I absolutely loved Arthur and Ariadne's scene together (where they kiss). What began to irk me was how it wasn't hinted anywhere else in the movie that Arthur might make a sly move like that. So I figure I'd magnify the tiny moments that might have led up to the kiss.

The dialogue from the movie has been edited a bit.

Suggestions for a different title that would seem to fit the story the best would be much appreciated.

First story on here, be gentle, maybe?

Cheers to a short first chapter(:

R&R would be much appreciated.

Have a great day,


Inception does not belong to me in any way, shape, or form.

Chapter One

Ariadne had been on campus for a good amount of time to know the area like the back of her hand. She knew which stores were good and bad, which alleyways to avoid, and what routes were best to take on days of traffic. Yes, she knew the area well. Yet, this was the first time she'd seen or heard of this warehouse that her new employer, Domonic Cobb, had just introduced her to.

"This is the place we'll be working," Cobb said, closing the door behind her. The inside of the warehouse looked old and torn, with cheap furniture neatly arranged around the room. Ariadne also couldn't help but notice the scant amount of technology that was set on all the plastic tables.

"So, this is our new architect?" Said a new voice. Ariadne turned her attention to the source of the voice. Quietly unlocking a silver, sleek brief case stood a tall, lean man whose hair was gelled back and wore a three piece suit. A three piece suit in a warehouse? Ariadne thought. Not exactly the most appropriate place to wear some fancy suit. But then again, who was she to talk about what to wear to certain destinations? She didn't exactly keep up to date on the fashion trends.

"Ariadne, this is Arthur," Cobb said, nodding to the guy. "Our point man."

"Hi," Ariadne said, carefully taking in the guy's-Arthur's appearance.

"Welcome to the team," Arthur said, nodding to Ariadne. "Were you thinking five minutes, Cobb?"

"Sure," Cobb said as he began towards another area in the warehouse. "Just take a seat on one of theā€¦" his eyes carefully drifted to the cheap chairs, a hint of disapproval playing across them. "lawn chairs." He looked at Arthur, seeming to question their new furniture choice.

"They were the only things that were in here when I unlocked the place," Arthur said, beginning to unwrap multiple, thin tubes.

"They look comfy," Ariadne remarked, slinging her red sweater over one of the arms of the chairs.

"They'll suffice," Arthur said. "Five minutes," he muttered, seeming to click a pad in the silver case.

"Five minutes? For what?" Ariadne asked, taking a better look at the warehouse. Her gaze landed on Arthur, beginning to analyze, something she felt important to do since she had just met these men and had just been randomly employed.

She had to admit, she wasn't so sure of her accepting of the job yet. Here she was, suddenly working for a man that looked to be in his 30s, whose decision to employ her seemed to rest on whether or not she could make a complex maze under a certain amount of time. It wasn't that she was scared of Cobb, not at all. If Proffesor Miles had known him and introduced her to him, she was sure he was a good man. Domonic Cobb had kind features, but serious expressions. When he had first talked to her about the job and made her do the maze, Ariadne could feel a sense of importance in this job. She could feel how serious he was and how determined he was to get this job-whatever it was-done.

Ariadne could feel the same determination radiating from Arthur. He looked to be a couple of years younger than Cobb, maybe somewhere in his late 20s or early 30s. His facial features calm and focused on whatever task he had at hand. As he walked towards Cobb to mutter something in his ear, she took notice of how he had a certain swagger to his step. His three piece suit made him look incredibly proffesional, his style disctinctly different than that of Cobb's. And yes, she had to admit it; Arthur the point man was an attractive man.

"For the PASIV," Arthur explained, tapping the sleek, silver brief case. "It's a machine that injects chemicals into your body that will make you go under- to sleep. Its what we use on the subjects and ourselves when we begin the shared dream."

"The what?" Ariadne asked, slowly soaking in his explanation.

Ariadne watched as she saw a corner of Arthur's mouth turn upwards. She couldn't help but feel that she had just questioned something incredibly juvenile to Arthur. As Cobb walked back to them, Arthur said "Just lie down." He nodded towards the lawn chair.

Ariadne took a careful seat on the chair, careful to not get too relaxed, as she was still unsure of what she was doing. "Is that a needle?" She asked Arthur, a glint of light bounced from the skinny item that he held in his hand to her eyes.

"Yeah," Arthur nodded. "I hope you're okay with needles."

"I'm fine with needles," she said, still eyeing the point.

