I DO NOT OWN Naruto all rights go to Masashi Kishimoto they are his characters

I DO NOT OWN One Piece all rights go to Echiiro Oda

AN I Got a lot of shit in my Harry Potter / Pokemon X-over for not fully explaining how Dumbledore found the pokeball's. And why the pokemon went to Hogwarts. So the Luffy topic will be fully explained later in the story it would spoil tons if I explained now.

A Five year old blonde hissed in pain, as he moved through the dark forest. Naruto Uzumaki heard his stomach roar. Today was his birthday, or as he called it the most hated date of the year. His muscles ached from lack of energy. He swung his fist into a tree, and immediately hissed in pain "Why is it always me" The child hissed.

"Aren't you a little young to be out here alone" Naruto looked at the old man in front of him. He wore a faded red vest, and jean shorts. On the top of his head was a worn out straw hat. His skin was wrinkled, and his once pitch black hair, was grey, and white. "My name is Monkey D Luffy" He introduced himself.

Naruto looked at the man's eyes, and seen nothing but concern for him. "I Have to hide" Naruto whispered, his skin was pale from fear.

"Why?" The old man asked. He tugged the straw hat off, and began eating a orange.

"I Don't know why" He looked at the man, his stomach roared as the man ate. Luffy smiled, and handed half the orange to Naruto. "The People of my village hate me" He added, eating the orange quickly.

Luffy smiled sadly. "I See" He handed Naruto a orange. "Do you want to hear a story of me in my younger days?" He asked.

Naruto smiled "Sure thing old man"

For the rest of the day, and into Luffy talked. Holding Naruto's attention with stories of adventures, of his crew, how he had become king of the pirates. His fights with many of the strange, and powerful pirates.

Luffy smiled as boy began to act out the stories. Luffy stopped, and said "Naruto do you want the power to defend yourself?" Luffy had his straw hat off, and put it on the top of Naruto's head.

Naruto looked up from underneath the hat, and nodded. Luffy smiled, and dug into his bag, Naruto watched as pulled out a large purple fruit. "It's called the gum-gum-fruit" Luffy explained.

Naruto looked at the strange purple fruit, he looked up at the old man. And swallowed the fruit whole, he nearly puked at the rubber tasting fruit.

Luffy laughed heartily at the young blonde. "Here this will help you with the powers you have just received" He told Naruto. Luffy handed Naruto a small leather bound book.

Luffy stood up, and began down the path. Naruto jumped up, and yelled "Hey old man where're you going?"

"Back to my wife" Luffy answered simply.

Naruto watched the man disappear, the sun light began peaking over the tree. Naruto sighed "Its a new day. Its time to start my journey to become the greatest Hokage!" He exclaimed throwing his hands into the air. Naruto felt a strange sensation pass over him as his arms stretched into the air.

"What the!" Naruto screams echoed loudly through the forest.


Naruto was standing in the training field, he was snapping his arms lightning fast. Stretching across the field, and slamming into a manikin. His hands snapped back, and he immediately spun his wrist. "Gum Gum Drill" He exclaimed loudly, throwing his fist forward.

His fist spun, and he slammed into the manikin. His spinning fist immediately seared through manikin. Naruto snapped his wrist back, and smiled. Before yelling loudly, his fist raw from the friction, Naruto bounced from foot to foot blowing on his fist. "Never again" He cried.

Naruto didn't notice a man a deep green spandex suit, with a large grin watching him. A Red eyed teen, and silver haired man shook their head. "Naruto has the flames of youth that are burning brightly" The man roared joyously.

"Quite Guy" The green mans comrades snapped in unison.


Naruto was dodging wild haymakers, swung by his classmates. He smirked when he seen an opening "Rapid Fire" Naruto exclaimed jumping into the air, and sending his rubber arms towards the shocked boy. Naruto's class mate threw up his arms to defend himself, but was propelled backwards from the fists.

Naruto smiled, as the boy flew out of the white circle, and rolled unconscious to Iruka's feet. Naruto swung the hat confidently on his outstretched fingers.


