Author's Note: Hello everyone! Well, here it is...the final chapter. Wow, that's kind of really sad to think about :( I feel like I'm sending my children off to college or something. I can't believe how wonderful it has been writing this story and getting to know a few of you. I'm going to write a big thank you and preview of coming attractions at the end of the epilogue, but I'll give a quick overview:

1. I am not finished writing Rose and Scorpius. While there will not be a sequel due to the fact that I refuse to write a fic without a solid story arc, there will be numerous one-shots that will continue this story, following Rose and Scorpius throughout the rest of their lives. Some will be smutty, some will be sweet, and some will deal with more angsty moments in their lives. I can promise you that they will always have a happily ever after, though. Once I have characters commit to one another, I very rarely do anything to break them up. I'm much more interested in how people work out problems within a relationship, and see-sawing between make-ups and break-ups bores me. I won't write anything soap operatic, so don't worry that I'm going to ruin the good vibes this story ends on. As requested by Condiotti and PadfootandProngsEverdeen4eva, the first one will be the results of Rose and Scorpius's little bet. I have several others started already too, but more on that later.

2. Rose and Scorpius will also be making several cameo appearances in the multi-chapter fic I'm planning on writing, starring Albus and my OC, Ava. Again, see the author's note at the end for details.

3. I just want to say that I love you all. Everyone has been so supportive and I have a very special place in my heart for everyone who has taken the time to Review, Follow, or Favorite this story. I cannot even begin to tell you how much it means that you're willing to read something that I've written. I have done my very best to respond to each and every review by PM but, for all of my guest reviewers out there, thank you. Please keep in touch, all of you, whether through my other stories or PMs. I would love to hear from you. It really has been a pleasure writing this story for you all.

As always, thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoy the end of 'A Fine Line.' Please don't forget to let me know what you think!


5 Years Later

The sounds of raised voices and raucous laughter filled the magically enlarged living room at the Burrow. Rose crossed the crowded space, weaving her way through friends and relatives, on the way over to the couch where Scorpius was sitting. She ducked under the banner that read "Congratulations Rose and Scorpius" and smiled as several people stopped to give her a pat on the back as she passed. Finally, she emerged from the throng of party guests and settled beside her new fiancé with a sigh.

"This place is insane," she murmured as she curled her feet up beneath her and leaned into Scorpius's side. Her right hand moved, of its own accord, to toy with the gorgeous diamond on her left ring finger. She couldn't stop playing with it—checking to see that it was really there.

"Isn't it always insane?" Scorpius laughed, laying his arm across her shoulders and running his fingers through her hair.

"Good point."

It had been a little over five years since they had finally come clean to their parents about their relationship, although it still felt as if it had been only yesterday that they were skulking around in broom closets and empty classrooms in an attempt to hide their feelings for each other. Two weeks earlier, the night before Scorpius was scheduled to begin his first shift as a Healer at St. Mungo's, he had taken Rose out for a relaxing evening with their brooms and proposed in midair. Despite the fact that it had been quite apparent that marriage was where they were headed, Rose had been floored.

She tilted her head back so that she could look up into Scorpius's eyes. They had come so far since their heated rivalry at Hogwarts. Back then, they had been completely unaware of who they were and what they could be together. Now, Scorpius was dedicated to healing the sick, and Rose was working hard as a Curse-breaker for Gringotts alongside her Uncle Bill. Somehow, they had become adults.

A screech from across the room drew their attention. Melinda Longbottom leaped up from where she had been seated beside her current boyfriend—Lorcan Scamander had moved off to Eastern Europe to work with dragons and their relationship had slowly faded away—and whirled to face James. If the green substance dripping from her hair was any indication, one of James Potter's stunts had seriously misfired.

"James Sirius Potter! You are dead!" Melinda shrieked, lunging at him.

Raising his hands in front of him in surrender, James quickly retreated. "I'm sorry, Mel! It was a complete accident, I swear."

"Oh, like I'm going to believe that!"

"It's the truth!" James retorted, his tone slightly offended.

Melinda snorted derisively, still advancing on him, her eyes narrowed dangerously.

"It really was an accident," Albus spoke up in his brother's defense.

"See? I didn't mean it!" James insisted, his eyes pleading for mercy.

Melinda cocked her head in consideration. She turned to Albus. "He's telling the truth?"

"Yup," Albus answered. "He was aiming for your boyfriend."

"Uh oh," Rose muttered under her breath as Melinda slowly pivoted to face James again.

"Should we do something?" Scorpius whispered, the amusement in his eyes showing that he had absolutely no desire to interfere in such an entertaining scene.

