Pit-Trap: I do not own these characters, TF2, etc.














Sittin' on a fencepost, eatin' a sandvich, "Nom, nom, nom, nom."

Drinkin' some Bonk!, "Whoo, whoo!"

And along came the Heavy Weapons Guy,

He was this big!

So I said, "Heavy, what happened?"

And he said, "I ate leetle Scout."

Sittin' on a fencepost, eatin' a sandvich, "Nom, nom, nom, nom."

Drinkin' some Bonk!, "Whoo, whoo!"

And along came the Heavy Weapons Guy,

He was this big!

So I said, "Heavy, what happened?"

And he said, "I ate puny Pyro."

Sittin' on a fencepost, eatin' a sandvich, "Nom, nom, nom, nom."

Drinkin' some Bonk!, "Whoo, whoo!"

And along came the Heavy Weapons Guy,

He was this big!

So I said, "Heavy, what happened?"

And he said, "I ate the Medic."

Sittin' on a fencepost, eatin' a sandvich, "Nom, nom, nom, nom."

Drinkin' some Bonk!, "Whoo, whoo!"

And along came the Heavy Weapons Guy,

He was this big!

So I said, "Heavy, what happened?"

And he said, "I ate annoying Soldier."

Sittin' on a fencepost, eatin' a sandvich, "Nom, nom, nom, nom."

Drinkin' some Bonk!, "Whoo, whoo!"

And along came the Heavy Weapons Guy,

He was this big!

So I said, "Heavy, what happened?"

And he said, "Spy got me."














A/N: Ah, Herman the Worm. Great campfire song; I love it so. However, I shall enjoy singing this version more than the original.