Naruto was moving quickly, swinging his arms in a lightning fast movement. He suddenly snapped a large knife out of one of his pouches, and threw it. He was sweating, and breathing deeply. He took the straw hat off his head.

Naruto sighed loudly, the moon glinted off the small pond. Naruto swung his arm and stretched his arm, and jumped into the tree. He was moving quickly. Naruto stopped abruptly, he heard a loud crack of a slap. "Quite brat" A Man hissed loudly.

Naruto looked towards the voice, and moved slower. Naruto glared, at a large man carrying a small girl. The man was thick, wearing pure green. The little girl had was a small blue hair girl with a bowl cut, and white kimono. Her eyes were pure white.

The man slapped the thrashing girl again. "I Said quiet" He growled.

Naruto jumped off the thick branch, and exclaimed "Gum-Gum Rapid Fire!" The man whipped around just in time to take four blurred punch's to his gut. He released the girl, and grabbed his belly, and yelled in pain.

Naruto landed, and spun his fist. "Gum-Gum Drill" Naruto swung, the man screamed in agony, as the fist dug into his belly. "Gum-Gum Wrecking Ball" Naruto finished blowing into his left hand, the hand grew to the size of a bowling ball. He punched the man into a tree trunk with a loud bang. Naruto's arms went back into their normal state. He fell onto his butt, breathing deeply. He cast a glance at the wide eyed girl "Hey are you ok?" He asked.

"I'm fine" She whispered quietly.

Naruto jumped, and looked at the girl in the eyes, he gasped "Hey you're Hinata Hyuga"

She blushed a deep red "Naruto?" Suddenly Naruto felt a searing pain pass over his back, before seeing a flash of white. He fell numbly onto the ground. "Father Naruto saved me" Hinata exclaimed. The tall white eyed Hyuga looked down the blond writhing on the ground. Hinata was standing defiantly in front of him.

"How did he save you?" The man rumbled.

"He used his blood line ability" She said.

Hiashi Hyuga picked the boy up "Lets go, we have to take the boy to Hokage-sama" He grabbed the collar of the unconscious man against the tree, and dragged him along. Fighting the urge to end the man's life,

The greying old man was woken up Hiashi Hyuga, he was carrying Naruto in one arm, and was dragging a Kumo warrior in the other. Hinata followed timidly behind him. "Hokage-sama" Hiashi greeted. "Kumo attempted to take Hinata" He told the Hokage calmly.

He then dropped Naruto on the couch, and flicked his finger. Hinata sat beside the unconscious boy. "Uzumaki defeated the man, and saved Hinata"

The old man sighed loudly, Hiashi watched the man rub his temple. "So do you wish action for this attempt on your daughter?" he questioned.

Hiashi shook his head "I Do not wish another war, but I do want to something that me and Minato spoke of before his death"


The blond haired boy was running through the street laughing loudly. "Naruto!" A jonin ninja screamed from behind him. Naruto swung his fist, which stretched to the top of the roof, he yelled loudly "Gum-Gum-Grappling Hook" He slung shot himself into the air. The jonin nin looked up and shook his head. "Naruto" He sighed.


Naruto was bouncing through the tree line happily. His legs were stretching when he would reach a gap he could cross. His straw hat was bouncing as he jumped. His hands were bound tightly in bandages. He heard a loud crash "Damn it she's tougher then she looks" He heard a growl.

Naruto changed his trajectory, and slung shot towards the voices. He stopped abruptly landing on a thick tree branch. Four men were pinning a black haired girl, with dark red eyes. Naruto eyed the red eyed girl. His eyes filled with hearts, before becoming determined, as the teenagers were trying to tug off her suit.

"Hey stop it now" Naruto ordered loudly. The four men whipped around, and nearly burst out laughing. A short blond haired boy, wearing a worn out straw hat, He had a bright orange vest, which showed his skinny arms. His deep blue pants shorts were blowing in the wind.

The largest man laughed "And who're you suppose to be?" He asked jokingly.