Rose watched as Melinda's hand shot forward, latching onto James's wrist and hauling him out of the room behind her. "Nah, I think it's best to just let nature run its course." She caught a glimpse of Melinda shoving James into the pantry and slamming the door shut behind them. What she wouldn't give to be a fly on that wall…or to currently be in possession of an Extendable Ear.

She shifted a bit so that she could snuggle further into Scorpius's side.

He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "It looks like our fathers might actually get through the evening without too much hostility," he observed, nodding his head to the other side of the room, where Draco and Ron were standing.

Since the relationship between their children had been established, Ron and Draco had formed an uneasy acquaintanceship, based primarily on insulting one another. They no longer had the horrible fights that had characterized the first year or so of Rose and Scorpius's public courtship, although they still had their instances of animosity. At the moment, however, it seemed that they were getting along, as was evidenced by the fact that they were currently getting drunk together.

Astoria and Hermione had worked hard to ease the tension between their families, unwilling to make their children suffer any further for a rivalry that had started long before they were even born. It quickly became apparent just how much Ron and Draco loved their wives—and their children—because they were truly making an effort to end the feud between the Malfoys and the Weasleys. While they would not be gathered around a fire singing Kumbaya any time soon, Rose and Scorpius no longer had to worry that their fathers were going to attempt to kill each other at family gatherings. Slowly but surely, they were moving on from their complicated past.

While their husbands poured yet another shot of firewhiskey, Hermione and Astoria watched them out of the corner of their eyes. Satisfied that they were getting along, the women turned back to the table in front of them, on which they had spread out pages and pages of wedding plans.

"We just got engaged," Rose whispered to Scorpius, shaking her head. "What do they think, we're going to change our minds? If they don't immediately figure out exactly what kind of flowers and what color table linens we're going to have, then the wedding won't actually happen?"

"Who knows," Scorpius responded. "I learned a long time ago not to try and figure out what's going on in my mother's head." He rested his cheek against her temple. "Let them have their fun. I'll take this enthusiasm over them being against us any day."

"Very true." After a moment, Rose laughed.


"It's just amazing to think that a few years ago, we had to come up with some convoluted plan to get them to be okay with us being together."

"Hey, it was a good plan," Scorpius protested.

"It was a very good plan. Who would have thought?"

Scorpius placed his hand beneath her chin turning her face so that he could kiss her. "We've certainly come a long way, Daisy."

Rose's lips tipped up. "You've done that one a lot already, you know."

"Have I?"

"Yes. It was the first name you ever called me. And it was the one you used the first time we said 'I love you.'"

Scorpius smiled. "Well, let's call it nostalgia then."

"As opposed to you simply running out of ideas?" Rose teased. She leaned up and pressed her lips to his, marveling at just how much things had changed between them since they had met.

Scorpius rose a few minutes later to go refill Rose's drink, leaving her to relax on the couch. Her eyes scanned the room, taking in the sight of everyone she loved gathered around to celebrate her and Scorpius. Rose couldn't help the smile that spread across her face at the thought of being married to him. Of spending the rest of her life with him.

"Someone looks happy."

Rose looked up to see Neville approaching. "I am happy."

"Good," Neville smiled, taking the seat beside her. "Congratulations, Rosie."

"Thanks." Rose paused for a moment before turning to face him. "I don't think we ever really thanked you properly for keeping our secret—for being on our side. I can't tell you how much it meant that you were willing to hide it from my father."

Neville huffed, slightly embarrassed. "It was the least I could do for my goddaughter."

"Still…thank you. I'm glad it hasn't caused any problems between you and my dad." Rose leaned over, pressing her lips to his cheek. "You're the best."

Neville blushed before stammering out a, "you're welcome," and heading back across the room to his wife.

"I still think Rosie's too good for you, you know."

Scorpius looked up from the butterbeer he was currently pouring into Rose's glass to see Ron glaring at him petulantly. His lips quirked. "Oh, I know. But by some miracle, she doesn't seem to think so, and I'm going to enjoy it for as long as it takes her to realize she can do so much better."

"Did you rehearse that answer?"

"Why? Did it work?"

"Smartass," Ron grumbled, clapping Scorpius on the shoulder before reaching beneath the makeshift bar to grab another bottle of firewhiskey and turning to walk away.

Ron crossed the room to Draco, popping open the new bottle and distributing it between their respective glasses. Scorpius watched, somewhat amused, as the two men immediately began arguing about who was going to pay for the wedding. Although the quarrel was becoming heated, it wasn't anywhere near as malicious as it would have been a few years ago. He had to keep from laughing aloud as Astoria and Hermione made their way over to their husbands to break them up, and the two men instantly fell silent, looking thoroughly scolded.

"At this rate, there's a chance they might actually get along by the time their grandchildren are ready to walk down the aisle," Rose commented wryly, coming to stand beside him.

