Author Notes: Wow! So the last time I updated this was a year ago. Good thing I didn't leave on a cliff-hanger, that would've sucked Chocobo balls.
My apologies for leaving fanfiction high and dry, little annoying thing called life keeps interrupting my writing time.

Well, a lot has happened this year, and I don't want to bore you with it, so in short I'm back writing again :) I'll hopefully be posting fairly regularly - not as regular as I'd like as I'm still working full-time. But Niqsta is hopefully back in action (yes, I just referred to myself in third person).

This chapter was just sitting on my computer for a good year. Some of you might be a little confused and may need to skim read over previous chapters, for that I'm sorry.

So, without further ado . . .

Chapter 11 – Recognition

The blaring monotonous sound of Rinoa's alarm emanated through the room, a painful irritation to her ears that made her squint in displeasure. With a grunt, she lunged a small fraction forward and slammed her hand down on the alarm, knocking over a few items in the process.

She lethargically rolled onto her back; spreading her arms and legs across the bed, she pushed them out in the same manner as making a snow angel on her bed. She let out a heavy yawn and then rolled onto her side, snuggling her duvet against her and thinking the unthinkable. If only she could use her powers just this once; just another fifteen minutes to rejuvenate herself.

Staying up very late with Squall was probably not such a good idea considering the 6:00AM wake up calls. Rinoa needed at least eight hours beauty sleep on top of the hour naps she took during the day. She wasn't used to this type of (working) life, it was one of the reasons she was put her off from becoming a SeeD, aside from her disbelief in following orders that contradicted everything she stood for.

No, this was just too early, she couldn't fathom how anyone could wake up before the sun rose; it was unnatural, and some power of authority should have made it down right illegal. In that moment of despair, she wished she was in her own bedroom back at Caraway Mansion. She could almost feel the soft duck feathered pillow beneath her head, her fuchsia coloured silk bed-sheets, and the half dozen stuffed animals that slept next to her.

A smile graced her face. There was the ballerina Mog she had received for her tenth birthday with its cute frilly pink skirt, a Cactuar, a wizard Chicobo with removable wand, a Phoenix, a Tonberry decked in a chef's outfit, and of course, her favourite: the Moomba. That particular animal had a voice recorder so that when she pressed on its stomach it repeated the same words. She would have hours of fun making the Moomba say different things.

Recollecting her days at the Mansion felt like a lifetime ago. She hadn't known at the time that her future lay somewhere else, that one day she wouldn't be living at home, but rather in a mercenary institute. That thought a few years ago would have scared her enough to run into Daddy's arms. Her relationship with him had changed over time, now he was most probably the last person she'd run to. Well, other than Seifer.

Regardless of the situation with her father, she was content. So she wasn't exactly thrilled at waking up before the sun, nor did she like that she more or less stacked books for a living and hadn't really thought about her future – currently that thought scared her more. But at present, she was with Squall and that's all that mattered. He would be there for her; he had proven that by saving her countless times. He had promised that he'd always be here and she trusted him.

As another smile graced her face Rinoa realised she didn't mind waking up so early.

Squall walked into the cafeteria, nodding to a few cadets who greeted him, before scanning the crowd for his friends. Spotting them sitting in the far corner from the rest of the inhabitants of the mess hall, Squall rolled the magazine in his hands and tucked it under his arm as he approached his friends.

He had asked them to gather at the cafeteria to update them on a few events that would take place in the upcoming weeks. Martine had him working in the office from the early hours of the day to very late at night. Due to that reason he hadn't had the time to see them individually and thought it was better to huddle them together. Though he wouldn't let Rinoa in on that little secret save she bring up his little criticism on the Forest Owls' method of group meetings. This was obviously different; contingency plans on Garden's square lunch tables were far superior than dusty train floors. However, criticism aside, he could understand the measures that needed to be taken in situations where time was sparse – even if it was quite unorthodox.

Reaching the table where his friends sat, Squall hung his jacket on the spare chair and tossed the magazine on the table, which emanated a soft thwack.

