Hello! Paradise.x here! I changed my name from RizzyRos, because...I just did. So, be quieeetttt. Jkjk, you need your voice to review! Well, I just wanna say WELCOME to Circus de Fairy Tail, my very first Fairy Tail fanfic! I would just like to thank you for even clicking on my story more or less even reading the summary, because I am sure there are millions of circus Fairy Tail fanfics out there. But I promise mine is somewhat unique, it still has the Fire-Breather Natsu in it! Har-Har!
Well, enjoy, my kiddies! And may your every single exhale be coated in lovely fire!
Summary: Her mission was simple. Get in. Rob Blind. Escape. But the more she stays, the more she finds herself not only falling in love with Circus de Fairy Tail, but with a certain fire-breathing boy as well.
Rated M for language, adult scenes, violence, and humor.
Natsu and Lucy
Romance and Humor
Lucy wasn't just bad. She was despicable.Why? She looted that entire family of 24 body builders (including the women!) in about fifteen minutes without even giving it a second thought. Now, most thieves would maybe have stopped to consider the consequences of stealing an entire family fortune from mega-sized monsters, but not Lucy. She had a plan, and she stuck to it like white on rice. And guess what? Her plan worked. Those thugs did not even know what she looked like by the time fifteen minutes was up. Lucy had come back to the guild, set down those thirteen big bags of jewels (how she managed to carry so many was a mystery), smirked, then walked over to the bar to ask the bartender for a normal whiskey. Everyone is used to the sight of Thieve's Guild's top-most member yet least wanted (because she was gone before they could even identify her) walking in unannounced with so much money. The funny thing is, she's dead-broke. She has never been able to spend it on herself, because she was always forced to give it to the guild master Goliean Zambergian. The reason was unknown, yet none dare ask for fear of either upsetting Lucy Heartfilia or the Master himself. Just a single glance from him sent critics running for the hills, for he was also the man who managed to defeat eight dark guilds at once. At 6'7 with large musceles and a scarred complexion, Master had always been the one people would single out for mocking, yet he always made them pay. Always.
Lucy takes a swig of the fiery drink before looking around at her boring guild of boring people. Oh, how she desired to see some action going on, like a fight between total opposites, or even a fucking love triangle for Pete's sake! At least something mildly interesting to spice up the place, but every time Lucy tried to get everyone wilded up, they would just shoot her dirty looks and keep on getting themselves drunk, and not in the good way. She eventually gave up and just went with the flow, begging for the night to come already. She takes another drink, then asks for another. She felt like getting drunk tonight, maybe even so drunk she'll get laid. Anything to stir the boredom that drenched her like a flood.
"Here you are." Is the scratchy voice of the Thieve's Guild's main bartender. He was a nice man who kept to himself, like Lucy. "One whiskey. Don't get yourself too drunk, missy, it's getting late."
Lucy smiles sweetly at the old man, "Thanks, Gregory-san. I think I should go home anyway." She really wanted to get drunk, but the wiser part of her screeched at her to go home.
"That's a good girl. Run along now, before the muggers come out."
"Pfft, okay." Lucy could handle a few measly human muggers. "See you tomorrow, I guess."
Lucy nods, gets up from the stool she was sitting on, and trots over to the guild's main doors. She is just about to push them open when a slimy voice right behind her says,
"Lucy-san, not so fast. Master wishes to see you."
The blonde Celestrial Sprit Mage sighs and turns around to see Chestlie Vix-a gorgeous and bitchy young swords master mage- staring at her with those narrowed green eyes. Oh, how those eyes pissed Lucy off.
"Fine. Where is he?"
"S-class floor."
"Thanks." She lets venom slide into her voice.
Chestlie narrows her eyes even more and stalks away, many men staring at her breasts as they bounced up and down with each step she took.
"Pfft," Lucy murmurs, "slut." Then, she walks over to the towering dark and dank staircase that led up to the S-class floor. Lucy had clearance there, for she was an S-class mage in this Guild of Thieves. She goes up step by step, the acient wood creaking under her weight. When she comes to the top, she is greeted with the sight of her Master sitting in a large leather chair with a large metal table in front of him with a large horse-hide strapped book resting on it's top. Lucy grimances at the largness of everything, and comes over to stand in front of him. She bows her head in respect, only lifting it high when he says, "Rise." in that big, booming voice of his. She looks at him square in the eye, choclate meeting grey. "You requested me, Master?"
"Yes, sit down." He has a weird glint in his eye.
Lucy looks around, seeing no other chair but his. She frowns, then, seeing no other option, sits on the ground in a comfortable criss-cross. She looks up at him expectantly, kind of worried.
"Yes, Master?"
Master Goliean smiles fondly at Lucy, like a father would a beloved child, "Lucy, my sweet Lucy, I have another job for you."
Lucy frowns and says, "It isn't like the one in that dark guild, is it? I had to be...active with a man to get the fortune." 'Active' meaning assaulting, then murdering, which was something Lucy liked to never do.
"Oh, no, no, no! Nothing of the sort! I have spied an excellent fish in the sea indeed...but it's Master already knows who I am so I cannot infultrate it."
Lucy curiously quirks a perfect eyebrow, "It's Master?"
"Yes, Master Marcov, I am sure you have heard of him."
Lucy's eyes go wide and she says, "Of the notorious Circus de Fairy Tail? B-but, they are a guild of top-notch mages!"
"Yes! But they have diminished themselves to lowly circus performers. They will be practically harmless!"
Lucy frowns, not convinced, "But still..."
Her Master's gray eyes narrow and he says in a low and dangerous tone, "Are you scared, Lucy?"
Lucy cringes, "No...no! I am not!" She says with surprising strength. "You want me to infiltrate this circus, get them to trust me, then take everything they have? Is that what you are saying?"