Naruto put his hands on his hips, and exclaimed. "I Am Naruto Uzumaki. And I am going to become the greatest Hokage"

The four looked at each other, and said "Get him"

Naruto froze up, he didn't realise that he could be out classed. Naruto swung his fist lightning fast slowing down their assault on him. He jumped into the air stretching his legs. The four stopped and watched with awe, as he sailed through the air.

He grabbed onto the women's hip and pulled her into him. He jaggedly moved forward, he suddenly a thing wire wrap itself around his leg. "Oh man" He yelled as the two crashed into the ground.

The teenage girl jumped, and "Quick attack now I have them in a genjutsu" she ordered quickly. Naruto reacted immediately.

He blew into both his thumbs, and roared "Gum-Gum Cannon Ball" The four thug's eyes widened as the large fists slammed into in to the center of their bellies. The group flew away from Naruto "Come on" Naruto called out.

The four were rolling on the ground, suddenly a puff of smoke filled up the clearing. The thugs were replaced a silver haired man. a man with a bowl cut, a purple haired teen, and a black haired man with a wild beard. "Holy crap Kakashi how did such a scrawny pack that much of punch" The purpled hair girl gasped loudly.

The silver haired man rubbed the bright red mark in the center of his chest "I don't know" He grunted.

The bowl cut man jumped up and, took a valiant stance. "Naruto-kun's youthfulness sears bright like our sun" He roared.

"Shut it Guy" His three comrades groaned.

Naruto was jogging next to the female. She suddenly turned "I'm Kurenai Yuhi" She introduced herself. "So what was that with your legs?" She asked finally, as they continued down the path.

Naruto let out a loud laugh, and jumped in front of her. He smiled and tugged his cheek, stretching it much farther then naturally possible. "I'm the Konoha rubber man" Came his garbled voice.

Kurenai laughed slightly, as the boy showed off his ability. "Rubber" She laughed.

Naruto nodded, and vowed loudly "Yep, and with these powers I will be the greatest Hokage ever!" He jumped up and threw his arms and legs stretching across the dirt path.

Kurenai watched Naruto bound up and down the path quickly. "Maybe one day Naruto" She told him.

Naruto stopped abruptly, tears came to his eyes. Naruto ran and jumped into the shocked ninja's, arms. "No one has ever believed in my dream" He cried hugging Kurenai tightly. He suddenly released her, and said boldly "You'll be my wife when I become the hokage"

She watched the boy disappear down the path. Kurenai sighed "Yeah right"


Naruto was standing, he did a flurry of hand signs "Clone Jutsu" A feeble, white dead looking clone appeared beside Naruto.

Iruka sighed, as the students laughed "Maybe next time Naruto" He watched Naruto swing his fist into the wall beside the door. Leaving a large dent. "So much potential" He felt the dent "But needs more control"

Naruto sighed as he jumped onto a roof top, and started running into village.


Naruto was snoring, his black was bunched up. He suddenly felt a pair of hands grab him. A pair of red eyes locked with his blue ones. "What are you doing?" She exclaimed. "Hurry wake you need to work on your Clone Jutsu"

Naruto glared at his self proclaimed fiancé. "Fine" He groaned pulling himself out of her grip. She watched Naruto reach down, and pull blue t shirt from the ground, and sniffed it. "Does this smell?" Kurenai winced. He pushed the t-shirt in her face, and asked again "Does this smell?"

Kurenai double take, and exclaimed "Naruto get your dirty shirt out of my face"

Naruto threw it into the ground and walked around the dirty room "How about this T-shirt?" He swung his arm, and stretched it across the room into Kurenai's face.

"Naruto I'm not your mother" She said throwing the T-shirt at the blonde.

Naruto sighed "Fine" He pulled on a third blue shirt. And grabbed his bright orange vest "There happy" He taunted.

She was across the room kicking close into his laundry into a pile. "Do we need to go over cleanliness again" She countered.

Naruto shook his head "No" He then looked at the laundry "Can I use your laundry machines?" He asked. He smiled and looked up, and gave her a puppy dog eye. "Please Kurenai-Chan" He whimpered.

Kurenai hit him "Yes, but don't ever do that again" She said.