The group's conversation was put to a halt as they turned to look up at him, questioning his bizarre approach. Their gaze drifted between their Commander and the magazine now lying on the table.

Quistis raised an eyebrow. "What's this?"

"This is a magazine, a publication issued at regular intervals, most commonly either weekly or monthly, comprising of advertisements, articles, photographs and stories. They're different to newspapers, normally due to their smaller size, layout, and glossy pages," Squall explained. "The distribution of magazines can be defined in three categories; paid, free and controlled. This particular magazine falls under the paid category, of which I had to pay 100 gil extra than that of a Galbadian citizen since it is imported from the (future) Republic of Timber."

Looking at the group, he could already see Quistis and Rinoa roll their eyes at his more than detailed answer. Zell just sat in his seat clearly confused to what was being said, whereas Irvine and Selphie didn't seem to be too bothered - they quite liked Squall's rare quirkiness.

"In other, simpler terms, this is an issue of Timber Maniacs and I just finished reading it."

"Oh, right!" Zell cried out eagerly, his head bopping energetically to confirm his understanding.

"So, what's this magazine all about?" Quistis asked, picking it up and inspecting the front cover. Her eyes widened with keen interest as she read the main heading to herself before repeating it out loud.

"August Presidential Elections – Galbadia chooses their new leader!"

"Really?" Rinoa piped up excitedly. Whipping her head over Quistis's shoulder she inspected the front cover.

"Absolutely. After Vinzer Deling was killed and Edea returned to her former state, the country was relying on Seifer. Well, we put a lid on that and Galbadia's been under martial law since," Squall clarified as he took a seat next to Rinoa.

The magazine was quickly passed around the table, each one of the group inspecting the two men pictured on the front before it finally landed in Zell's hand, who eagerly flipped through the pages and started reading the article provided.

"Well, it's about time. Maybe this new leader can finally do something towards Galbadia's stability and the treaty with Timber," Quistis remarked.

"I hope they do. Otherwise all our efforts with Deling will go to a complete waste if Timber still isn't liberated," Rinoa quipped. "I should call Zone and Watts and find out what's going on."

The Sorceress couldn't believe that it had been nearly a month ago that their battle with Ultimecia had ended and she still hadn't checked on her friends. It wasn't that she didn't care about them or that she had replaced them, but it was difficult to keep in contact with them when she was so far away and had a lot of other pressing matters on her mind. She still hadn't had the time to sit down and research the implications of her sorceress abilities.

But that still wasn't an excuse. Zone and Watts had done their utmost to keep her safe, in fact Zone even went as far as putting himself in danger just so Quistis could get to G-Garden along with her comrades. Friends like that didn't come along often, and their actions were not to be neglected. Making a mental note to herself, she promised she would call Zone that evening.

"Well, that is what I wanted to discuss with you all. In about two weeks-"

"Oh my God!" Zell cried out, cutting Squall off and attracting the entire group's attention, as well as a few other cadets sitting nearby in the process. "Please tell me this isn't a typo."

The other inhabitants of the table peered over Zell's shoulder, Rinoa and Selphie rising up from their seats trying to look at the magazine opposite them. Squall was the more successful one being seated right next to the Martial Artist and located just what Zell was screaming about.

Sighing from what he knew would be a tangent of sorts, Squall quickly interjected, "No, unfortunately that is his name and he's the likely candidate to be voted for."

"So, Galbadia will have their very own President Willcock?" Zell cackled loudly. Irvine snatched the magazine off his hands and inspected it himself.

"Oh God, that's just too funny to be believable." He placed the magazine on the table, his finger positioned directly underneath the name. The image of the said candidate smiling in high spirits with his name printed underneath his picture just made the scenario far more laughable than it really was.

"Well it's true; I'm to meet him next week. In fact, all Garden officials are to meet with Mr Wilcock and other press. The Gardens' involvement is really just for publicity; show the world that we have united again." Squall briefly glanced at Rinoa, trying to discern if her body language gave away any signs of disappointment. They had already had this conversation the night before and she had assured him she could survive two weeks without him.

