Hey lovely people of fanfiction. I am sorry to inform you but this is not an update.
You see just after my last update I went away on holiday for a month then a week or so after we got back my uncle died. Soon after that school started for me and things got a little busy.
Then I had surgery and I got my first boyfriend and I'm sorry to say that a lot of my spare time has been taken up by him. ^-^
So I have just gotten back from a missions trip in Cambodia a week ago and have also been struggling with major writers black for quite a while. On both my stories.
So if any of you lovely people have any ideas to help me get my head out of this block please inform me!
I really want to finish both of my stories but am struggling at it. I am going to have another attempt at writing the next chapter on either 'Mission Overcome' or My Wonderful Life'
Thanks heaps to all or my readers!
Thanks JellyBean.