Master nods, eyes shining with pride.
Lucy ponders this, eyes going distant as she goes over Pros and Cons. Pros- she could get so much money, her grand kids would be bathing in money. Cons- she could get found out and killed at the hands of angry mages. Hm, tough to chose.
Suddenly, a evil smirk dawns on her face, and she says silkily to her Master, "I accept this mission. When do I leave?"
Master stands up and helps Lucy to her feet, "Now!"
Five hours later, Lucy is aboard a train heading at breakneck speed towards the last known location of Circus de Fairy Tail, trying to get some sleep in the solitary and isolated cabin. She peeks out the window, mind filled with images of her either being choked to death by mages with no faces, or being slapped on the back and congratulated by her Master at collecting so much money for the guild. She relishes in that daydream for awhile, before being sucked back into the present by the announcement of "We are now reaching Mangolia Town. Please, remained seated until the train has come to a complete stop. Thank you for riding Fiore National Railroads and have a great day." by an extremely friendly womanly-tone over the intercom. She sighs and waits as the train comes to a stop at the crowded train station. People start getting up in the other cabins, so she gets up to. She stretches up to get her stuff and could of sworn she heard the whistle of a man. She growls to herself and quickly takes down her bag from the metal shelf above her seat. She turns and opens the cabin door, stepping into the line of people heading towards the exit of the train. When she finally manages to get out of the train, she is then lost into a crowd of different and odd looking people. Not one person looked even slightly like another. Everyone was wearing different clothing. Nothing was similar. It was...nice. Lucy smiles brilliantly and walks over to the benches. She sits down on one, still smiling, but now only slightly. She glances around, waiting for the crowd to die down before she even bothered to stand up, much less walk around. She looks for posters or fliers for upcoming attractions, only seeing announcements of zoos or fairs or festivals that held no value to her. When she happens to look to the right exactly at that moment, she glimpses the words, Circus de Fairy Tail. She smiles at how easy it was. She stands up and makes her way over to the large bulletin board that was covered in graffiti, except a large piece of glossy paper that read,
'Come one, come all to Circus de Fairy Tail, for a night of magic, mystery, and excitement!
Experience the beautiful Titania Erza Scarlet wield swords faster than human comprehension!
See the handsome Gray of Ice create beautiful sculptures of ice in seconds before your very eyes!
Be blown away by the Fire-Breather Natsu as he sets flame to the excitement in everyone!'
Lucy sees a picture of a rather handsome young man with pink hair with fire erupting from his mouth. His face holds intense emotions, yet his eyes don't. Those onyx orbs hold only true happiness, something that can only be seen once in a life time. Lucy smiles softly, before reading the rest,
'Only June 1st, 2nd, and 3rd only at the wonderful Mangolia Fields, at a price only 50 jewels per person! We hope to see you at Circus de Fairy Tail!'
Lucy smiles softly at the poster, a plan already blossoming inside her. She would go, scope the place out, 'accidentally' wander backstage, charm them with her antics, and boom! She would have all the Fairy Tail fortune with her and she will be on a train back to her beloved Thieve's Guild! She giggles slightly, before pulling out a pen and writing on her hand, June 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Mangolia Fields 50 jewels. She smirks and puts away the pen, giggling again.
"You can get ink poisoning that way, little lady." A scratchy old voice says next to her. Lucy looks up, yet sees no one. "Down here!" Lucy looks down to be greeted with the sight of an old man with a rather strange hat on and a long staff. She cocks her head,
"Excuse me?"
"Writing on your hand. It can give you ink poisoning." The old man says, a smile on his face. Lucy can't help but smile back.
"Oh...w-well I have no paper, so, I had to improvise." She says matter-of-factly, still smiling softly.
"Be more careful, young lady. So, are you going?" He gestures to the poster.
Lucy nods avidly, "Yep! I wouldn't miss it for the world! It seems so amazing!"
"Oh, it is. I have seen it. That Natsu sure is something. Warms me up just thinking about it."
Lucy smiles even bigger, "Really? He sounds like the star of the show? A fire-breather? Maybe he's half dragon, or somethin'!"
The old man chuckles at the girl's excitement, "Maybe. Well, you best get going. Tonight is the first night. I believe it is in..." He glances at a watch on his right hand, "Thirty minutes."
Lucy gasps, "Oh, no! B-but, I have to race home and get money! I'm gonna miss it!"
The old man chuckles again before pulling out 50 jewels. Lucy gasps as he hands it to her.
"Oh, no, I could not take that from you!" Lucy says, sadness upon her face.
"Just take it. I have much more."
Lucy smiles, but an evil thought pops in her head, Wring this old bat, he's loaded and you know it. Look at his colors. A noble. But, for some reason, she just could not do it. She had a feeling she would feel horrible if she did. Plus, he was an old man. Mega-body builders were one thing, but old men? Lucy wasn't that evil. She frowns, before taking it from him. She nods to him in thanks,
"Thank you so much, kind sir. I must hurry."
"Of course, of course. Have a good time, young lady."
"Oh, just Lucy."
"Lucy, eh? I'm Marcov. Now, hurry along now."
Lucy's blood drains from her face. Oh. My. God. She had just given her name to the Master of the guild she was to infiltrate. She was the worst thief ever. Lucy nods, sweat appearing on her brow, "T-thank you, Marcov-sama. Good night!" Then, she runs off, clutching her hat to her head.
Master Marcov watches after her, a knowing smile upon his face, Lucy, eh? Interesting move, Master Goliean.
Thanks for reading the first chapter of Circus de Fairy Tail! Please, please, please review! Review means that you want me to continue! Thanks for everything, everyone!
With best wishes including flames of passion,