But in all honestly, the challenge was being away from her. Since they had met in Timber, there wasn't a day that had passed them both where they weren't together. Even when the party had to split in groups, one heading to the missile base, the other returning to Garden, Squall had kept Rinoa close to him. It was initially due to ordering her to stay close to him back in Deling City for safety reasons – the only order she had stuck to religiously, but he now realised that the order was no longer serving just that purpose alone. Having Rinoa around him, keeping her out of harm's way was not just due the fact they were under contract. No, he had genuine fear for her welfare and, in a slight selfish manner, it made him feel secure knowing she was right beside him.

"Well, do what is required of you to set a good example of SeeD, Squall. Just don't bend over backwards to be nice to him." Zell laughed and the others soon followed with giggles.

"Yeah, because if he's anything like Vinzer Deling, he may just lay into you and give you a good beating." Irvine continued on as Squall rolled his eyes at their joshing.

It wasn't long before the others started to join in the festivities, and so Squall sat there watching and listening as his friends had a good old laugh at the potential president's name.

"I'm sure he's nothing like Deling. If he is picked I'm sure he'll plunge, headfirst into Galbadia's problems." Quistis giggled.

"Well, Galbadia does have many hurdles to overcome, I hope he has the stamina to keep going," Rinoa responded with her own chuckle.

The Commander couldn't help but reveal a small smirk. The guy did have a pretty funny surname. But still, he was a good candidate and Squall couldn't just sit here and allow the prospective president's name to tarnish his reputation.

"All right, all right, he has a funny name, but Martine has known him for a long while now and he said he's a genuine and caring man. He wants the betterment of his country and he's willing to do anything to bring peace and unity to Timber and the rest of Galbadia. Someone like that should be respected; he has my full support in the upcoming erections."

The group's laugher from the unexpected comment echoed through the hall. A number of cadets turned to inspect the commotion, utterly confused by the spectacle; Irvine's fist banging on the table at the play on words, Rinoa holding her sides as she let out a series of cackles, and poor Quistis wiping away humorous tears before a trickle of mascara could run down her pale white cheeks. Squall was always serious and down to business, but even now with his face completely emotionless, it made his joke even more hilarious.

Zell continued on, clearly not yet satisfied, "I sure do hope he doesn't make a cock of himself."

"Yeah, and he'll actually be a firm standing President who'll help Galbadia when he cums to power," Irvine followed on as the other groaned at the last of the jokes.

"Eww, Irvine, not funny, too graphic." Rinoa shook her head, but giggles betrayed her.

Squall sat there in partial silence, watching his friends' laughter and exchange with new found happiness.

Though they had defeated Ultimecia not long ago, throwing himself into Garden work didn't allow him the time to sit and enjoy being with his friends. Even the night of Cid's party had him absent minded from the revelation that he had a father. There really was never a time nor freedom for him to actually sit back and enjoy being with his friends. Enjoy the freedom they had knowing their oppression had ended.

Yet, even that scared him; Rinoa's earlier words were comforting to his ears but his heart knew better than to blindly follow them. Life wasn't as easy as taking each day as it came and just living the 'now'. He had to think about the issues that often popped up out of nowhere; he had to think about tomorrow, if not for his sake, than for his friends. Sure it wasn't nice being the pessimistic one in the group, but for their enjoyment he had to be the cautious one, the deep thinker that never let his guard down.

Nevertheless, even when contemplating all that, Squall realised that this moment in time was a small paradise; a time that while limited, was still a stretch where he could relax and appreciate the company of his friends.

It bemused him that he was even using the 'F' word. Months ago he was insistent that he didn't need anyone in his life, that he had everything that could suffice him. Friends meant emotional baggage, platefuls of problems and the ever annoying invasion of privacy. He had detested such a thing for himself, yet now he couldn't comprehend how he had gone so long without having at least one person to confide in.

As he looked around the table, watching as Selphie giggled with innocence, Quistis holding her hand up to her mouth shyly unable to contain her laughter, even Irvine and Zell who continued to wear out the phallic jokes that had started this entire festivity off. Though he wouldn't ever actually say it, he had to thank Rinoa for opening him up to his friends.