Naruto jumped up and did a heel clicker "Yes!" He then grabbed her wrist "Now it's time to learn the clone jutsu"

Across the ninja village, an old man wearing a bright red, and white suit was watching Naruto drag the jonin across the village quickly. A group of Jonin were watching , the old man sighed "So this is why Kurenai didn't come" The hokage couldn't help but have small smile. "Ok begin Kakashi" He ordered calmly.

The silver haired jonin cleared his throat, and said "Inzuka Kiba, Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke" He answered calmly.

The Hokage nodded his head "Ok I agree"

The group of slowly went through the list of Genin candidates. Miles away in the forest, Naruto, and Kurenai were working. Each clone looked nearly dead "Why can't I do this!" He screamed.

Kurenai patted him, and replied "You need better Chakra Control" She looked at the clone before sighing "Naruto I want to teach an extremely dangerous jutsu" She told him.

Naruto jumped and looked at her and nodded hurriedly "Lets go Kurenai-Chan"

Naruto watched as she moved slowly through a variation of the clone jutsu "Shadow Clone Jutsu" She winced slightly.

Naruto walked around the two "What's this" He snapped loudly. "Its just a clone jutsu" Suddenly the clone touched his forehead. Naruto nearly scream "Its solid!"

The clone laughed, and explained "The Shadow Clone Jutsu takes more chakra, which means your massive chakra well will be much more satisfied" Naruto nodded "Now copy exactly what I did" Kurenai ordered.

Naruto smirked, and put his hands together Shadow Clone Jutsu" Kurenai watched the entire paddock become covered in white smoke. "Hey Kurenai-Chan" A Hundred Naruto clones, voices echoed throughout the paddock.

Her eyes widened and she moved her hand from clone to clone. "Naruto!" She yelled and started punching the clones.

Naruto dispersed the clones, Kurenai grabbed onto Naruto "What's the matter Sensei-Chan?" He asked.

"How are you feeling?" She asked desperately.

Naruto pulled away, and looked down. "Um fine why" Naruto stuttered worriedly.

She looked down in shock at the blonde "Naruto the Shadow Clone Jutsu splits equal amounts of Chakra throughout all of the clones" She told Naruto quickly walking around him.

Naruto turned and said "Well I'm going for ramen" His stomach roared in agreement. "Bye Sensei-Chan"

Kurenai watched Naruto run down the path, after she lost view Naruto she muttered "How much chakra does he have?"


Naruto was sleeping soundly, the dreams of the red eyed women. Four shadows where watching him, the only women in the group growled hatefully "So this is the rubber kid" She was standing over him, and whispered "He doesn't look special"

The six armed boy pulled the girl away "Orochimaru-Sama wants him"

Suddenly the four felt a blade touch their neck "Sound-nin" a female in a cat mask said in shock. "Grab Naruto, take him to Kurenai she'll protect him" The cat masked female ordered calmly. The fifth ninja grabbed Naruto, and in a swirl of leaves he disappeared.

"So bitch are you going to kill us now?" The female sound nin taunted.

The largest of the group whipped around and threw the Anbu into the person holding his comrade with two heads. He kicked the Anbu on the holding the six armed boy. And finally the six armed boy sprayed a web across the room, and locked the female in a cat mask onto the wall. "Maybe next time bitch" The female taunted before diving out the window.

The four sound nin ran out of Konoha. The group was angry "Kimimaro will not be happy that we failed Orochimaru-sama" the female growled lowly.

"We'll get the kid soon enough" The two headed man hissed.

Naruto whipped his head around, as the Anbu flew from roof to roof. "What?" He groaned in his half asleep state. He suddenly felt the sensation of dropping.

The Anbu remained silent as be banged on a door. "What's the matter?" Kurenai groaned, as she pulled open the door. She then caught sight of the blonde, and immediately asked "What happened?"

"The hokage will tell you tomorrow" The Anbu answered, before disappearing in a swirl of leafs.

Kurenai grabbed Naruto, she threw a pillow, and blanket from the closet. "You know where the couch is, goodnight" Naruto stumbled to the couch, and crashed down.