"You'll be fine. It won't hurt you at all," Arthur said, squatting next to her, needle in hand. Still unsure, Ariande glanced at Cobb who sat easily in the lawn chair next to her. She watched him roll up one sleeve, easily slipping the needle in his skin. She looked back at Arthur who had taken her wrist, holding it steady as he slipped it beneath her skin. Glancing at him, she noticed his chocolate colored eyes that seemed to momentarily look back at her.

She mentally scolded herself. She was in a new business environment about to enter this foreign world that seemed impossible to reach, yet, to these men, it seemed like venturing into this world was all but routine to them. In short, Ariadne decided, this was no place to check out the attractive point man. "Just lie back," Arthur said as he pushed a button in the middle of the PASIV, her vision of him beginning to blur out into black.

Ariadne sat up gasping for air, trying to make sure that her stomach was still intact, and that there wasn't a large kitchen knife piercing its layers. She felt adrenaline rushing through her veins, and a million things rushing to her brain all at once, wanting to be made sense of.

"Hey, hey. Look at me, look at me," she heard as a smooth hand rested on her wrist. In attempt, her eyes fluttered open, deciding to keep them closed as she felt as if the room had begun to spin a little. "You're okay."

"Why, why wouldn't I wake up?" She said, putting a hand to her forehead in an attempt to stop the room from spinning. She rapidly tried to shake the feeling of a knife piercing her stomach.

"There was still time on the clock. You can't wake up from a dream unless the time runs out, or, in your case; you die," the voice, which Ariadne guessed to be Arthur, explained. She opened her eyes to find Arthur looking at her. But this time, she took no notice of his chocolate eyes; Instead she turned her vision to find Cobb, striding to a different room.

"She needs a totem," Cobb explained, back turned.

"A what?" Ariande asked, exasperated.

"A totem, it's a small, personal item that-"

"That's some subconscious you've, Cobb," Ariande yelled, interrupting Arthur's explanation. "She's a charmer." She watched as Cobb retreated to a different room.

"Ah, I see you've met Mrs. Cobb," she heard Arthur say, as if he had suddenly understood what had gone on in the dream. She turned to the man who was still squatting on the ground next to her, one hand on the lawn chair for balance.

"She's his wife?" She said, surprised. Why would his wife want to kill her?

"Yeah," he said.

Ariande couldn't help but notice how calm this point man was reacting. While Cobb was in the other room doing who knows what, here sat Arthur, thoroughly in control of whatever was going on despite the fact that he hadn't been anywhere in the dream at all. Sure, she could see flickers of confusion flicker across his face, but it when he heard that Mrs. Cobb had been in the dream, the confusion went just as fast as it had come.

"Anyway," he said, pursuing a different subject. "A totem; you need a small object. Something you can have on you at all time, that no one else knows."

"Like a coin?" she said, trying to process the new term, holding her forehead.

"No, it needs to be more unique," he said bluntly. "Like this is a loaded die." She watched as he pulled out a red die with white dots. Ariadne processed this, beginning to reach for the die when Arthur suddenly enclosed it with a fist.

"Well, I can't let you touch it. That would defeat its purpose," he explained. "See, only I know the balance and the weight of this loaded die."

Ariadne began to feel her rapid heart slow down, the feeling of a large knife piercing her belly beginning to fade. As her eyes settled on Arthur, she let herself look back into his chocolate eyes. Oddly enough, she began to feel her pounding heart begin to slow down, as if she was adopting some of his composure.

"That way, when you look at your totem, you know beyond a doubt that you're not in anyone else's dream," Arthur continued, slipping the red die back in his pocket. His calmness somewhat bothered her. Did he just not hear her scream for her life? Did he not just see Cobb practically run to the other room?

"I don't know if you can't see what's going on, or if you just don't want to, but he has some serious issues that he's tried to bury down there," Ariadne warned, the words tumbling out of her mouth, like she had began to rant. The point man just sat there, listening to her words, his face neither twitching into looks of concern or fear. "And I'm not about to just 'open my mind' to someone like that."

And with this, Ariande quickly strode towards the door, taking no notice of how her red sweater lightly ran into Arthur's face, the edges of his lips slightly twitching upwards. She didn't look behind one time as she slammed the door behind her, her head still spinning from what she had just gone through.

She turned the corner, marching down the street, trying to erase her memory of the dream she had just entered. She tried to forget the boost of power she felt as she was given control of creation. She tried to forget how easy it was to create something in her mind, and see it resurrect itself within Cobb's subconscious. She tried to forget how the buildings and bridges just seemed to pop up by themselves without any kind of large effort going into the mechanics of the actual building process. Yes, she tried to forget. And Ariadne had to admit it, she couldn't shake the desire to walk back to the warehouse and begin to create again. And possibly see the point man again.

Ariadne scolded herself as she forced herself to keep walking down the street.