A small inhibition tugged at his heart, the fear of losing his friends, losing Rinoa, still frightened him. It was annoying having his heart fill with doubts and insecurities, but his experiences as a child held more weight than that of the events from the date of his inauguration. He didn't want this to ever end, even with all the workload he was drowning under, he didn't ever want to be away from his friends. Just knowing they were only a corridor away, or typing away in the next office, put his mind at ease knowing he was no longer alone.

Taking a deep breath, Squall swallowed down his fears, smiled at his friends and cleared his throat.

"In all seriousness, I need to inform you all of a few things."

Now that he had gotten the attention back to himself, the group's laughter ceased, blushing faces staring at him intently only just remembering that there was more to the magazine than phallic references.

"Martine and I will be making a trip to Deling City next week. We'll be there a fortnight during which Quistis and Xu will hold the reins here." Squall looked around the table making sure each of the SeeDs plus Irvine and Rinoa were alert. "However, next week there is also a restoration team being sent to Trabia to help with the renovations, I wanted two members of this team to go."

As soon as the words left his mouth, it felt almost surreal. Even his friends flinched at his words, amusement and a flare of reflection as they remembered back to only a couple of months ago when the six of them were considered a 'team'. In a sad sense of reality, it was displeasing to think that they wouldn't be working together as often.

"So, I was thinking maybe Selphie and Irvine to head to Trabia . . . or maybe Selphie and Zell." Squall retracted his statement in doubts of the couple. He knew if he and Rinoa were sent to Trabia, cold freezing Trabia, where they were technically not under Garden rules, and most likely would need to share dorm rooms due to the lack of space, they would be tempted to use the trip for purposes other than restoration.

"No, Selphie and I were looking forward to this. You can trust us Squall, we won't let you down." Irvine smiled at the Commander, who hoped nothing lingered behind his sincerity.

Eventually relenting, Squall nodded and continued on, "All right. So, as you know Martine and I will be-"

"Oh! I got a good one!" Selphie cried out, causing Squall to be cut off for the second time that afternoon.

"Huh?" Squall grunted.

"I got a good joke," Selphie explained. The others looked at one another expectantly.

"Oh . . . okay, we're listening," Rinoa replied turning to face the brunette with full attention.

Selphie cleared her throat, a grin plastered across her face as she spoke. "President Willcock? More like President Won'tcock. Haha!"

The group looked at each other in bizarre wonderment, not sure how to react, before Irvine clapped Selphie on the back and commended her, indicating with his eyes for the others to do the same. "Yeah, that was funny, Sefie."

"Very witty." Quistis couldn't help but smirk.

Squall leaned back against the backrest of his chair, allowing himself a smirk of his own, and looked down at the magazine. It was only natural that his friends would disperse from one tangent to another, completely unaware of the more important, pressing matters. But he liked it; he liked that they could be carefree and thus allow him to relax.

Sure he had to pass on the details and explain the procedure while he would be away. But for the last twenty minutes left of their lunch hour, the Commander decided not to disturb their peace. Instead, he sat there and let himself enjoy his friends' antics, even though his heart was telling him it wouldn't last long. If it didn't, he'd at least enjoy what he could get his hands on now.

Although, next time, he'd inform them of the plans before letting them view any objects of interest.


"Hi, is that Zone? It's Rinoa!" Rinoa cried into the phone excitedly.

"Rinoa? Oh my God, how are you? It's been so long since we last talked, Watts and I have been so worried about you. The last thing we heard from Squall was that you were in a coma, I swear I have a good mind to come down and deal with that guy. He didn't even let us know you were fine. But you are fine, right? How is everything? Where are you now?"

"Zone, Zone, calm down. I'm fine honestly, you worry too much. And please don't blame Squall, it's my fault for not contacting anyone, I was just . . . A lot has happened and I wasn't ready to talk to anyone." Rinoa rubbed her forehead, clenching her eyes shut. There was just far too much to tell and not enough time to explain, at least not on the phone and she really did not want to be having this conversation via a line she wasn't sure was so private. It was Garden after all; Cid could have tampered with the lines to make sure information was not somehow leaked out.