The next morning Naruto was sitting in his desk at the academy. Wearing his footy pyjamas, and his straw hat. Iruka sighed, as his eyes went over the blondes appearance "As you know today is your final day at the academy"

"Your final exam will be graded by a short written exam. And a three part Taijutsu, Weapons, and Ninjutsu exam" He told the class.

Naruto seared through the first part of the exam, passing with a fifty one on his exam. He had of course got top of the class in the Taijutsu portion of his exam, using his trademark brawling style. He once again struggled with his weapons, they were worn out, and dull.

He finally came to "We've been here twice Naruto you know what to do" Iruka told Naruto calmly.

Naruto and put his hands together "Sexy" Iruka froze, and Naruto winced "Change" he exclaimed. Naruto disappeared in a puffy of white smoke. Iruka prepared himself, for when the smoke cleared. The smoke cleared a perfect copy of Iruka was standing in front of original

Iruka clapped "Good work Naruto, but I have to ask it looked like you were going to use your sexy jutsu why did you stop?" The brown skinned teacher asked.

Naruto shivered "I Did it in front of Kurenai-sensei, I spent the next ten hours running from a pack of genjutsu induced dogs"

Iruka attempted not to laugh at Naruto's frightened expression. He said "Ok Naruto next up is the reason you failed the test last time, the Clone Jutsu"

The second teacher watched in shock as the 'Demon Brat is passing his exam' Naruto began to do the hand signs for his jutsu. "Iruka-Sensei can I use an variation on the clone jutsu?" He asked. Iruka nodded, and immediately Naruto exclaimed "Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu" Ten clones of Naruto appeared in front of Iruka, who's jaw dropped.

Iruka got up shakily, he touched the forehead of each Straw Hat wearing clone "Naruto when did you learn this?" He whispered.

"Kurenai-Sensei thought I might be overloading my clones with Chakra, and since the shadow clone takes more chakra she figured it would come easier for me then the regular. I personally came up with the multi-shadow clone jutsu" Naruto explained proudly.

The hokage smiled "Team eight is complete" he whispered to himself.

Iruka grinned proudly, he took one of the leaf head bands from his desk, made his way to Naruto. "Well Naruto congratulations. Naruto you pass"

Naruto shakily took the head band. He took the worn out straw hat from his head, he tied the head band to the base of the straw hat, and exclaimed "I'm a Genin!" He grabbed Iruka and exclaimed "Ichiraku Ramen you're buying"

Iruka sighed "Fine tonight"

"Yee haw" He hollered jokingly running out of the academy.

"Naruto tomorrow you'll get the team assignment" He yelled after the boy.

Mizuki growled in frustration 'How did he pass?'

Naruto was sailing towards the hokage tower. "Lee go get him" Naruto whipped around, two people in matching green jump suits were standing behind him, in matching poses.

A strange flame seemed to burn in their eyes "Yes Guy-Sensei" He roared loudly. The shorter green wearing boy charged Naruto. His bowl cut glinted in the sunlight. "Leaf Hurricane" The boy spun lightning fast kicking Naruto in the belly, then with his left foot kicked Naruto in the ribs, effectively knocking him into the ground.

"What's that!" Naruto yelled, jumping to his feet.

Lee threw his arm in front of him, and yelled "Our youthful fight will the stuff of legends"

"What?" He questioned. But the boy rushed him "Fine you want to fight" Naruto expanded his fist, and the two started trading haymakers. Guy continued to watch the two fight, Lee was kicking more often, but Naruto's durability seemed to counter the advantage.

Lee smirked, as the two swung a strong hook into each other's face. Lee jumped back and laughed "Naruto-Kun lets spar again soon" Lee then put both hands on his hip and laughed "Our youthful Taijutsu will show everyone we're truly splendid ninja"

Naruto sighed "Ok whatever"

Naruto immediately realised he said something wrong, as the fire lit in Guy, and Lee's eyes "Lee his cool attitude is like my eternal rival Kakashi"

"Yes Guy-Sensei" Lee exclaimed.