Scorpius smirked, wrapping his arm around her waist. He knew that the idea of grandchildren was one of the things that had ultimately helped create the tenuous bond that their fathers presently shared. They had resigned themselves to the fact that their children wanted to be together, but found the idea of having little ones to spoil a great consolation.

Rose turned her head, pressing a kiss to Scorpius's shoulder. "He's wrong, you know."


"My dad. He's wrong. I'm not too good for you."

"Yeah, you are. But I love the fact that you don't see that."

"Scor," Rose insisted, pulling him around so that she could look up into his face. "There's no one better for me than you."

Scorpius exhaled sharply and crushed his mouth down to hers, causing a chorus of cat calls and wolf whistles to erupt from the gathered audience. "I love you," he whispered when he finally came up for air.

"I love you too," Rose smiled up at him. "Always will."


And that's all folks! Wow. It's so incredibly hard to believe. When I started this story, over 100,000 words ago, I truly wasn't sure that I would be able to write the entire thing. And I never expected that so many people would take an interest. I finally decided to give in and write it when I just could not get the plot, or the characters, out of my head. Rose and Scorpius were such a joy to get to know and I truly fell in love with them, as well as several other characters who completely took me by surprise (Albus for one). I cannot thank all of you enough for giving me the opportunity to share this story with you. Your kind words and enthusiasm for my writing mean more than I could ever even begin to say.

I will begin posting one-shots for Rose and Scorpius as soon as I write them. I have three started, with ideas for at least four more. I can pretty much guarantee that I will get even more ideas as time goes on. And one-shots give me the opportunity to just spend a couple of hours with them, and hammer out the story, without worrying too much about chronological order. If you have any moments in Rose and Scorpius's life together that you would really like to read about, feel free to let me know. If the idea sparks my creativity, I'll be more than happy to write it. I would love to take your requests and will dedicate whatever stories I write to those who were kind enough to recommend the idea. I don't want to give too much away, but here are a few of the titles of one-shots that I'm planning/writing at the moment, in no particular order..."Marry Me?;" "Mr. and Mrs. Scorpius Malfoy;" "'Til Death Do Us Part;" "Lullaby;" "No More;" "Home;" "Positive." Feel free to speculate about what they may be about :)

Now...I hope you'll forgive this shameless plug for Albus and Ava's story, "A Game of Secrets," but I want to try and get as many people as I can to be interested in it. Albus/OC is not something that is as commonly searched for as Rose/Scorpius, and so I couldn't resist mentioning it here...repeatedly. If you haven't done so yet, check out my outtake from "A Fine Line" titled, "What the?" for an introduction to Albus and Ava's relationship. It takes place right after Albus walks in on Rose and Scorpius kissing in the library and deals with him trying to understand exactly what he just witnessed - with Ava's help, of course.

Much of their story will be told as a parallel to "A Fine Line," so there will be plenty of opportunities to revisit some of your favorite moments. You will recognize some of the events that take place in both, as well as find out some behind the scenes information. There will also be several cameo appearances by Rose, because of how close her relationship with Albus is, and wherever Rose is, Scorpius can't be too far behind. :P I can tell you that one of the more important scenes in "A Game of Secrets" is going to take place at Rose and Scorpius's wedding, so I'm sure you won't want to miss that!

Here is the summary of "A Game of Secrets:"

Devastated by the terrorist bombing that claimed the life of his longtime best friend - and unrequited love - Ava Mathenson, twenty-five year old Albus begins investigating the organization behind the explosion through his resources at the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. He discovers that the Erumpent horn powder that was used to make the explosive device was smuggled into the country illegally. The deeper he gets into the investigation, the more disturbing the details of the smuggling ring's extensive connections become. When his superiors do not take the information seriously enough, he decides to check out a warehouse owned by a shell corporation that the criminal organization is using as a front on his own. There, he stumbles across the very last person he ever thought he would find there...Ava. Soon, they are wrapped up in an international hunt for the people behind the smuggling, and the terrorists who are determined to continue planting bombs in an attempt to take out as many muggleborns as possible.

The story will be told in a similar way to "A Fine Line," with the Prologue taking place at the chronological midpoint, then I'll go back and tell the story leading up to it, then I'll continue on from there. I'm not quite ready to begin posting it yet. I'm going to do the same thing that I did with Rose and Scorpius's story, since it seemed to work so well. I'll outline the whole thing, flesh out some of the more important scenes, and then begin posting once I feel that I can successfully complete the entire thing without month-long waits between chapters. In the meantime, I hope you'll enjoy the Scorose one-shots!

Again, thank you so much for reading my story. I hope to see you soon!