"Is everything all right?" Zone asked. Rinoa could hear the concern in his tone.

"On the whole, things are good. Erm, I really want to see you guys."

"Of course! We're dying to see you. When can you come to Timber? Have you heard about the new elections? We're definitely going for Mr Wilcock; I know for sure he'll get us out of this tight hole."

Rinoa bit her tongue to prevent herself from laughing. Squall and the gang could participate in the joshing, but doubted Zone would find humour in something he was so passionate about.

"Oh, I don't think I can come to Timber. I have a job now."

"Wow, that's great! Where do you work?"

"Oh, well, I actually work in a library . . . at Balamb Garden." Rinoa held her breath, anticipating an influx of new questions.

"Garden? You're in Garden? How long have you been there? Are you going to return? You're not a SeeD, are you? I can't imagine you as a SeeD, Princess."

"No, I'm not a SeeD, I just work for the Library."

"Oh, erm, Rinoa I have to go. Can we talk tonight?"

"Ah, yeah sure, I just called because I'd heard about the presidential elections and wanted to see what you guys were up to. I'd really like to see you guys, so if there's any possible chance that you could come to Balamb, I'd be so grateful." Rinoa could hear the desperation in her voice, but hoped Zone would hear a tone of yearning.

"Sure! The Forest Owls are actually holding a campaign for Mr Wilcock, we're not technically hired, but Naomi knows Mr Wilcock's aunt and Timber's backing him 100 percent."

"So you guys will be pretty busy."

"Well, yeah. But I'm sure Watts and I can spare a week. We can leave Charlie in charge. I think the two of us need a break. Well, other than the two weeks of relaxation we had on the White SeeD ship. But then again, that wasn't too much of a relaxation for me. You know my stomach problems, sea-sickness just made it worse. I don't want to get too graphic, but I spent a week barfing from both ends."

"Eww," Rinoa cried, shaking her head from the mental image. That was not something she wanted to remember ever. "Okay, so how does next week sound? Squall will be away for a week, so I'll more or less be by myself."

"Yeah, sure. We might not be able to stay for the entire week, what with the Press Conference and all, but I think we can manage a few days."

"All right, cool. I guess I'll see you guys next week then?" Rinoa confirmed.

"Okay. I'll call you later on, I really gotta run. We should have been at Leanne's house five minutes ago. We're making banners to put up in the market Square."

"Sounds fun," Rinoa remarked softly. "Take care, Zone. Tell Watts I said hi."

"Will do. Bye."

Cradling the phone to her chest, Rinoa let out a small sigh. With Zone and Watts on their way to Balamb, Squall's absence wouldn't be too severe; she'd have something to distract herself with, although she would never say that to Squall.

Things were finally looking up, a few weeks ago she was despairing at the news of her powers, but now she was handling it a lot better.

Deciding she would tell Squall about her visitors, she skipped to the door and made her way to his office.

The short walk allowed Rinoa to take the time to think about the coming events, more particularly about how Zone and Watts would react to the news of her powers. She wasn't sure if Squall would agree to her telling them, but she had to. They were her friends; they would accept her regardless of what she was supposedly capable of doing. They knew she wasn't like Ultimecia, Adel, or even Edea when she was a sorceress. She was their princess and they would help her.

Now was the time Rinoa needed to be positive and dissuade any negative thoughts that could cause fatalistic attitudes. She couldn't allow herself to be consumed with every evil characteristic mass-stereotyped by people. Growing up she believed all sorts of things attributed to sorceresses; it was her responsibility to disprove these opinions.

With Ultimecia defeated, there was no one to possess her. And she wouldn't allow herself to consider the possibility of another sorceress. Sorry, but some other past Squall and Rinoa could deal with that. Defeating one future sorceress was all she signed up for.