"Lee we found you an eternal rival"

"Yes Naruto-kun is truly my eternal rival" Lee roared "If I do not beat you in our next spar I'll run on my hands around Konoha fifty times" Lee got into his fighting stance putting his left hand in front of his body.

Naruto whipped around, and ran as the green clad Genin charged. "I just wanted to see the old man" He screamed.

Kurenai was reading her Genin team "Why did I get Naruto"

The Hokage's eye brow went up "I Thought you would want the blonde ball of energy" He stated.

"Nobody wanted him" Kurenai guess.

The old man sighed loudly "Yes if only they saw the potential he has"

She shook her head "Well his skill set doesn't suit me, he's clearly a tiajutsu user" She told him.

"I've already spoken to Might Guy, and he agreed to train him"

"If" Kurenai cut in.

"If he passes his test"

Suddenly Naruto flew into the office pouring sweat "Get them Old Man" Naruto exclaimed, Lee bowed lowly. Sweating slightly, Naruto jumped behind Kurenai , and shoved her "Take him out with some of that Genjutsu" Naruto ordered .

"No Naruto" She stated calmly.

"Come on your my wife to be and you..." She began.

But was cut off as Guy charged in and roared joyously "Kurenai-Chan you're getting married congratulation, I must say I never thought that Naruto-kun would unthaw you"

Kurenai was getting more, and more irritated as Guy continued on his speech. "Naruto-Kun" She whispered too calmly.

Naruto jumped away from her, as a dark aura surrounded her. "Protect me Old Man" Naruto yelled. He dove over the desk but the women grabbed the back of his orange vest. The Hokage watched Kurenai drag Naruto out of his office, as the boy yelled "Don't let her take me!"

The two self proclaimed Green Beasts watched in shock. "I'll Help you my eternal rival" Lee hollered, and charged out of the door.

"No Lee-Kun" Guy chased after Lee.

The hokage rubbed his temple, and muttered "How in the world did I end up with the world most unprofessional"

The next morning Naruto was sitting in the academy classroom, his face was bruised slightly. The group of Genin talked loudly. "Quite" Iruka yelled "Ok now here are your team assignments" He began reading of, until he called out "Team Eight, Hinata Hyuga, Shino Aburame, Naruto Uzumaki. Your Jonin instructor will be Kurenai Yuhi" He looked down "Meet her in training ground thirteen"

Naruto looked at the Blue haired girl he saved years ago she wore a thick cream sweater and blue shorts, she blushed faintly, as she locked eyes. She wore the leaf head band around her neck. The quite boy wore black sun glasses, and a silver sweater, with a high collar that cut off half of his face, he nodded slightly at Naruto.

"Ok good bye, and good luck" Iruka dismissed the class.

Naruto ran, and grabbed Shino, and Hinata. And ran towards the thick forest, they flew across the roofs dragging the two "Naruto let me go" Shino said in monotone.

"Fine" He released the boy, and the two sailed across the gap between buildings. Hinata was ruby, and unable to talk. Naruto smiled as the sailed into the tree. "Keep up Bug Boy" Naruto exclaimed.

Shino grumbled slightly as the blonde continued on. The finally came to a heavily forested area. "Hello Team 8" Hinata, and Shino bowed at the red eyed women.

"Sensei-Chan" Naruto greeted.

She glared slightly, before sighing, and starting to explain "We are team eight using the Hyuga Byakugan, and Aburame bugs we'll specialise in tracking"

Naruto threw his arm up and asked "Then why am I on this team, I can't track at all" His two teammates nodded in agreement.

"The hokage felt we need a Taijutsu user to balance out our team" Kurenai answered calmly. "You'll eventually be our main head on battler" She added.

Naruto smirked and expanded his fist "That's awesome"

"But first you'll have to pass a test of my own" Suddenly a smoke bomb flew down "Damn it Anko to soon" Kurenai coughed loudly. Purple haired women, in a beige trench coat, wearing a mesh t shirt. Appeared in front of the three Genin.

