this be a warning to all of you, next time that any one of you calls me a 'mudblood' or any other derogatory term of the sorts, I will kick you. And next time, for you," Hermione said, now addressing Terence Higgs, "I will kick you where it hurts even worse than your leg. Do I make myself clear?"

Terence Higgs winced before replying; obviously he knew what she was referring to. Judging by the others reactions at taking a step back from her again, they understood as well.

"Yes." Terence finally replied, "Very clear. Can you not mention this at school?"

He placed his foot back down on the ground slowly, as though any sudden movements would provoke the first year girl. Which, Hermione realized, was a very smart move on her part to intimidate him, now he thought that she was going to harm him if he insulted her any further, which she would do, of course.

"Maybe I will and maybe I won't. It depends." Hermione stated. "Now, can one of you please tell me how to get onto Platform 9 ¾?" Hermione smiled patiently at the older boys.

"You have to run at the 3 barrier between Platforms 9 and 10, okay?" Terence informed her.

Poor boy. Hermione thought. Got kicked by a first year, and a girl at that. He's just lost some of his dignity because of a girl.

"Thank you." Hermione walked away from the boys, and towards the barrier that Terence had told her of. Hermione ran through the barrier with her cart. She took her trunk off of it, and dragged her trunk onto the train. Finding an empty compartment, she packed away her trunk, and sat down, looking out the compartment's window.