Finally reaching Squall's office, she pushed open the door and flirtatiously cooed, "Hey Leonhart, you wanna get lucky?"

Faltering in her stride, Rinoa was shocked to find Martine seated at the desk, peering over the computer screen with a frown.

"Oh sorry, I was looking for Squall."

Martine frowned at the girl. "He's in a meeting," he replied to her.

Rinoa took diminutive steps backwards upon seeing the man's irritated look. However, before she reached the door, his voice called her back for a 'word'.

What could he possibly want with me? She thought as she sat down opposite him, feeling sick with anticipation.

Martin smiled at the girl, though she questioned this sincerity. She found it difficult to smile back, but tried her best hoping the man was going to be kind.

"Miss Caraway," Martine started off, aware of the involuntary flinch Rinoa made upon hearing her surname. "Don't take this the wrong way, but exactly how long are you planning on staying?"

They both looked at each other expectantly; Rinoa's cheeks blushing in embarrassment as Martine continued to look at the sorceress in displeasure.

Clearing her throat, Rinoa asked, "Erm, why? Is there a problem?"

"Well, let's be honest; your efforts at the library hardly necessitate a reason for a prolonged stay. But most importantly, you've become more of a distraction to Commander Leonhart. A distraction he could do without," Martine did not hold back in his honesty.

Rinoa could feel a hot flush taking over as her back straightened. Judging by Martine's smirk she presumed the colour of her cheeks were mimicking Carbuncle's red jewel.

"I wasn't aware Squall was becoming distracted. In fact, his being here all the time, I have seen less of him than ever," Rinoa said.

"Well the matter still stands, Squall is at the peak of his career and I don't want him distracted by something or someone he'll only regret later on." Rinoa could hear the iciness in Martine's tone.

"If I were you, I wouldn't consume myself in what Squall will potentially regret. He's a grown man, he can take care of himself," Rinoa remarked, but couldn't help the small voice that began questioning her role in Squall's demise. He had been extremely stressed recently, and her concerns regarding Quistis were now looking very pathetic.

"I'm sure he can, I have full faith in Squall. He has all the qualities of being a fine leader for this Garden. But every man has a weakness, a fire that deters him from moving upwards. It's essential that fire is put out while it's small." Martine was no longer smiling.

Rinoa stared back at the acting Headmaster, unsure of what to reply. Before she could conjure any remarks, the man spoke again.

"Tell me, does Squall know about your past?" He cocked his head to the side as if contemplating the question genuinely.

Rinoa gulped. "Of course he does."

"Oh really? I know Squall is a very forgiving character, but surely even he would have concerns about your stay here considering what you did to G-Garden," Martine retorted, his tone laced with bitterness.

"That was an accident!" Rinoa cried.

"Hn, really? An accident? Is that what you told Squall?" Martine shook his head. "Take advice from someone who knows better. Don't base your relationship on lies. It burns quicker than fire."

"My relationship with Squall is none of your business. You should spend your time worrying about things that do concern you," she tersely replied, appalled that he had the nerve to stick his fat crooked nose into her business.

Martine scoffed in response, cocking a thick sandy-brown eyebrow at her. "Miss Caraway, if my Commander is too consumed with his runaway dropout girlfriend than tending to his duties to this school, then I'm afraid it's very much my business."

The last comment struck a chord with the young sorceress, and Rinoa didn't stick around to hear anymore. The back of her chair smacked to the floor as she rushed to get up. Upon arriving at the door, she held the doorknob to slam it shut, but turned around to get one point across.

"I don't need to justify myself to the likes of you. You are, after all, a traitor. How Cid gave you a second chance is beyond me, but then again, he does have a tendency to take in stray dogs."

With the door slammed shut, Rinoa stood very riled, breathing heavily through her nose, teeth clenched in frustration. She hoped her departure didn't look pathetic, although she should have cared less about what Martine thought. Yet, in all honesty, she had left because she didn't trust her body. The tongue was one dangerous weapon Rinoa had used multiple times and gotten herself into deep Behemoth's shit. What she could now do with her hands was far worse.