"You have to catch us, and take these" She held six silver bells. The group nodded "Good at least they're not stupid" Shen then looked at Naruto and added "Well two out of three aren't stupid" She then whipped a black ball into the ground. The group became covered in black smoke.

Naruto sat on the ground, Hinata, and Shino followed. "So what's the plan?" Naruto questioned the two.

Shino answered calmly "Well we should go after that Anko lady first"

"Why?" Hinata stuttered quietly.

"Naruto knows tons about Kurenai sensei, so he can probably help us track Kurenai easily" Shino answered coldly.

Naruto nodded in agreement "Ok lets go" The three were walking moving silently across the roofs, they spent most of the morning looking for the purple haired Jonin. They finally found her sitting in a dingy little bar eating Dango, and drinking.

"So I'll attack openly, then you and Hinata attack while her guards down ok" Naruto whispered, and dove off the roof. He landed on in front of the door, Naruto pulled out a kunai.

Anko was laugh as she finished her second to last Dango. She was about to bite on her last Dango, when suddenly a blade flew and destroyed dumpling. Her eyes widened in fury, the patrons of the bar moved to the wall in unison "Who did that!" She roared loudly.

"I Did" Naruto called out loudly.

Anko whipped her head around, her eyes blazed in anger "I'm going to strangle you" She screamed, and charged at the blonde. Naruto slammed the bar door, but was to slow as the door flew off its hinges and slammed into him.

The street went silent as the purple haired women charged at Naruto. "Gum-Gum Rapid Fire" Naruto yelled swinging his fist.

Anko dodged the first fist, and blurred forward, and punched him in the face. Naruto bounced down the street. "That was my last Dango" She roared loudly. She grabbed Naruto and started throttling the Genin. Naruto smiled broadly "Why are you smiling?" She growled.

She suddenly heard a dinging come from behind her "I Was only the distraction" He stated.

"Fine you beat me" She put the blonde on his feet, before giving him a vicious left hook. "You owe me a Dango"

Naruto rubbed his jaw "Yeah" He winced holding his jaw. "Good work guys" He muttered. "That women is nuts" He added.

Hinata stuttered "Where do you think Kurenai-Sensei would be Naruto-Kun"

Naruto thought, before smiling "I know" He then took off. "When we attack her we can't let her focus for even a split second, she's a genjutsu user. So Hinata keep those eyes on" Hinata nodded "Ok lets go"

Naruto jumped from the top of a tree, and landed in front of Kurenai "Sensei-Chan" He greeted calmly.

"Where's the rest of the team?" She asked calmly

"They were to slow" Naruto answered, putting his hands in front of his face.

"Do you really think you can beat me one on one?" Kurenai asked calmly.

Naruto swung his fist, his arms became a blur as he swung haymakers at the genjutsu nin. She smiled, this was the first time in months she got to see him use his rubber abilities. He jumped up, and kicked her in the belly, she grabbed his feet. She was about to spin his feet, but suddenly the shot into her stomach, and sent her sliding into a thick tree.

She growled in frustration at the blonde holding her pinned firmly. She grabbed Naruto's foot, and pushed firmly. Naruto slammed head first into the ground. Naruto rolled and yelled "Gum- Gum Bind" He jumped into her wrapped his rubber body around the women's arms, and legs. "Now Hinata, Shino!" Kurenai's eyes went wide. She heard to thumps behind. The two plucked the bells from her hip. She suddenly disappeared, being replaced by a log.

"You could've escaped" Naruto exclaimed loudly.

She nodded "Yes but and I also knew Hinata, and Shino were waiting in the sidelines" She told the three. "Good work you used your skills, and overcame two jonin, welcome to the ninja world team 8"

Naruto smiled, and grabbed Hinata, and Kurenai "Ichiraku Ramen, Sensei-Chan is buying"

"That's not happening Naruto" Kurenai laughed, as he dragged the two. Shino followed slowly behind them.


Fixed I hope I fixed a lot of the errors in this chapter

Hope you enjoyed, not technically a full X-over

Review five reviews to continue [First chap are the only ones I ask reviews for]